Chestnut Street Parent Newsletter
October 2020
#RamPride #RamFam #RamResolve
The password is abc
Things to remember for October:
- Thank you all for your diligence with completing the Daily Health Screening every morning by 8:30! It helps us check in all the students quickly and efficiently.
- Please do not exit your vehicle during morning arrival. We will help your child out of the car. Thank you!
- The PTA is working on hosting fall picture day. Information will be forthcoming.
- Your child will visit a special pop-up pumpkin patch at Chestnut Street on October 26th and 27th courtesy of the PTA.
- Distance Learning students are invited to pick up a pumpkin on Monday, October 26th between 9:00-10:00 AM to join their class via Google Meet for pumpkin decorating. Mrs. Tripp will send specific details to Distance Learning families.
- Chestnut Spirit wear information is forthcoming from the PTA. Be on the lookout for T-shirt order forms!
- If your child will be absent, please call Nurse Angela before 8:30 AM at 516-390-3155
- If there will be a change in your child's afternoon transportation, please write a note or email to the teacher. For last-minute changes, please call Mrs. Butler before 2:00 PM. 516-390-3150
Conversation Starters
Sight Words- Try at Home
Paper Plate Toss: Write sight words on paper plates. Use a coin to toss on the plate and ask your child to read the word that the coin lands on.
Tic –Tac-Toe: Write words in the tic-tac-toe spaces. Take turns selecting a space to read. If read correctly, an X or O is placed on the space until someone wins.
In Reader's Workshop...
We will continue our We Are Readers Unit and Interactive Read Alouds will model and reinforce good reading habits, concepts of print, and academic vocabulary development.
Guided Reading groups will begin and your child will come home with books to read with you. Please be sure to practice reading those books with your child and then return them to school.
The paper books from Reading A-Z from our weekly Sight Word study can remain in your home. Practice reading and rereading those as well!
Use RazKids or Epic to find a digital library of age-appropriate books for your child to read at home! The links to both are below.
In Writer's Workshop...
In Math Workshop...
Students will answer the essential questions below. Be sure to ask your child these questions!
- What is counting and how can it be used?
- How do we measure things?
- Why do we measure things?
Students will work on the following skills:
- Counting and representing quantities
- Comparing and ordering quantities
- Understanding length
We are also using ST Math to support deep conceptual understanding via personalized learning. You must use ClassLink to access ST Math. The link is below.
Password: abc