From the Principal's Pen
September 2, 2020
¿Necesita leer nuestro boletín en español?
¿Necesita leer nuestro boletín en español? Haga clic en cualquier parte de este correo electrónico, desplácese hasta la parte inferior y haga clic en traducir. Luego, seleccione español, y el boletín debería aparecer en español. ¡Gracias!
Important Back to School Information for Parents
Welcome Back!
Dear Julian Curtiss Parents:
Welcome to the 2020-21 school year! We have not had the privilege of having students in the building since March and we are very excited to welcome our students back to school. This year's Back-to-School will be like no other, but by working TOGETHER FOR SAFETY AND LEARNING we can be the team that our students need. The school year begins on Wednesday, September 9th at 8:15 am for all students in grades 1 - 5. Kindergarteners will come at 9:15 am on that day.
Families participating in The Remote Learning School this year will receive information directly from the RLS and the information in this letter does not apply to them.
JC now has 14 sections in grades K-5, which includes two sections at each grade level except for kindergarten and third grade which include three sections each. We have set very high expectations and plans have been made with student safety and success the top priority this year. Your child’s classroom assignment should be sent home by Friday afternoon.
I also urge you to read the Greenwich Public Schools School Reopening Plan that Dr. Jones submitted to the state, as that is also the plan for Julian Curtiss School. All GPS schools are following the district plan. In addition, please read the Community FAQ as it also has a great deal of information. Many parents’ questions and concerns are addressed in this document.
The three strategies considered the most effective in mitigating the spread of the virus include:
Wear a mask
Wash your hands
Watch your Distance (Minimum of 3 feet with a mask, six feet without a mask)
These strategies are an integral part of the GPS plan and we will focus on keeping our students safe to the greatest extent possible.
In an effort to keep you well informed, the following avenues of communication will be available:
Back to school information on our website
A weekly Smore newsletter from the Leadership Team
A JC weekly newsletter from the PTA
A virtual OPEN HOUSE for all parents on Tuesday, September 29th at 6:30 pm.
A schedule of virtual PTA meetings
School spirit is important and fun for our JC students and staff members! Our school colors are green and white. We will continue to display school spirit every Friday by wearing our school colors or JC Spirit Wear! Please wear school colors or JC Spirit Wear starting the first day of the school year, September 9th.
Due to safety concerns, our welcome back day will look very different from what it looked like in the past. We will have staff members available to direct the students to their classrooms where they will be welcomed by their new teacher and participate in fun, welcome back activities. Unfortunately, we will not be able to meet as an entire school, and parents are not permitted to enter the building.
Any office business must be managed by calling the office at 203-869-1896 or email or There will also be a table outside the front door each day for the drop off of necessary items that need to be delivered to the office or the classrooms. We ask that drop-offs be limited to “necessary” such as office papers. Please mark the item with the name and destination.
It is extremely important for you to read the JC Weekly News and the Principal’s S'more to stay abreast of all important school happenings.
Arrival: The building doors will be open at 8:00 am. We are not permitted to allow students in the building prior to 8:00 am. Official school hours are 8:15 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Breakfast is limited to those students that qualify for food assistance. Please fill out the following form if you would like for your child to receive breakfast between the hours of 7:30 and 8:00 am.
Dismissal: Bus students will be dismissed from the front circle - no cars allowed! Car pick-up will be on a staggered schedule.
Car Pick Up Staggered Dismissal Times (children will be dismissed with their youngest siblings).
The intended purpose of staggering car dismissal timing is to minimize the number of students gathered together at the same time. Please consider being in the Julian Curtiss car pick up line at the time your child’s grade is dismissed. We HIGHLY encourage walking or legally parking and picking up your child for the safety of all.
Kindergarten - No car pick up
1st grade - 2:35
2nd grade - 2:38
3rd grade - 2:41
4th grade - 2:43
5th grade - 2:45
A link to the description of new procedures can be found at New Procedures JC 2020-2021.
Please visit our website at to access back to school information and required forms. It is imperative that all parents take the time to visit the website and read these documents. We recognize that there are numerous documents to be read but they are all important and we are intentionally providing them electronically to keep our efforts green and allow for organization.
Additional Information:
Please consider sending in a beach towel or small blanket labeled with your child’s name in a plastic bag so students will have a designated space to sit when outdoors for mask breaks, read alouds, etc.
School Lunch
The price for school lunch, including milk, will be $3.85 per day. If a student prefers to bring lunch from home, milk may be purchased separately for $0.75. Information on the optional prepaid lunch plan is available on our Back to School webpage.
Enjoy the last few days of summer vacation and we look forward to seeing your children soon!
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. The staff and I are looking forward to seeing you on September 9th.
Your Julian Curtiss Leadership Team
Trish McGuire and Brenda Brush
Important Information from the Nurse
Thank you,
Nurse Theresa
Dismissal Information
Don't Forget to Show Your JC Spirit!
Please follow Mrs. McGuire and Mrs. Brush on Twitter
@JCSPrincipal and @JCSEaglesAP
Mrs. Trish McGuire - Principal
Location: 180 East Elm Street, Greenwich, CT, USA
Phone: (203) 869-1896
Twitter: @jcsprincipal