Newsletter 11/30/23

Our mission is to be a welcoming and inclusive organization dedicated to the well-being and education of every student and a relevant resource for our North Creek families and community.
November 30, 2023
Upcoming Events
December 1,2,7,8,9-School musical-Emma-tickets here.
December 6-PTSA Food Pantry Delivery, December Signup here.
December 8-PTSA Gift Card Drive Deadline, click here to help families in need.
December 13-PTSA Food Pantry Holiday Box Delivery
December 13-ASB Winter Social 2:30pm, NCHS Commons, more Information check out northcreekasb on Instagram
December 18- January 1-Winter Break-NO SCHOOL
December Gift Card Drive
Holiday Giving - Gift Cards for Kids in Need
Deliver by December 8
This holiday season, the North Creek/Skyview PTSA Food Pantry is collecting $25 gift cards to provide to food pantry families (kids 18 and under) in our North Creek and Skyview community. Please consider donating one or more $25 physical gift cards (or eGift Cards) from Target or Fred Meyer.
Our goal is to collect 150 gift cards for kids in need.
Due to IRS restrictions, PTSA's must collect physical gift cards or eGift Cards- we cannot purchase gift cards with monetary donations.
Please click here for more information on how to donate, and we thank you in advance for helping kids in need in our Skyview/North Creek community.
December Food Assistance
The PTSA Food Pantry bags will be delivered on the following dates by our food pantry volunteers.
Wednesday, December 6-regular weekly bag
Wednesday, December 13-Holiday Food Box
(more than a regular delivery and some special treats included)
Your Pass the Hat Donations at work
From Kristen Briley, NCHS Teacher-Librarian:
Here are a few of our Battle of the Books Club members with the books we were able to purchase through the very generous NCHS PTSA grant. The students and I are so very grateful for this amazing gift of reading! Please share our gratitude with the PTSA members.
NCHS Staff Wishlists
Class of 2024 Section
This section is where we will share important class of 2024 information each newsletter.
- Join the NCHS Senior Boosters on FB to learn more about fundraising events, the Grad party (Jag Night) and more! Jag Night Tickets on SALE now, click here.
- 2024 Senior Boosters Newsletter, click here. It explains the mission, fun celebrations and fundraisers.
- Cap & Gown ordering, click here.
- Our school has a Graduating Class of 2024 website page, click here.
We all are working together to make their last year the best it can be.
Question? Email NCHS PTSA President, Barby Taheri, president@northcreekptsa.com
We serve the students of North Creek High School in the Northshore School District.
Like and Follow us on Facebook, click here.
This is a great resource to stay informed about upcoming events for North Creek High School. You do NOT need to be a PTSA member to be a part of this mailing list.