Clark-Shaw Magnet School
of Math, Science, and Technology
As a school of choice, our mission at Clark-Shaw Magnet School is to develop students into globally aware and productive citizens who excel academically and are responsible, courteous, life-long learners. This will be accomplished by providing a challenging curriculum in a safe and nurturing environment.
January 9, 2023
Principal's Message
Happy New Year Eagle Family,
It is 2023, the half-way point of the academic school year. Before you know it, May will be here. 3rd Quarter is the busiest quarter of the year. We will celebrate Mardi Gras, spring sports, state assessments, spring break, and so much more.
Parents, please take a few minutes to make sure your student is on track each week. You can do this by checking grades and attendance. 2nd Quarter report card distribution will occur the week of January 16, 2023. If your student is in danger of failing by magnet standards, you will receive an Academic Probation Letter from the teacher. Students who have attendance concerns will receive an Attendance Letter. Both letters will be attached to your child’s report card if there are concerns. The letters indicate possible removal from the program. It is imperative that you review this information and work with the teacher to schedule a conference to review your student’s status.
The magnet application period is now open until January 30, 2023. If you know someone who would like to be a Clark-Shaw Eagle, it is time to apply! More information about the magnet application process and timeline is located on the MCPSS webpage, our website, and our social media pages.
I thank you for your continued support,
Mrs. Taylor-Jackson
“Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.” Napoleon Hill
New Year, New Look!
Signature Academies - Make plans for High School!
Attention all 8th grade students and parents! The Signature Academy application period begins soon! Mobile County Public Schools allows students and parents school choice. The district has 12 comprehensive high schools that are wall to wall academy schools, meaning all 10th-12th graders are associated with a career academy. We understand this may be overwhelming to parents and students when trying to select a high school, which is why we host the Signature Academy Showcase as the "one stop shop" for parents and students of 7th and 8th graders. Parents and students can meet with representatives and students from each school, as well as, representatives from the Career Tech Centers, Augusta Evans, Student Services, Athletics, and Special Education to name a few. Feel free to drop in and have your questions answered regarding your student transitioning into high school. Applications for all signature academies open January 10 and close February 2, 2023. For more information, visit the website at https://www.academiesofmobile.com.
Signature Academy Showcase
Teacher of the Year
We are proud to announce our 2022-2023 Teacher of the Year is Mrs. India Collier! Mrs. Collier is an 8th grade math teacher here at Clark-Shaw. One of the nominators wrote this about her: "Mrs. Collier is a team player. She is always willing to step in and assist where she can. She moved grade levels this year on a moments notice. She co-chairs the Recruitment Committee and co- sponsors the CMS Robotics Team. Mrs. Collier brought her entire family to the robotics competition. She does not let anything or anyone hold her back."
After winning Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Collier said, "This is my 7th year here at Clark Shaw Magnet School, and I have been blessed to be at one of the best schools in the county. Math has always come naturally to me, and I want to share that love with my students. I have always wanted to be the change and the best way for me to do that is through my students. When students succeed, I am happy to know that they have learned skills and strategies that can be used once they move on in life and postgraduate. I greatly appreciate my colleagues nominating and voting for me as teacher of the year."
Faculty Spotlight
This month's faculty spotlight is our Teacher of the Year, Mrs. India Collier!
Mrs. Collier has taught 6th grade math at Clark-Shaw for six years. Just before the beginning of this year, she moved to 8th grade math. She is a graduate of Alma Bryant High School and graduated from Troy University with a Secondary Education in Mathematics degree. Throughout high school and college, she worked at the Lighthouse Restaurant and Kravers Seafood Restaurant. She and her husband have two little boys, a 4-year-old named Gus and a 10-month-old named Neil. Mrs. Collier loves to garden and preserve food and she enjoys music and singing. In her spare time, she likes to crochet.
Some fun facts about Mrs. Collier: She was the drum major for Bryant High School. She also taught her younger sister, Maci Higgins, when she was a student here at Clark-Shaw. (Maci is now a freshman at Auburn University). And in case you haven't noticed, Mrs. Collier is a huge Harry Potter fan!!
Congratulations, Mrs. Collier, on this well-deserved honor!!
Join the new SECME club
Robotics Team Applications
Students who are interested in applying for the 2023-2024 Robotics Team must complete the Google form (link is listed below or you can scan the QR code). If you have questions, please email Mrs. Johnson at smjohnson2@mcpss.com. Link to Google Form (make sure you are logged into your MCPSS account): [click here].
8th grade Yearbook ads
Purchase a Yearbook!
Spelling Bee
Our school-wide Spelling Bee was held in early December featuring the winners of all ELA class competitions. The participants were Hudson Abernethy, Dema Al Fuqaha, Allie Armbrecht, Kensley Barnes, Violet Borchert, Donald Bryars, Shawn Choi, Jacob Cobb, Tristan Dale, Jacob Duncan, Brooks Faust, Aiyanna Frazier, Amar’e George-Mims, Andres Gonzales-Espana, Aniya Green, Tyjhure Green, Zachary Harbin, Karis Jones, Andrew Knox, Garrett Langham, Graham Langham, Grant Langham, NeVeah Norwood, Noah Ouisy, Myles Patton, Julian Pardo-Granados, Landyn Randell, Ashlynn Smith, Kierra Stallworth, Desmon Wallace, Aiden Williams, and Winnie Zhu. The winner of the Spelling Bee was 8th grader Myles Patton, who will represent Clark-Shaw at the county competition. Congratulations!
This year's Spelling Bee finalists were Noah Ouisy (3rd place), Myles Patton (1st place), Garrett Langham (2nd place), and Violet Borchert (4th place).
Archery Team
Our Archery team placed 2nd in the "Shine Bright in the New Year" tournament at Dixon Elementary School last week. Our top archers were Paden Roberts, who scored 276 with 15 perfect 10's; Evan Bonner, who scored 275 with 13 perfect 10's; Isabella Meade, who scored 273 with 12 perfect 10's; Brady Burkett, who scored 266; and Jordyn Adams, who scored 258. Isabella Meade came in 1st place of all 7th grade girls and 2nd of all middle school girls! Paden Roberts came in 2nd place of all 7th grade boys.
The team's next tournament is Gilliard Elementary's "Battle in the Swamp" tournament on Saturday, January 14th. Flight times will be 9:00, 10:00, and 11:00 am. There is a $2 spectator fee.
In other archery news, Clark-Shaw will be hosting its 1st archery tournament February 8 - 11, 2023. Come out and support the teams!
Stuff the Bus
The NJHS would like to thank everyone who supported our participation in Stuff the Bus this year. We are very grateful for your help and support. The final count for toys was 267! That is an amazing number; our kids have some amazing teachers and staff at Clark-Shaw!
December Highlights
Our wonderful PTA officers and volunteers sold tickets to a Winter SnowBall Dance which was held during school hours on December 14th.
Students had a great time socializing at the SnowBall Dance with their friends as they enjoyed the music of our own DJ - Mr. Sayles!
The decorations for the Snowball Dance looked awesome! Thank you, PTA!
The Winter Band Concert was held on December 12th and featured the beginning band, intermediate band, advanced band, jazz band, and dance team. Here, the 6th grade band stands after their performance.
The Dance Team did a wonderful job when they performed at the Winter Concert on December 12th!
The Jazz Band, made up of 7th and 8th grade students, performs at the Winter Band Concert.
Advanced Band, made up of 7th and 8th grade students, performs at the Winter Concert under the direction of Mrs. Crystal Reynolds.
As a reward, students with no demerits were able to wear tacky sweaters and other holiday-themed attire in December. Mrs. Coumanis and her students are shown eating in the cafeteria.
Mrs. Howell's display won 1st place in PTA's door decorating contest!
Mr. Braswell's door (and wall!) display won 2nd place in the door decorating contest. It featured lots of student work created with pixel art.
Third place in PTA's door decorating contest went to Mrs. Jackie Martin for this cute design!
Coach Dallas and our cheerleaders participated in the annual Dawes Christmas Parade in west Mobile in December. Joining them as banner bearers were students who excelled on the ACAP assessment along with Mrs. Manley, Mrs. Howell, and Mrs. Van den Bosch. A good time was had by all!
Eagle Wings, our school's service organization, met after school in December and made treat bags for the staff members who keep Clark-Shaw running! Eagle Wings is sponsored by Mr. Roberts.
PTA sent this message to students, faculty, and staff using yard art before the Christmas break. Thank you, PTA, for all you do!
As a reward for submitting all assignments, students in Mrs. Manley’s 6th grade classes learned how to sew and made gifts for someone they love during this season of giving.
Academic All-Stars
Clark-Shaw Magnet School celebrates the academic success of our very talented students! The students below achieved the highest level attainable (level 4) on the 2022 Spring ACAP (Alabama Comprehensive Assessment Program) assessment for their subject and grade. They are also listed on our website under Academics [link], and banners with their names are located on their hallway. Congratulations to these students for going above and beyond!
Help us recruit!
Track Team Announced
Try-outs for the boys and girls track teams were held in December, and the following students made the teams. Congratulations to all!
Please note: Girls Track Parent Meeting Tuesday January 10 at 5:15 after practice in the gym.
Science Fair
Healthy Heart Month
WOW (Worship on Wednesdays!)
WOW is a group led by our Fellowship of Christian Athletes that meets on select Wednesday mornings at 6:50am for a time of prayer, devotional, and worship songs. All 6th – 8th grade students are welcome! A yellow pass from Ms. Caz will allow you to be released from the cafeteria or gym on the mornings of our meetings to report to Room 207 on 7th grade hall. Dates for WOW are as follows: Jan 18, Feb 1, Feb 8, March 1, March 15, March 29, April 12, May 3, and May 10. Come join us as we start off the day with an encouraging word! For questions or passes, see Ms. Caz (Room 207).
Former Eagles in the News
Our PTA needs you!
Please consider joining or helping our PTA! Joining PTA does NOT require you to volunteer on campus. But for those who would like to help, several opportunities are available, including dance committee, awards committee, concessions and ticket sales, Spring Fling, and other events. We appreciate the efforts and support of our parents and families, and we hope you will consider joining! To join: [click here]
Important Dates
January 2: Teacher work day (no school)
January 3-4: Teacher professional development (no school)
January 5: 3rd Quarter begins
January 16: Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. Day (no school)
January 17: Report cards for 2nd Quarter will go home this week
2022-2023 School Calendar
Follow Clark-Shaw on social media!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clarkshawmagnet
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarkshawmagnet_eagles @clarkshawmagnet_eagles
Twitter: https://twitter.com/clarkshaweagles @clarkshaweagles
Clark-Shaw Magnet School
Timesha Taylor-Jackson, Principal
Website: https://clarkshawmcpssal.schoolinsites.com/
Location: 5960 Arlberg Street, Mobile, AL, USA
Phone: 251-221-2106
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clarkshawmagnet
Twitter: @clarkshaweagles
Newsletter compiled by Dena Van den Bosch, dvandenbosch@mcpss.com