Norton Creek Elementary
Friday Tidbits- November 10, 2023
11/13/2023- School Board Meeting-6pm Haines Center
11/20/2023-11/24/2023- Thanksgiving Break/No School
11/27/2023- School Resumes Today
Please mark these dates on your calendars-
Early Release Days for Elementary school this year(dismissal is at 2:10) are November 29th, January 24th, February 21st, March 20th, and April 24th.
Kindergarten thru 5th Grades-
Students can be dropped off at 7:45am for the school day. If you arrive before that time please keep your child with you until 7:45 as there is no supervision outside until then.
The School Day ends at 3pm on all days except early release days which is 2:10pm. If you pick your children up by car please plan to be here at 3pm daily.
If you are arriving after 8:00am for safety and security you must walk your student into the main office and sign them in.
Our school office is open from 7:30am until 4:00pm on school days.
From The Principal Tony White.....
Sunday marks the celebration of Diwali - the most important festival of the year in India - particularly for Hindus. I want to wish a Very Happy Diwali to each member of our Norton Creek community celebrating this weekend!
Have a wonderful weekend making memories with your favorite people, Norton Creek!
Lost and Found
We have an abundance of lost items in the Lost and Found. We will have the items up front near the office for students/parents on Wednesday November 15th and Thursday November 16th. Your student can check the Lost and Found during the school day. Please email the teacher to let them know they need to look for an item.
Parents may access the Lost and Found afterschool those days from 3:00-3:45pm on Wednesday and Thursday this week. All items will be donated on Friday.
West Chicago Aftercare Program
Attention 5th grade Orchestra Students:
East and North Orchestras are having a Holiday Orchestra Clinic just for YOU on Saturday, Dec. 2 at East High School. This event will include playing holiday songs with high school students, doing a cool music craft, games and cocoa and cookies! Students that participate are invited to play along with the high school students at their winter concert on Thurs. Dec. 7. Please see the flier below to register today! A t-shirt and goody bag are included! Hope to see you there!
Parent Volunteers
News from the Health Office
When do I keep my student home for illness?
Cold and Flu season is upon us. Making the early morning decision as to whether you should send your
child to school when they wake up not feeling well isn’t always an easy decision. District 303 has
guidelines as to when your child should stay home from school:
Keep a child home from school when:
• Your child has had a fever of 100 degrees F or more within the past 24 hours.
• Your child has had vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours.
• Your child has an unexplained rash, sore or pink eyes with a discharge.
• Your child has a persistent, productive cough.
● Your child should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school without taking fever-
reducing medication.
● If a bacterial infection has been diagnosed, your child MUST have 24 hours of antibiotics before
returning to school.
If your child is not feeling well in the morning, but you want them to try to go to school, you can always
call or email the school nurse and homeroom teacher and let her know what is going on with your child.
Then we can work with you during the day if your child comes to the nurse.
● If your child has been injured and requires any activity restrictions at school, please contact the
school nurse and homeroom teacher via email or phone. If your child was seen by a doctor,
please submit a note from the doctor stating what the restrictions are.
● We are at a time of the year when the weather conditions can change considerably throughout
the day. It can be very cold in the morning and then warm up by afternoon. Please send your
child to school with coats/hats/gloves as needed.
Contact the nurse via email at karen.lombardo@d303.org or 331-228-2704
Friendly Reminders From the school office...
A few reminders to keep the school year going.....
How do I contact the nurse?
Please email the nurse at karen.lombardo@d303.org or call 331-228-2704.
How do I contact the office or nurse via email?
Please email the office at nor-office@d303.org
What time can my student arrive to school?
We open the doors at 7:45am for student arrival every morning. Students should not be dropped off before that time as there is no supervision for students. If you arrive before drop off time please keep your child in your car until the appropriate time.
Arriving Late To School-
If your child is arriving after 8:00am please walk them into the school and sign them in. Please also notify the attendance line if you plan to arrive to school after 8:30am.
How do I report an absence?.
Absences should be called in by 7:45 AM if your child will be absent for any portion of the day. The number is 331-228-2700 and has voicemail. You can call during the evening or overnight and leave a message. Please leave your child’s name and the reason why your child is out. If they are ill, please indicate their symptoms.
Even if you notify your child's teacher of an absence via email, we ask that you please still notify the office at nor-office@d303.org for attendance purposes. Please note that if your child is sick, they should be fever free and have no vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school. Of course, you can always email the teacher as well, but you need to formally notify the school of any student absence.
Is your child leaving school early?
Also, if you will be picking up your child early or taking your child out for an appointment, please let our front office know as early in the day as possible by calling the main number at 331-228-2700 or email at nor-office@d303.org. This can be very helpful should a pick-up time be when the child is in specials or at lunch. Kids can be indoors as well as outdoors depending on their schedule and it can take a few extra minutes to locate and get the child down to the office for an early pickup if they are not in their classroom.
Does your child need a prearranged absence?
Students must apply for the privilege of using prearranged absence days through the principal’s office.
This completed form must be turned in at least (2) school days prior to the requested absence to the main office.
The building principal or designee has the authority to grant up to (5) days of excused absence per year
for the following types of absences:
Participation in regional and/or national contests or awards
Family vacation—qualified by the phrase “accompanied by parent”
Special religious events
Please see attached form below or visit the district website at www.d303.org under the FORMS section.
What if my child has a change in dismissal/transportation?
Please let the school know as early as possible if there is a occasional change to your child dismissal by emailing nor-office@d303.org and your child's teacher or call the office directly at 331-228-2701. If it is after 2pm please call the office directly so that we can ensure your child gets the notification of changes. Dismissal time can be very hectic and to help ensure a smooth dismissal, getting any transportation changes for students early is very helpful. Simply call the school office or email at nor-office@d303.org and let them know.
What if my child forgot an item at home?
If your child has forgotten an item at home and it is needed for that day please email the classroom teacher to notify them that you will be dropping an item off. Bring the item labeled with the name and teacher to the office and place the item in the bookcase by the front window.
What is my child lost/misplaced an item at school?
Please ask your child to check the lost and found table. You can also email the classroom teacher to let her know that your student is looking for an item. They will allow time for them to check the table in the Community Room.
Note: Save our school number in your contacts. Norton Creek Elementary: (331) 228-2700.
1st Grade: 11:00-11:20
4th Grade: 11:20-11:40
RISE Students: 11:40-12:00
Kindergarten: 11:40-12:00
2nd Grade: 12:00-12:20
3rd Grade: 12:20-12:40
5th Grade: 12:40-1:00
If your student forgets their lunch please email the classroom teacher and drop off at the main office. Please label with the students full name.