ROML student appreciation event!
Tuesday, Oct. 17th and Wednesday, Oct. 18th
Calling majors, minors, and students interested in ROML majors and minors!
When: Tuesday, Oct. 17th and Wednesday, Oct. 18th 2023 from 11 am-1 pm
Where: Herty Field, UGA
Why: ROML wants to celebrate all of our majors and minors and connect with students taking language courses that might want to major or minor in Spanish, French, Italian, or Portuguese!
Who will be there?
- Academic advisors to discuss major and minor options
- Study Abroad representatives for UGA en España , UGA en France, and UGA en Buenos Aires will answer questions about study abroad programming
- Wednesday, Oct. 18th- A representative from the Southern Teachers Agency will answer questions about teaching languages in private schools
- The Portuguese Flagship program will also be attending to answer student questions!
- The Internship and Career Coordinator for the Humanities for Franklin College, Dr. Christine Lasek-White will be in attendance on Tuesday, Oct. 17th!
- A representative from the UGA Career Center!
What will be there?
- Snacks!
- Career Center Swag!
- Free Romance Languages books!
UGA en France, Summer 2024
The UGA en France program is back after a 7-year hiatus. We're excited to be once again helping our majors and minors (or other interested students) improve their French and hone their cultural skills. The new iteration of the program differs somewhat from the original. We will be in France for 5 weeks, most of which will be spent in Montpellier, where you will have class with UGA faculty in the morning and with a native French speaker in the afternoon. We will visit the Loire Valley and Paris during our stay. Students can earn 9 hours of credit toward the major or the minor during the program. Please note that UGA en France is the only UGA study abroad program for French. Your credits are not transfer credits; you will enroll in UGA courses, just as you would if you were taking courses here in Athens. That's a huge benefit!!
UGA en España, Spring and Summer 2024
UGA en España offers four Spanish immersion distinctive study abroad programs in sites across Spain--Valencia, Cádiz, Sevilla, and Madrid--as well as the Perú Medical Maymester. Each program offers students a unique opportunity to develop a stronger background in Spanish language, deepen their experience and knowledge of the culture, and to complete coursework required of Spanish and Romance Languages majors and minors as well as the International Business major.
UGA en Buenos Aires, Summer 2024
UGA en Buenos Aires is a Spanish immersion program based in the vibrant and cosmopolitan capital city of Argentina, that combines a great cultural offer, entertainment for everyone, delicious gastronomy, fascinating history, and human warmth. Our goals are to foster students´ communicative abilities in Spanish in authentic contexts, to deepen their understanding of Argentina and Latin America, and to improve their analytical and writing skills in Spanish. These abilities are professionally and personally valuable for those aspiring to work in Latin America or with Latino communities in the U.S. Students achieve these goals through Service Learning and Internship opportunities, homestay families, a rigorous academic program with professors from UGA and Universidad de Buenos Aires, and a rich cultural activities program.
Southern Teachers Agency
Why Teach at a Private/Independent School?
At an independent school, quality isn’t just test scores and college acceptances; it’s also the unique way teachers maximize the potential of their students.
Independent schools have small class sizes, allowing teachers to create a more intimate learning environment. Teachers have the flexibility and autonomy to forge their own paths to excellence. Engaged faculties help support and foster first-time teachers as they become part of the school community. And parental involvement effectively creates a classroom beyond the school walls.
Portuguese Flagship Program
he Portuguese Flagship Program (PFP) at the University of Georgia is the first and only of its kind. Intended for undergraduate students with a unique commitment to reach the highest levels of Portuguese and apply those skills in a professional context, the PFP offers an unprecedented opportunity for motivated students to internationalize their academic experience. For many it will also serve as a stepping-stone into an international career. More than a study abroad program, the PFP is structured to complement the student’s major area of study from the moment he or she arrives on campus. Participating students also benefit from accelerated classes, regular group or one-on-one tutorials, Zoom partners in Brazil, rich cultural events, support for immersion experiences both in the US and abroad, and a capstone year studying at UFSJ – a leading Brazilian university – and completing a semester long internship in Brazil. Throughout their four years of study, PFP students strive to achieve superior proficiency in Portuguese and gain insight into how this skill and body of knowledge will create future opportunities. We encourage you to browse the site and contact us, or just visit us at the PFP office.
Internship and Career Coordinator for the Humanities
Christine M. Lasek-White is the Internship and Career Coordinator for the Humanities serving the humanities programs in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Georgia, including the departments of English, Classics, Comparative Literature and Intercultural Studies, Germanic & Slavic Studies, History, Linguistics, Philosophy, Religion, and Romance Languages.