Hawk Squawk January 2024
A newsletter from Hiteon's Parent Teacher Club (PTC)
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Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Julie Nielsen
Before mother nature "rescheduled" Bingo Night for us with a flurry of snow, there was a flurry of a different kind in the works at Hiteon. Putting on a community social event requires a great deal of behind-the-scenes effort, and Hiteon Bingo Night was no exception. From mobilizing volunteers to putting together raffle baskets, securing the space and picking up the prizes, we had volunteers quietly working for days and weeks leading up to the big event. One of those superstar volunteers was 5th grade parent Julie Nielsen. Julie has taken on the role of 5th grade fundraiser/planner/awesome parent volunteer extraordinaire at Hiteon this year and this month, we'd love for you to meet her.
I have two great kids that go to Hiteon - Caileigh (5th grade) and Xander (3rd grade). I work for Westside Soccer Club now, but I used to be a corporate librarian prior to having kids. I love working for the soccer club and having the flexibility and time to volunteer and use my professional skills. Our family loves spending time together, particularly spending time outdoors. We have a cabin in the woods and love hiking and camping.
What was your first volunteer experience at Hiteon?
I started volunteering in the classroom and the library at Hiteon when Caileigh was in 1st grade. I also helped with Art Lit in the classroom that year.
How did you get started volunteering at Hiteon?
I've always enjoyed volunteering in my community. While I was a stay-at-home mom, I found volunteering with the kids fun and rewarding - so I sought out volunteer work at the school. With my background in librarianship I naturally gravitated to the library.
What kinds of activities or events have you volunteered for in the past?
I've mostly volunteered in the kids' classrooms at Hiteon and at their preschool the last 10 years. Outside of Hiteon I've been a Girl Scout Leader for the last 6 years, I served 3 years on the Beaverton Arts Commission, and I served on a few committees for the National Psoriasis Foundation for fundraising. I also help out as a volunteer coach for Westside Soccer Club when needed (my husband, Brent, is a coach for both of our kids).
What do you plan to volunteer for this year?
This year I co-chaired the Book Fair and am working on the 5th grade end-of-year party and fundraising. I volunteer weekly in the library and in the 3rd grade and help with other projects or activities whenever I can. I'm still a Girl Scout Leader, and volunteer some time with Westside as well.
Do you have any fun, cute, funny, or interesting stories about volunteering?
I can't think of a singular experience, but the youngest kids are always fun in the library. I love how excited kids get when they find a book they love. There is nothing like hearing a kindergartener squeal, "I LOVE Elephant and Piggy!!"
What do you like most about volunteering at Hiteon?
I really enjoy the kids and the staff at Hiteon, and I love seeing my kids during the day, and getting to say hello to their friends or girls that are in my Girl Scout troop. I'm especially fond of being able to spend time in the library. I enjoy being able to lend support to Mrs. Sadlouskos and shelving books (I really love books).
What activity are you most looking forward to this year?
The 5th grade party is going to be great!
Why do you think volunteering at the elementary school level is important?
Volunteering at the school is important for so many reasons. Spending time at the school helps parents and community members understand the important work that is done every day by the Hiteon staff. They lovingly and patiently teach our kids and give so much of themselves and their time. It's important for us to support them by giving them a bit of our time. It's also important for kids to see people contributing to their community and their wellbeing. By volunteering our time we are modeling how to be active members of our community and showing our kids that they have value and that they can make a difference.
Any advice or words of wisdom for new volunteers or those thinking about volunteering this year?
Just dive in! Don't be afraid to ask for help or ask how you can help. Look on Better Impact and sign up for something. More helping hands make light work.
To all of the volunteers who signed up to support Julie and team at Bingo Night (and all of our other events this year), thank you! We see you and we appreciate you. If you were thinking about signing up to volunteer but couldn't this round, we hope to see you at our rescheduled Bingo Night in February. Until then, stay safe and warm!
Family Bingo Night RESCHEDULED
The annual Hiteon Bingo Night has been rescheduled for Friday, February 2nd from 6:30-8pm. Please join us for this FREE night of games, PRIZES, and FUN!! Students must be accompanied by an adult - no drop-offs, please.
This is a 5th Grade fundraiser! Help our 5th graders earn funds for their end of year party by bringing CASH to purchase concessions and raffle tickets. Every dollar spent goes to their fund. There will be FIVE raffle baskets and a photo session this year that will go to the lucky raffle winners. Watch for raffle ticket sales before and after school the week of the event!
We need volunteers! Please consider signing up for a shift on the My Impact page or at https://app.betterimpact.com/Login/Login
See's Candy Fundraiser
Hiteon Elementary School PTC needs your sweet support! We're selling yummy See's Candies to raise funds for the Hiteon 5th Grade end-of-year party.
Visit our shop to pick and choose your favorites and buy your candy online. It's that easy!
Happy shopping, and thanks for your support!
RESCHEDULED: Dining for Dollars at Society Pie
The Dining for Dollars event at Society Pie (originally scheduled for January 17th) has been RESCHEDULED due to the inclement weather.
Mark your calendar - the NEW fundraiser date is Tuesday, January 30th - hope to see you there!
Hiteon's First Spring Carnival - Help Us Plan!
Hey Hawks! Please join us on January 31st for an informal meeting where we'll discuss all things carnival-related. Come help us plan for Hiteon's first carnival in the spring together!
Carnival Planning Meeting
Date: January 31, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM (dinner at 6!)
Location: Hiteon Elementary, Room A118
RSVP to this meeting is a must because we're not just serving up ideas – we're serving dinner! Plus, we've got your back with childcare, so you can brainstorm without any worries.
Kindergarten and 1st grade families - this is your time to shine! Our Spring Carnival is hosted by K and 1st grade this year. What does that mean? All are welcome to plan and participate, but families with a Kindergartener or 1st grader this year are especially encouraged to sign up to volunteer. Need more info on how to help out? Come to the planning meeting or email volcoord@hiteonptc.org.
Please RSVP by Friday, January 26th to info@hiteonptc.org
See you at the carnival planning meeting!
Join the Fun Run Planning Committee!
Planning for Fun Run has officially begun! Big thanks to the volunteers who attended the first planning session in January.
Due to the inclement weather, the next Fun Run Planning Committee meeting has been tentatively rescheduled for Monday, February 5th at 6pm in Hiteon room A118. All are welcome, so even if you didn't make the first meeting, please feel free to join Carmem and team for the next one where they'll solidify the theme, finalize dates for kick-off and prize assemblies, and start talking about prizes. Hope to see you there!
5th Grade End of Year Party Planning Committee
BIG thank you to everyone who contributed to the raffle baskets and who signed up to volunteer at our tables on BINGO night! Our next fundraising opportunity for 5th grade (after the rescheduled Bingo Night) is the Science Fair in March. We will have a concession table at that event and will need some supplies and volunteer support. Please watch for a sign up through Better Impact!
Our next meeting will be Wednesday, February 28 at 6pm in room A118.
Hiteon's Walking School Bus is Back!
Lace up your shoes because Hiteon's Walking School Bus is starting up in February! This special version of the Walking School Bus is led by our fabulous 5th grade families in an effort to receive a $500 grant to be used towards the 5th grade end of year party. The Walking School Bus is a great way to exercise, hang with your friends, meet other Hiteon families and avoid the drop off lines.
ALERT!!!! 5th Grade Families - we are looking for 5th grade families/students to lead the bus once a month on Wednesdays. Even better if we can get a few buses going from different locations.
If you already walk to school, this is a great opportunity to help the 5th graders earn money for their party. If you are interested, please contact Teresa Fear at vp2committees@hiteonptc.org.
The Battle (of Books!) is About to Begin!
Get ready to rumble! The Hiteon 4th and 5th grade OBOB teams start their battles this week.
What are battles? It's when the OBOB 4-5 person teams battle against each other and display their reading comprehension and their sweet trivia skills to determine one Hiteon OBOB Champion. OBOB battles happen during 4th and 5th grade lunches (11:30-1:10pm) a couple days a week until mid-February.
We are still in need of moderators to ask the questions and timers/scorekeepers to record the details. The battle sign ups are not posted in Better Impact so please contact vp2committees@hiteonptc.org if you're interested in helping.
Support Hiteon Classrooms by Donating Space Heaters
As many of you know, the Hiteon HVAC system is temperamental (despite heroic efforts by the Hiteon staff to keep it cool in the heat and warm in the cold). With the recent cold weather, it's become apparent that the classrooms could use a little extra heat source.
We're using the Donors Choose website to organize a campaign for Hiteon families and friends to donate district approved space heaters to help with the heating effort. Watch for more details on how you can help and a donation link to come soon.
Lost & Found Reminders
The rainy/chilly season is here, and lots of raincoats and other warm jackets have made their way to the Lost & Found cart. Please remind your children to take a look on the Lost & Found cart for those missing items. You are also welcome to stop by the school to take a look.
Items that are labeled with a student’s last name are easily returned to their owner. If you haven’t already, please take a moment to clearly label your student’s items. Lots of coats now come with an area to easily write your child's name, this makes it very easy to find the student's name. The Lost and Found cart is located across from the adult bathrooms near the Main Office lobby.
Hiteon Elementary has a 30-day Lost and Found Policy. Please be aware that the Lost and Found cart will be completely emptied at the end of each month. Unclaimed items are donated to the Beaverton School District Clothes For Kids for district families in need. This month all items will be removed from the Lost and Found cart on Monday, January 29th.
Mark Your Calendar: Hiteon PTC February General Meeting
We’re getting the band back together on February 7, 2024 and we’ve got some beans to spill. Join us at our February General Meeting so we can talk amongst ourselves and the Principals about the Spring Carnival, Fun Run details, and maybe find some new folks for these open board positions we keep hearing about. Let’s start off the new year with a very informal yet informational meeting. We'll convene at Hiteon in Room A118 and virtually via Zoom.
When: Wednesday, February 7th, from 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
We look forward to meeting with you all!
Join Zoom Meeting - February PTC General Meeting (bit.ly/3Zcue68)
Meeting ID: 619 839 6168
Passcode: Hiteon2324
Note: General Meetings this year will be every other month beginning in September. For a complete list of meeting dates, check the Hiteon PTC calendar.
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
19 Popcorn Friday CANCELLED
19 Green Team Meeting CANCELLED
26 NO SCHOOL - Grading Day
29 Lost & Found cart emptied
30 Dining for Dollars at Society Pie
31 Carnival Planning Meeting, 6-7pm, Hiteon A118
2 Bingo Night, 6:30-8pm
5 Fun Run Planning Committee Meeting, 6pm, Hiteon A118
7 PTC General Meeting, 7-8pm, Hiteon A118
15 Art Lit Training, 9:30-11:00am
16 Popcorn Friday
16 Green Team Meeting, 2:45-4:00pm
19 NO SCHOOL - President's Day
20 NO SCHOOL - Staff Development
28 5th Grade Party Planning Committee meeting, 6pm, Hiteon A118
Hiteon PTC Executive Board
President: Kim Rivers and Stradivari Sibulboro | president@hiteonptc.org
VP1 Fundraising: Carmem Pfeifer | vp1fundraising@hiteonptc.org
VP2 Community Events: Teresa Fear | vp2committees@hiteonptc.org
Treasurer: Megan Mumford | treasurer@hiteonptc.org
Secretary: Ashleigh Hendrick-Horner | secretary@hiteonptc.org
Volunteer Coordinator: Jen Weibel | volcoord@hiteonptc.org
For more information visit our Website or Facebook Page
Interested in Volunteering? Submit your Background Check Application
Existing Volunteer? Sign in and look for volunteer opportunities.