Kangaroo Connection
Weekly updates for our Collins families.
October 6, 2022
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Important Dates
October 14: Grade Level Behavior Parties
October 14: End of 1st 9 weeks
October 17-21st: No School for Students
October 26: Report Cards Go Home
October 29: Collins PTA Fall Festival 10AM-12PM
October 31: Pajama Day
Fall is in the air!
Please remember that students do not have school the week of October 17th-21st. Staff will be attending Professional Development during this week through our very own DVU Academy.
I am very excited to announce our PTA Fall Festival on October 29th. We look forward to welcoming our families to celebrate fall with carnival games, food and fun! This is a great event for our families and fundraiser for our PTA. Please show your support by considering volunteering (see PTA section below) and attending!!
Ashley Fredo
Wow!!! Thank you so much for helping raise money for our school with the chocolate fundraiser!
We have about $7,000 of chocolate sales to collect, so please send in your money!!!
*If you prefer to make a direct donation to the campus instead of participating in the fundraiser, we accept donations all year in the front office via check or cash.
The GT Nomination window for students is now open and has a firm deadline of October 21, 2022. Nominating your child for the GT identification process is completely OPTIONAL. If you are considering nominating your child, it is also a good idea to reach out and talk with teachers.
- This must be filled out in order for your child to move forward with the GT identification process. Only fill out this form if you would like your child to go through the GT identification process. This is optional.
** If your child is previously identified as a student who is Gifted, that identification follows them year after year unless the family reaches out to the school to remove the identifier. **
Students are invited to wear their pajamas for our campus wide PJ Day on Monday, October 31st.
From the PTA
Hello from the PTA!
SAVE THE DATE for Saturday, October 29 from 10 a.m. - Noon.
The PTA will be hosting our first FALL FESTIVAL! Free entry and lots of fun included.
Keep checking the website (https://nces.dvisd.net/parent-page/nces-pta) for updates. The PTA contact for this event is Maria amonm17@gmail.com or 979-492-8470.
Want to volunteer? Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e49a9af2ea6fcc25-sign
And...From Easton Park AFTER the Collins PTA Fall Festival
Volunteer Information
Parent and community volunteers are integral to our school’s success. There are many ways for you to get involved in our community. If you are interested in volunteering, please complete the form below. We look forward to hearing from you!
All on-campus volunteers and parent chaperones for field trips MUST complete a background check and volunteer application. This takes awhile to process so complete yours now!
Please complete the forms below and email to araceli.mcbeth@dvisd.net
English Volunteer Survey:
Spanish Volunteer Survey:
Collins Elementary
Email: collinses@dvisd.net
Website: www.dvisd.net
Phone: 512-386-3900
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewtonCollinsES
Twitter: @DVISD_NCES