Inspiring Videos
Trocaire College Libraries
Videos for Nursing Students
Below are links to some thought-provoking and humorous nursing- related videos.
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A Tribute to Nurses
The presenter, Carolyn Jones, spent five years interviewing, photographing and filming nurses across America. She shares personal stories of unwavering dedication of these nurses. (10 minutes)
Do You Ask Doctors Nursing Questions?
This veteran nurse, using real-life examples, empowers patients to ask their healthcare providers the right questions. (7 minutes)
Healthcare’s Top Innovators: Nurses
This talk, sponsored by Johnson & Johnson during the 66th Annual National Student Nurses’ Association (NSNA) Convention in Nashville this past April, discusses the innovator and entrepreneurship spirit in nursing. Excellent talk! (25 minutes)
How Nurses can Help Drive Healthcare Innovation
Rebecca Love, a nurse entrepreneur, discusses the need for nurses to be involved in health care product design and workflow methods.(13 minutes)
I See Dead People: Dreams and Visions of the Dying
Dr. Christopher W. Kerr is the CEO of Hospice Buffalo (he will also be the keynote speaker at the December 2018 Graduation Ceremony at Trocarie). He talks about the dreams and visions of patients who are facing death and discusses these experiences that often provide comfort and meaning and offers insight into the life led and the death anticipated. (17 minutes)
In the Age of Machines, Bedside Manner Matters More than Ever
An interesting talk. Listen for her thoughts on how a nurse treats the human response to the illness. (17.5 minutes)
Lessons from Nursing to the World
19 minutes of pure inspiration!
Nurse Patient AIDET
(4 minutes)
On Being Present, Not Perfect
In this TedTalk, Dr. Meyer draws on both professional and personal experience to illustrate the profound gaps in healthcare communication and how to close them. (19 minute)
Student Nurse Catheter Story
Hilarious talk by Karyn Buxman, a nurse and neurohumorist, about her own student nursing experience and how sometimes all one needs is a little encouragement. (8.5 minutes)
The Next Revolution in Health Care? Empathy
Dr. Rosen speaks of his own family’s experience within the health care system. He asks the question for us to ponder “how would it be if we redesigned the health care system based on empathy?” (12.5 minutes)
What Really Matters at the End of Life
BJ Miller, a palliative medicine and hospice physician, asks the big questions about how we think about death and honoring life. (19 minutes)
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