Superintendent Newsletter
May 2022
Los Altos School District Wins Pivotal Practice Award!
This month, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond announced the winners of the newly created 2022 California Pivotal Practice (CAPP) Award Program. The award program is temporarily replacing the California Distinguished Schools (DS) Program to celebrate schools and districts that implemented an innovative practice during the 2020–21 school year, when California required schools to offer distance learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
LASD received the award for a critical tool we developed to provide a consistent and comprehensive education for all students during the pandemic: the Comprehensive Learning Plan. Comprehensive Learning Plans (CLPs) are digital units of instruction in all curricular areas of K-8 education that follow a consistent format and organization and use shared language. LASD’s Curriculum and Instruction Office developed the CLPs centrally and then provided the plans to teachers to customize for their class. These plans proved to be critical with multiple shifts in our educational delivery model over the school year: from 100% distance learning, to a hybrid approach to a full 100% in-person model. The CLPs contributed to strong student engagement and achievement throughout the school year. Moreover, the plans supported at-risk students during the pandemic, as academic support instructors and mentors could easily access plans for supervised distance learning and additional educational support. We believe the CLPs were a big reason LASD students did not experience widespread learning loss. Our Comprehensive Learning Plans were so effective that we have continued to use them for our Home Hospital program.
For more information on the award click here.
Masking Indoors Is Strongly Recommended
As COVID case rates throughout Santa Clara County are rising, wearing a mask indoors is strongly recommended. We ask all students, teachers and staff to consider wearing a mask indoors to prevent the spread of illness as we close out this amazing school year. If you or your child feel sick, please stay home, notify the school office, and test immediately. Your child will need to be cleared before returning to school. Notify the school of a positive result. Thank you for your ongoing partnership to keep our schools safe and healthy.
LASD STEM Challenge: Rockets!
Students at all grade levels at all 9 of our schools flexed their STEM skills during this Spring's STEM Rocket Challenge. District STEM challenges occur each trimester district wide. This trimester, we challenged our students to design and build a paper rocket during recess and then launch it at lunch! Students competed for the rocket that could travel the longest distance.
STEM challenges like these help students experience the joy and inquiry process of STEM through fun, hands-on projects. We want our students to spark their curiosity and ask questions about how and why their rocket was successful or not. For example, students asked: Why did my rocket curve so much? How come that rocket went further than mine? How can I make mine go further next time? How does the air compressor launcher work?
The best part of the STEM challenge was the mentorship opportunity for our older students. They assisted the younger students with their builds, making this a wonderful experience for all. We look forward to more STEM challenges next year!
LASD 8th Grade Students and the Pursuit of Biliteracy Award
Last year the Los Altos School District Board of Trustees passed a resolution to begin a Pursuit of Biliteracy Award program for our 8th grade students. The mastery of two or more languages makes important contributions to a student’s cognitive development, understanding of diverse cultures, and economic opportunities. Achieving high levels of competency in two or more languages is an integral part of making the vision of student success a reality.
In addition to earning high school credit for World Language studies, students are also recognized for language learning achievements at the end of 8th grade. By beginning the program in 7th grade, students are on the pathway attaining the highest World Language recognition in high school: the Seal of Biliteracy. This is a national award stamped on the students' diploma and high school transcript.
To earn the award students meet the following criteria:
The commitment to learning demonstrated by receiving 3s and 4s on all standards in all report cards throughout Junior High School World Language classes.
The commitment to learning demonstrated by receiving 3s and 4s on all standards in all report cards throughout Junior High School English classes.
The desire to continue language studies in high school and to complete the requirements for the Seal of Biliteracy.
In this first year of the program, over 100 of our 8th grade students are on track and working towards their hard-earned Seal of Biliteracy. We know they have created a strong foundation of World Language to continue this path in high school and beyond.
Please Join Us for Graduation and Promotion Ceremonies
Preschool Graduation
June 7 at 9:30 and 1:15.
8th Grade Graduations
Egan Junior High, June 8, 11am
Blach Intermediate, June 8, 1pmAll Elementary Schools 6th Grade Promotions
June 8 at your child's school. Please look for more information from your principal for details.
All graduation and promotion ceremonies will be held outside following all current state and local public health protocols.
Los Altos School District
Website: lasdschools.org
Location: 201 Covington Road, Los Altos, CA, USA
Phone: 650-947-1150