Florence Sawyer School Happenings
Monday, September 12, 2022
Principal's Message
Dear Families,
We are looking forward to welcoming families in grades 5-8 tonight to the second of our FSS Open Houses.
The format for our Grade 5-8 Open House is intended to give families the flexibility to meet the teacher during the scheduled blocks below. Understanding that many of you have met the teacher teams and are aware of the grade level expectations through prior experiences, teachers will not have formal presentations but will have information available in the classrooms.
We will also make all of the presentations available online next week for families who may be unable to attend.
This is a reminder that this Friday is our first Early Dismissal day for students. Students will be dismissed at 12:15. Please ensure that your children and their teachers are aware of any changes to their normal Friday routine. Friday will be a D Schedule day using only the even numbered periods.
Yours in partnership,
Joel Bates,
Grades 5-8 Open House Schedule , Tuesday, September 13
Please find the schedule of our Open House below
- 6:15 - 6:25: Auditorium - Welcome from Administration Team
- 6:25 - 6:30: Auditorium - PTO
- 6:30 - 7:00: Auditorium - Specialists Presentations
- 7:05 - 7:10: Travel to Classrooms (upstairs) Maps available in Lobby
- 7:10 - 8:00: Meet the teachers (see details below)
7:10- 7:25
Grade 5 - Meet the teachers in the classrooms
Grade 6 - Stay in the Auditorium
Grade 7 - Families visit classrooms
Grade 8 - Families visit classrooms
7:30 - 8:00
Grade 5 - Families go back to the auditorium for presentations
Grade 6 - Families visit classrooms
Grade 7 - Families visit classrooms
Grade 8 - Families visit classrooms
Open House Babysitting Available
Get involved in our new PTO!
Thank you to all who have expressed interested in assisting with the Bolton PTO! We will be in touch shortly to provide more ways to get involved. In the meantime, we have scheduled two information sessions at the end of September and would love for you to join us on Zoom or in person. Tuesday, September 28th at 8 PM on Zoom (https://wpi.zoom.us/j/3069539802) or Friday, September 30th at 9 am at the Bolton Bean.
As a reminder, the Bolton PTO was formed at the end of the last school year through the merger of the Bolton School Donations Committee (BSDC) and the FSS PAC. Have no fear, all of the activities that you know and love will still continue under the Bolton PTO! To kick off this new era, we are looking for new volunteers to join the new organization in the Fall. Please use this form to share your interest and we will be in touch with more information! For questions, please contact Laura Roberts, lroberts@wpi.edu. Thank you!
Walking to Trinity Church parking Lot
We have resumed the practice of walking to Trinity Church Parking Lot following our dismissal. Students, with parental permission sent to FSSattendance@nrsd.net will be escorted to Trinity Church parking lot following the dismissal of our buses. Families should expect students to arrive at Trinity Church Parking Lot between 3:15 and 3:20 depending on the departure of our buses.
School Lunch Program
The universal free lunch program has been extended through the 2022-2023 school year. As a result, school lunches will be offered at no charge to all students this school year. Please be aware that this offer extends to one lunch serving per day. Should a student request a second lunch serving, their account will be charged accordingly.
All students must register for a lunch account on My School Bucks to receive their daily lunch. Families can register by selecting “Lunch Menu and Payment” under Quick Links on the homepage of our website nrsd.net.
Dropping off students
Families dropping off students at the Sawyer Wing should drive around the building to the right side. Our NRSD Facilities team installed a new sidewalk along the right side of the building for better separation from the cars.
Families dropping off at the Emerson Wing should drive around the building and drop off on the right side.
Dismissal Procedures
- Students being picked up will be directed to go to the rear of the Sawyer or Emerson Wing where staff members will help them find your car. Please do not get out of your car unless it is necessary.
- Students riding the buses should know what their bus number is. We dismiss buses simultaneously from each wing on our campus. Those buses then travel to the other wing to pick up more students and leave campus.
- Students participating in the Extended Learning Program will be dismissed to the coordinators, who will record attendance to ensure all students are accounted for.
Middle School Cross Country Registration
FSS Cross Country is back! Students in grades 6-8 are invited to register for the 2022 season. All students MUST register online and have a current physical exam to be eligible to participate in a fall sport.
Please find the NRSD Middle Level Athletics Handbook
To register go to, 2022 Sawyer Cross Country Team Registration
The following letter explains the Online Registration Process
You can follow the team's schedule at the following site. NRSD Athletics Schedules
Save the Dates
This Month
September 13 - 5-8 Open House 6:30
September 14 - FSS School Council 3:30 - FSS Library
September 16 - Early Dismissal for Students - 12:15
Next Month
October 6 - Grade 1 Field Trip
October 10 - No School
October 13 - FSS School Council
October 21 - Early Dismissal for Students - 12:15
The FSS Virtual Backpack
Virtual Backpack Current Flyers & Form
- Power School New Web address
- August/September Lunch Menu
- 2022-2023 NRSD Calendar
- NRSD 6 Day Letter Calendar 22-23
- Extracurricular Activity Permission Slips
Health Services/Lunches/ Buses/ Extended Learning
- 2022-2023 Welcome Back Letter from Health Services
- 2022-2023-Health Screenings Opt-Out Parent letter
- 2022-2023 NRSD School Bus Medical Emergency Information Form/Van Pool
- 2022-2023 School Bus Medical Emergency Information Form-Dee Bus
- 2022-2023 School Bus Medical Emergency Information Form-Dee Bus-Portuguese
- 2022-2023 School Bus Medical Emergency Information Form-Dee Bus-Spanish
- Medication Consent Form-Medication Administration Protocol
- Running Club Calendar 2022
- 2022-2023 SBIRT Letter
- 2022-2023 SBIRT Letter-Portuguese
- NRSD Allergy Action Plan
- 10 Tips for LTA Students
- NRSD LTA IHCP for middle and elementary school
- LTA NRSD Letter
- MySchoolBucks Lunch Account Information
- School Messenger-Text Messaging Service
A proud member of the Nashoba Regional School District
Website: https://sawyer.nrsd.net/
Location: 100 Mechanic Street, Bolton, MA, USA
Phone: (978) 779-2821
Twitter: @Pk8SawyerSchool