CPA Tiger Talk
January 16-20, 2023
No School Monday Jan 16: MLK Jr. Day!
There is no school on Monday January 16 in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
"Make a career of humanity. Commit yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights. You will make a better person of yourself, a greater nation of your country, and a finer world to live in."
-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
March for Integrated Schools, 4/18/1959
Words of Wisdom
"No legacy is so rich as honesty."
~ William Shakespeare
We are blessed with an opportunity to inspire young lives each day. While teaching academics is essential, some would say instilling virtues of the heart is of even greater value.
Shakespeare writes, “No legacy is so rich as honesty” because our honesty enriches those around us. By our example children can learn what it means to be an honest human being, and guardians and teachers have the privilege of teaching them that choosing honesty will help them succeed.
Whether we teach young people the value of honesty in their schoolwork, in their responsibilities at home, or in their personal relationships, we leave them a valuable legacy that can serve them well throughout their lives.
Ethical Principle of January: Courage
Dates to Remember
Monday January 16: No school in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Tuesday January 17: Intent to Return Forms are due to the CPA office today (see below)
Wednesday January 18: College Knowledge Night & Active Citizenship Night, 5-7pm (see below)
Friday January 20: Last day of semester 1
Monday January 23: No school for students (Staff grading & reporting day)
Tuesday January 24: CPA Tigers Basketball Games at the Target Center (see below)
Tuesday January 24: First day of semester 2
Monday January 30-Friday February 3: High School Spirit Week (see below)
Wednesday February 1: 2023-2024 New Student Enrollment Deadline
Thursday February 2: Early Release Day (Dismissal at 1pm)
Friday February 3: Tigers Basketball Spirit Game in the RGA
Saturday February 4: CPA Carnival (see below)
Apply for Free or Reduced Price Lunch & Other Benefits!
If you haven't already done so, please complete the application as soon as possible. If you prefer a paper copy, please contact the CPA office.
This week in CPA Tigers athletics:
Recent CPA student highlights:
Congrats to the December Peacebuilders of the Month!
Follow CPA on Social Media to Stay Connected!
Intent to Return Forms Are Due Jan 17!
Student Intent to Return Forms were sent home on January 10. Please return them to the CPA office by January 17. Make sure you save your place at CPA!
College Knowledge and Active Citizenship Night
CPA juniors will also be presenting the Active Citizenship Projects, so come ready to hear about the things they have studied and they way they are getting involved in making their community a better place.
This event is designed with 5th-12th grade students and their families in mind, but it is open to all! Come join in on the fun!
Cheer on the CPA Tigers at the Target Center Game on Jan 24!
You can purchase tickets for $30 each by visiting https://www.nba.com/timberwolves/high-school-basketball-at-target-center-pact-vs-community-of-peace and using the promo code: COMMUNITY when you click on the "Buy Tickets" button below the CPA logo.
Every ticket purchased includes a free ticket to one of four Timberwolves games as an added bonus!
We hope to see you there helping us cheer on CPA Tigers Basketball!
Donations Needed!
Examples of donated items from previous years include themed gift baskets, handmade crafts, gift certificates, and tickets to local events.
The planning committee needs all donations by Wednesday January 25. If you would like to make a donation or if you have any questions, please contact Sadie Fischer at sadief@cpapk12.org or 651-280-4564. Thank you!
High School Spirit Week: Jan 30-Feb 3
Monday 1/30: Comfy Day
Tuesday 1/31: Hat Day
Wednesday 2/1: Iconic Duo Day
Thursday Feb 2: Culture Day
Friday Feb 3: Spirit Day
- 9th Grade: Carolina Blue
- 10th Grade: Navy Blue
- 11th Grade: Gray
- 12th Grade: White
Ethics classes will discuss expectations around Spirit Week attire. If any students are unsure of what would be appropriate to wear during Spirit Week, they can discuss with their Ethics teacher or the administration team.
Spirit Week will end with the CPA Basketball Spirit Game on Friday February 3. We are excited to build CPA pride with you all!
CPA Carnival
Join us on Saturday February 4 from 11-2 for the CPA Carnival! This exciting event is a fundraiser for CPA's programming and will feature games and prizes, a silent auction, a raffle, an inflatable, crafts, and more!
If you would like to help out as part of the planning committee or as a volunteer during the carnival, please contact Sadie Fischer at sadief@cpapk12.org or 651-280-4564!
CPA is Now Enrolling!
Do you have family members or friends looking for a new school community to join? Great news: CPA is now enrolling for the 2023-2024 school year!
One of the best way people find our school is by word of mouth--and this contributes to the feeling of community that we value so highly. So please send this link to your friends, family members, and neighbors who would like to be part of a community like CPA!
Applications are due on Wednesday February 1. Our Enrollment Lottery will take place at 3pm on Wednesday February 8. Thanks for your support!
After School Program Opportunity!
-On the job coding certificate training to enter high paying tech careers. Teens make $15/hr starting at 10 hours a week. Snacks and transportation provided. Mondays & Wednesdays from 3:30-5:30.
-K-3rd grade literacy tutoring centered in the arts in small groups and one-on-one. Students experience various art forms from professional artists, attend field trips, and receive snacks and transportation. Tuesdays & Thursdays from 3:30-5:30.
For more information or to get registered, visit the 30,000 Feet website or call 651-210-3454
CPA's School Closure Policies
We are now in the part of the school year where we have seen weather impact our ability to hold school. Please know that if a decision is made to cancel school due to weather, that will be communicated directly to families through our messaging system, posted on the CPA website, and communicated through local news media outlets. Please do not contact the school or administrators/staff to ask if school will be in session.
School Closure due to Snow and/or Ice
School will be canceled if heavy snow and/or icy conditions make it extremely hazardous or impossible for school buses to travel their routes and for employees to get to work safely. The decision to close school will be made by 6:00 a.m. the morning of a cancellation, and earlier when possible.
School Closure due to Cold
School will likely be canceled if the wind chill is forecast to reach -40°F or colder at 6:30 a.m. The decision to close school will be made by 6:30 p.m. the evening prior.
Attention high school students! Do you want help with finding the right college for you, visiting campuses, and applying for admission and scholarships? Check out TRIO ETS!
TRIO ETS is now recruiting CPA students in grades 9-11 who would like support with all things college. TRIO ETS works with students on Mondays and Tuesdays in the high school library during the school day. They are accepting applications until the end of the semester.
If students and families would like more information, they can reach out to Ben Xiong by email at xiong49@stolaf.edu. Students are also encouraged to stop by the library and chat or get an application!
Photos Needed!
If you have pics of CPA students in action, please share them! Think class projects, field trips, athletics, dances, and more. Ms. Michalak didn't become the yearbook editor until after the fall sports seasons, so we especially need soccer and volleyball photos.
Submit your photos at https://community.lifetouch.com/invite?code=CPATIGERS-23 or email them to kimm@cpapk12.org and include date, names, and grades. Thanks for supporting the CPA yearbook!
PreK-8 Office Procedures Update
If you are planning on picking up your student(s) early from school, the office must be notified by 2:00 PM. Please call 651-776-5151 to notify the office of your plans.
Call the transportation line at 651-280-4588 by 2:00 PM to change your student’s arrangements (either from bus to pick-up OR from pick-up to bus). Any permanent or recurring changes to transportation should be sent to chouak@cpapk12.org or 651-280-4588.
After 2:00 PM, staff are attending to students for end-of-day procedures and are unavailable to deliver messages to students. We want ALL of our students to receive the optimum learning environment and appreciate your understanding in this matter.
CPA values using every possible moment to help our students learn and grow. Parents are discouraged from picking up their children ten or fifteen minutes before dismissal time. This is a valuable time when teachers are putting closure to the day and it is disruptive to the children when the classroom receives phone calls to have students sent to the office.
Weather & Clothing
School Pay
Are you looking for an easier way to make payments at school? Create a SchoolPay account!
SchoolPay accounts make it easier to process any payments you need to make to the school, athletics department, or cafeteria. Families can complete the application for free and reduced price lunch through School Pay, and families who receive free or reduced price lunch can also print their determination letter, which can be used to receive discounts at museums, MTC, and more!
Visit the CPA website to learn more and get started!
Every Meal Weekend Meal Bags
If you have any questions or need support, please contact the social work team.
CPA Safety Tip Line
Translation Support
If you prefer, our liaisons will be happy to translate or explain any announcements in Tiger Talk or answer any questions you have about CPA. Contact Maikao Lee at 651-280-4545 (Hmong), Mariana Majil at 651-289-3742 (Spanish), or Paw Nay Bu at 651-280-4591 (Karen) for support.
If your phone number, address, or enrollment plans change, please call 651-776-5151 to let us know. Thank you!
Community of Peace Academy
Email: connect@cpapk12.org
Website: cpapk12.org
Location: 471 Magnolia Avenue East, Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: 651-776-5151
Facebook: facebook.com/CPATigers