Sunnyside Elementary
October 2021 Newsletter
Parents and Families,
Now that we have families in the school again, we have started our monthly parent breakfasts. Each month we create this opportunity so that parents, families, and staff can form positive relationships with one another. On October 22 from 7:15-8:30, you are welcome to stop by room 201 to enjoy a doughnut and socialize with other families. If you are in a hurry, stop by for a coffee to go.
John Montford, Ed.D. Principal
Hello!! The school year is off to a great start, everyone is now in a routine, and we are having so much fun learning with your child. The month of October we will be learning and studying about Exercise and taking care of our bodies, and we will be starting the study of clothing. We will be learning the letters Pp, Uu, Oo, Mm, Xx, Aa, Dd, Tt, and Ss. Numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Counting to 10 objects and being able to tell us what the quantity is. Shapes circle, square, rectangle, triangle, and we will introduce the cylinder, sphere, cone, and cube. Colors red, yellow, blue, orange, green, purple, white, black and brown. The weather is getting colder and we ask for your child to dress appropriate for the weather. If your child would like to bring their own water bottle they are more then welcome to bring their own, they can keep it in their basket during the day. 1st week of October 4th-8th, we will be participating Anti-Bullying week with the elementary, look for your purple note for the activities for each day. Please try to read your messages on Class Link I will be sending out announcements throughout the school year, if you are not receiving these messages please let your teacher know. On October 15th there will be no school, and on the 27th there will be another late start which class will be begin at 9:30 on this day. Thanks so much for allowing us to teach your child. Hope you have a spooky fun October.
Sunnyside PreK Staff
Happy Fall Kindergarten Families,
This month in reading we will be learning about the four seasons (Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer). Please continue working on sight words I, am, the, little, a, and to. In math we will be working on numbers 1-10. Practice counting with your child, as well as identifying numbers. As the weather starts to get cooler, please make sure your child dresses appropriately for school. Continue to check your child's backpack and folder for important information from their teacher. We are planning to attend the Hickory Hollow Pumpkin Patch this month so please be on the look out for more information about that.
Thank you for all you do,
Mrs. Apatiga, Mrs. Staats, and Miss Hoffman
1st grade
Hello from First Grade!
We are looking forward to an awesome October, so keep up all of your hard work! Please remember to read with your child 15-20 minutes a day and start letting them try to read with you. Our learning focuses for October will be sums and differences to 10, finding information in text, being a good classroom citizen, and how to be better writers.
Have a great month!
Mrs. Leon, Miss. Wines, and Miss. Northcutt
2nd grade
Second Grade
Here we are in October ending our first 9 weeks of School and beginning our Second 9 weeks. We would like to thank all of our parents for attending conferences and supporting all that we do for your children.
The following is what we will be studying.
Reading: Finishing Informational text in Unit 1. In unit 2 we will begin with understanding and describing story structure by identifying the beginning, middle and ending of a story. We will describe how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action. We will also ask and answer who, what, when, where, why, and how questions to demonstrate our understanding of key details. We will practice writing complete sentences to provide clarification. Please continue to have your child read for least 20 minutes every day!
Conventions and Foundational skills:
Phonics; Students will be working on consonant diagraphs ch, tch, sh, th, wh, and r-controlled sounds –ar, or, ore, oar,
Conventions; Students will be writing grammar sentences using apostrophes when needed. Identifying singular and plural possessives, adjective, Possessive Pronouns, compound words, and verbs.
Writing; Students will write a narrative with details that describe characters’ actions, thoughts, and feelings. They will learn ways in which people make decision based on their needs and wants. Writing a narrative will allow students to practice sequence of events, describing actions, thoughts, and feelings. We will use temporal words such as first, next, then, and finally, to signal the order of events in our writing.
Math: We have started Module 3; Place Value, Counting, and Comparison of Numbers to 1,000. Students will understand and form units of one, ten and a hundred. They will also learn to write numbers in Standard form, Expanded Form, and Word form. Next, they will apply Place Value by using money to understand numbers within 1000. Finally, students will compare a group of numbers as well as add 1, 10, and 100 more or less than to a given number.
We would like to ask you to practice with your child, adding and subtraction basic facts. You and your child can make or purchase flash cards. Show them how to count by 5’s, 10’s on a clock forward and backwards as well as practicing counting forward and backwards verbally. For example, students can count 1’s 5’s, 10’s (e.g forward 5,10,15,20, backwards 20, 15, 10, 5,). They can also use numbers randomly to count Such as, 125,135,145, or 220, 210, 200,190.
Parent communication is up and running now. If you have not already set up, you can contact us, or the office to help assist you. You can get the Talking Points on your phone or you Ipad by downloading Talking Points App.
Thank you for working with your child and if you have any question, you can contact us through Talking Points or at school.
Second Grade Teachers
Mrs. Fry, Mrs. Goering, and Mrs. Enriquez
3rd grade
Dear Third Grade Parents,
In math, we will be working on the following skills:
● Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.
● Fluently (efficiently, accurately, & flexibly) add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms (including, but not limited to: traditional, partial-sums, etc.) based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.
● Tell and write time to the nearest minute using a.m. and p.m. and measure time intervals
in minutes. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in
● Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard units of
grams (g), kilograms (kg), and liters (l) (Excludes cubed units such as and finding the
geometric volume of a container).
● Add, subtract, multiply, or divide to solve one-step word problems involving masses or
volumes that are given in the same units.
In reading, we will be working on the following skills:
● Central message of a text
● Point of View
● Main idea and details of a text
In writing, we will be working on the following skills:
● Conduct short research to build knowledge on a topic
We were so glad to see all of you doing parent teacher conferences.
Nightly homework will not be given out this year but please have your child read every night for at least 20 minutes and practice their multiplication facts. If you have any questions, you may contact us by text through Talking Points or by phone call here at school. We appreciate all you do for your child! Stay safe and healthy!
Mrs. Hernandez
Mrs. Morton
Ms. Rodela
4th Grade
Hello from Fourth Grade! First off, THANK YOU for the fabulous turn out during our parent teacher conferences. As we are rolling into October we are still working on our expectations and responsibilities to be successful. Other things happening right now are moving on to our third module of math, multi-digit multiplication and division. Please encourage your child to practice multiplication at home. We have started our social studies unit and will be focusing on Kansas history. Mrs. Wondra and Miss Smith will continue to send weekly reading logs home. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.
-Mrs. Wondra and Miss Smith
Thank you to all the parents, students, and teachers that purchased books from the Book Fair.
We raised $1000 to spend on books for the Library. Again thank you for supporting our school.
Learning focuses for October:
Preschool and Kindergarten will be working on an author study.
1st grade will be working on ABC order.
2nd and 3rd will be comparing and contrasting stories.
4th and 5th will be looking at reference sources for information
Mrs. Jones’ Counselors Corner Oct. 2021
“Most Respectful”
PK—King: ;Hunter Blackburn, & Athenia Gaskill; Slattery: Hose Mendoza & Andres Herrera; Treto: Sophia Campos & Edgar Velasquez; Baldwin: Ariana Munoz & Antonio Vega.
Kdg.—Hoffman: Roman Barajas & Vanessa Lucas Alonzo; Apatigo: Melissa Ayala & Juan Reynoso; Staats: Natalia Matias & Darla Mejia.
1st gr.—Wines: Ximena Morales & Leticia Macias; Northcutt: Raul Cruz & Janelle Cadena; Leon: Christian Pedraza, Sarah Aldave & Alfredo Nicolas.
2nd gr.—Fry: Amy Lugo & Juan Garcia; Goering: Jesus Garcia & Dania Alonso; Enriquez—Galilea Garcia & Alan Perez.
3rd gr.—Morton Jackelyn Trigueros & Ariadna Orta; Hernandez : Jailyssa Torres & Raul Pascual; Rodela: Ithai Cortez & Ashley Ramirez;
4th gr.— Wondra: Abril Carrillo & Joanna Lazalde; Smith: Karina Vicente & Damian Castro.
5th gr.—Brull: Esai Castro & Crystal Davila; Solis: Maritza Vital & Andrewv Romero; Rosales: Aiden Perez & Yalessa Rodriguez.
Helping Children Become Responsible
Ingraining responsibility in children is not a trick, but is simply teaching them life skills," says Karen Ruskin, Psy.D., author of "The 9 Key Techniques for Raising Respectful Children Who Make Responsible Choices." "Kids who do not have responsibilities feel entitled and think the world will always do for them."
And responsibility isn't just completing a task. "It's also about an attitude, the idea of taking action and being proud of doing it, not just always having your mom and dad do it for you," says Alex Barzvi, Ph.D.,
Start Young You can't suddenly spring responsibility on a teenager and expect he will know how to follow through.
Let Them Help You Don't grumble and mope when it's time to do housework. Smile and invite your son to help (even if he makes the job take longer).
Show Kids the Way Play to a child's skill level. First, you can demonstrate how to complete small tasks then progress to more difficult and bigger tasks.
Model Responsibility And talk about it. Use the same inclusive "we" phrases over and over to show how you can easily solve problems.
Praise Them Kids love to help. They want to help. To them, chores don't feel like work. Keep up positive vibes by offering specific praises for actions. "You hung your coat on the hook and I'm proud of you!"
Manage Your Expectations Don’t expect things to be done perfect everytime.
Avoid Rewards At least at first. There's a time and place for rewards and allowances, but both experts agree that being responsible isn't it.
Provide Structure and Routine Kids thrive on order. Instead of offering rewards to get them to meet responsibilities, set up a morning routine with a positive end result.
Teach Consequences Learning to take care of his things also helps a child develop a sense of responsibility for his actions. If something is ruined because he did not do what he was supposed to he will learn to do better next time. Be consistent as well.
Teaching kids about responsibility isn't easy. But if you follow these tips, you stand a better chance of raising a responsible child who then grows into a responsible
Dear Parents/Guardians,
PreK-5 students will continue reviewing and building on concepts such as beat, rhythm, pitch, movement and more! Our 4th and 5th graders will begin working on their music program scheduled for December 9 at 7:00PM in the Sunnyside gym. Please put this date on your calendar and plan to attend. We are so excited to be able to have programs this year and share the amazing talent of your students with you! More detailed information will come home closer to the program date. Please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns!
Musically yours,
Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. McGee