The Branch
A Monthly Newsletter from RootEd
Virtual and On-Campus
Vote 2020
- October 5, 2020 — Last Day to Register to Vote
- October 23, 2020 — Vote by mail application due
- October 13-30, 2020 — Early Voting
- November 3, 2020 • 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. — Election Day
- get info on the vote here
Band at Hobby MS in Northside ISD figured out how to make it work!
Figuring out the Needs
Clark HS Librarians, Mrs. Podmore and Mrs. Carr took their Book Bus out to the neighborhoods today for a Pop-Up Library! Students had an opportunity to reserve books ahead of time, to pick up or browse the available titles on the carts. There were many popular titles and authors available to choose from. Students were also able to check out Learning Kits that include supplies and tutorials on subjects like hand lettering or knitting. Thinking outside of the box and changing based on need...how cool is that?!!
Phasing In
#RootEdOakMeadow #RootEdNEISD
Kiddos On Campus
RootEd out in the Community
Go Public!
Education Chat
Signs around Town!
RootEd Rep Chat
RootEd Podcast Discussion Group
Ready to dive into some podcasts that either may get you fired up or ruffled about public education?
Come listen with us!!
Updated RootEd Store!!
Check out all the fun items you can purchase to support RootEd and your neighborhood schools! We are loving all the new items!!
Order here
RootEd Rep Spotlight: Kathy Mochel
"I am excited to be part of a great team of Rooted Reps for Colonies North Elementary, Hobby Middle School, and Clark High School! Together we are: a social media guru, a teacher, a graphic arts specialist, a wordsmith, a librarian, and a PTA frontman!
When presented with the opportunity to show how our schools shine, I was immediately hooked because I could already see all of the wonderful things happening for my own children. Serving on the PTA board gave me a behind the scenes perspective, and helped me establish connections within our school community. That is where RootEd found me!
Our nearby zip codes contain a significant number of charter schools. Our neighborhood schools weren’t actively competing to keep families who were looking elsewhere for elementary and middle schools. Promoting the amazing opportunities found at our neighborhood schools is what was missing, and this is why I am RootEd. We have a cohesive way to tell our stories and share our experiences.
I LOVE all the opportunities our public schools offer our children! My youngest loves art, STEM, and music at Colonies North Elementary. My middle schooler plays trombone in the Hobby band, and is thrilled to play football for the 7th grade Hawks. My oldest participates in Aquatics and is on the STEM track at Clark. I can’t wait to see what we can do together when we keep telling our stories!"
#RootedColoniesNorth #RootEdHobby #RootEdClark
About RootEd
Email: info@proudlyrooted.com
Website: www.proudlyrooted.com
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Phone: (210) 617-0824
Facebook: facebook.com/RootEdTexas
Twitter: @RootEdSA