Social Media Music Promotion
Using Social Media Options for Music Promotion
Independent music artists and bands need to promote their blogs. It's much easier to promote an independent band's music blog that a major label band blog. However, many artists and indie bands are wondering if it's worth the effort of creating and managing a blog. The simple answer to this question is yes!
Radio promotions and hip-hop DJs have always been focused on radio promotion, while independent bands tend to be more focused on music blogs. This might seem strange, since the two mediums seem to be quite different from one another. But, indie bands can now take advantage of blogs and radio promotions in ways that they never could before thanks to social media and increased online interaction. Indie bands need to promote their music blogs for a few reasons.
Social networking, as it is with music blogs, allows you to connect with your fans in a more personal manner than you would with a record label or radio station. It allows you to interact with your fans face to face. Even if you don't personally post on their page, fans can read what they have to say. This is especially important in the case of social networking platforms like Facebook and Twitter, where followers can get immediate updates from a person who might not have the time to reply to direct messages on their wall.
Promoting music blogs has the added benefit that social media sites are continually changing and becoming more friendlier to bloggers. In the past, it was very difficult to get published on popular social networking pages. With the advent of smaller social networks like Twitter, Google+ and Facebook, more music blogs are now being featured on these sites. Large record labels are now having to work harder to get bloggers to their sites. This means that they have more opportunities for music marketing. Here you can also find soundcloud promotion methods that can help you to promote your music online.
Mixtapes are short musical clips that are increasingly popular on Soundcloud. Companies are looking at the music to see if there is a way to use it in an advertisement. Mixtapes are also making huge waves on YouTube and vice versa, making them a prime candidate for music blog promotion and placements.
A music blog can be used to encourage other people on Facebook and twitter to follow your account, so that they are updated about new posts and track listing. Although you won't have the ability to market yourself on Facebook or Twitter, you can keep in touch with your followers and fans, which is vital for the former. People prefer to stay in touch with family and friends via social media. This is why it is crucial to maintain contact with them on Facebook or Twitter. As well as this, your fans will feel a connection to you, which is vital in getting people to view your music blog and mixtapes, and ultimately get email contact from you.
Facebook and its sister social media sites have finally become popular with millions of people joining every month. You could really benefit from creating a Facebook page for music marketing and promotions, despite all the annoying commercial messages that you must endure on TV and in magazines. While the platform is best suited for small radio promotions it could also be used for music marketing and promotions.
Last but not least, it is important to update your status regularly and post links to your songs. Twitter is essential because of this. You can use it to interact with your fans and potential fans, as well as to view latest posts. It also means you don't need to worry about sending out dozens of messages every single day to try to promote your music. You won't need to send more than two messages per day if you have a Facebook or Twitter page for your promotions. This is if you are updating your fans with new material and not tracking any comments.