CPMS PTC Community Meeting Minutes
October 7, 2020 @ 6:30pm
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ATTENDEES: Dr. Shannon Anderson, Bettina Jeszenszky, Jenna Dornblaser, Hannah Donohue, Skye Kutansky, Maureen Louie, Lianne Yarvis, Heather Vonk, Lindsay Brown, Jenna Sells, Julie Wewerka, David Butler, Elizabeth Marsamane, Ellen Rothery, Felicity ?, Karen Bundy, Tina Meier-Nowell, Lisa Leonardo
CALL TO ORDER (6:31pm)
APPROVAL OF MINUTES (from June 8, 2020)
PRINCIPAL'S REPORT, Dr. Shannon Anderson
Back to School Week: Four nights of fun. Look for the newsletter that will include a document with zooms, teacher videos, schedule for Q&As
Please ask your student to leave their camera on: One consistent message that Dr. A is hearing from teachers is that many students are leaving their cameras off. ODE says that schools can’t require kids to have cameras on, but CPMS is finding that a lot of kids are never on camera. Just a reminder that it’s hard to build relationships, create classroom connections, have basic engagement when teaching an entire 30-40 minutes with just black squares.
***Biggest ask right now is to have parents talk to kids and set expectations around camera use and that they really need a good reason to not be on camera.
Attendance: Continuing to work out the kinks
Chromebook Swap/School pictures Event: Big success-- 750+ chromebooks were exchanged and using sign-up genius was a success (thank you, Jenna!). CPMS only has 100 kids without a brand-new chromebook and are currently investigating why. Anyone who had asked for a chromebook prior to the chromebook exchange had received a brand-new one.
Additional events may be in the works, though the admins will try to always combine events so multiple pick-ups can happen at once. Bettina (PTC President) mentioned that these types of events would also be ideal for dropping off Staff Appreciation donations. Dr. A mentioned that 10-15 teachers are on campus every day & that there are strict contact tracing guidelines for anyone in the school.
Yearbook: Is happening! They are asking students/parents to send pictures to cpmsvideo@bsd48.org
Cedar Park Library is open: Ms. Hernandez, our LMA, is changing her hours so she can be at the school until 6:30 on Thursdays, giving families an opportunity to pick up books later. Students can go online and request books and book pick-up/drop-off is available outside the front doors during school hours.
Parent Feedback/Questions:
- Parents mentioned that the Youtube videos within Canvas (assigned by teachers) are tempting as a “new” video often pops up after the original video is finished.
- Questions surrounded whether PE and whether video is required to be on/off. Dr. A said she’d look into it and that the video policy is the same for all classes. The question was asked if there was a workaround so only teachers can see students (and students wouldn’t see the whole class). Not yet, but that would be a successful improvement to Zoom.
PRESIDENT'S REPORT, Bettina Jeszenszky
No Fuss Fundraising: Because some of our PTC goals (home art/science kits, teacher support) do require fundraising, the PTC will run a super simply write-a-check campaign later this fall, with the recommendation of a $50 donation per student. With a reduced budget (no field trips/parties), the PTC will continue to follow their guiding principle of reaching/supporting as many students as possible. Look for more info soon.
***Interested in joining the committee? We are seeking sponsors/bare bones committee members, so email president@cedarparkptc.org if you are interested.
Parent Feedback:
- The science kits have been helpful and Tina was impressed with how much her daughter enjoyed, & how the teachers were engaged for the whole class period. Jenna S. also shared her thanks to PTC & teachers.
Second, for those on social media, you can follow us at @CPMSPTC (and don’t be afraid to “like” every post and/or interact with each post, as this boosts facebook’s organic growth and gets our news out to more people).
Finally, please read the monthly PTC newsletter, which we try to fill with relevant and upcoming news, announcements, and dates.
Virtual Q&A recaps: All the recaps are online! www.cedarparkptc.org
Team Email Directory update: Thanks to parent volunteer, Lianne Yarvis, the ball is beginning to move in this area. BSD won’t allow us to give cohort directories, but we are working on providing team directories. Lianne is teaming up with our CPMS registrar to begin the process. Parents will be given the opportunity to opt-out of their email being given.
Committee Leads Needed: Fundraising team, Vice President ***Email volunteers@cedarparkptc.org if interested
Upcoming: Staff Appreciation event: Planning on having parents bring individually wrapped snacks, deliver to front door, to create fun fall buffet for staff when @ the building
Thanks to chromebook volunteers! It all worked out.
Year to Date Numbers: Big highlights include the purchase of whiteboard/marker supplies, art/science kits (first semester), Starbucks gift cards for Staff Appreciation, website fees, smore subscription (for newsletters). We have also received a $2000 credit from Kingpins (return of deposit from last year’s canceled field trip).
Look through the Approved (Revised) 2020-21 Budget & YTD Numbers.
Questions can be directed to Bettina Jeszenszky, PTC President.
Upcoming PTC Community Meeting: November 4 @ 6:30 PM
All current parents and guardians of CPMS students are automatically members of the PTC. Our events, programs, school support, and enthusiasm make up this vibrant volunteer community and are indeed, POWERED BY YOU.
LIKE “Cedar Park Middle School PTC” ON FACEBOOK
Use our social media to help keep yourself in the know! Look for events, updates, & reminders. And don’t be afraid to “like” every post-- it’s a huge help to spread the word!
Look for our Cedar Reader: PTC Edition newsletter each month. We will be sharing PTC news, event info, important dates, & volunteering opportunities. Miss one? They are all online.
Head to www.cedarparkptc.org and read all about your CPMS community. Check out our blog, programs and events, fundraising info, budgets/bylaws and previous newsletters. It’s all there!
Feel free to subscribe to our blog to be the first to know incoming news and announcements. It's never more than one email a day.
Cedar Park Middle School Parent Teacher Club (PTC)
Email: secretary@cedarparkptc.org
Website: www.cedarparkptc.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CPMSPTC