Linn Lion's Roar
October 2023
- October 2 - 6:
Anti-Bullying Week - October 5:
Title 1 Family Game Night
5:00-6:00pm - October 12:
McTeacher Night
5:00-8:00pm - October 19-20:
Staff Development Day - October 23-26:
Red Ribbon Week - October 26:
PTO Meeting
Anti-Bullying Week
October 2 - 6
Monday, October 2: Stand Up for Other's Day - Wear your favorite pants or tennis shoes and tell someone, "Stop! You're bullying. We don't like that! Stop, or we will tell an adult!"
Tuesday, October 3: See Something! Say Something! Design an anti-bullying porster to be hung outside your classroom. Our favorites, will win a prize. "Sock it to Bullying" - Wear crazy socks to stand up against bullying.
Wednesday, October 4: "Caps for Compliments" - Wear a cap/hat as a reminder to say positive things to others.
Thursday, October 5: Catch the WAVE of Kindness! - Wear Hawaiian or bright colors.
Friday, October 6: Wake up to a bully-free world! - Wear your pajamas to school! It's All about the Kindness Day! Do as many acts of kindness as you can do today.
October 23-27
Monday, October 23: Kick off Red Ribbon week- Wear Red
Tuesday, October 24: From head to toes; I'm drug free - Crazy hair and socks day
Wednesday, October 25: Team up against drugs - Wear favorite sports team day
Thursday, October 26: "Say Boo" to drugs - Wear a Halloween shirt or orange or black.
Friday, October 27: Being Drug Free is No Sweat! - Wear your favorite school appropriate workout clothes or sweatpants!
Kinder News
Hello families,
In kindergarten this month we are working on informational text in reading and writing. We are working on letter sounds and letter names in letter time. Practicing beginning sounds of words is a main focus this month. Example : fish /f/ beginning sound.
In Math, we are working with numbers 0-10 identifying and counting. Science this month is animal and plant needs. A great thing to have in your child's backpack is an extra set of clothes just in case they get theirs dirty.
Thank you for your support and feel free to message us with any questions.
First Grade News
Hello 1st grade families!
Thank you all for coming to conferences, it was great being able to meet with you all and set student goals. We appreciate your support!
We are currently working on learning our letter names, sounds, and being able to blend/connect these words together to make words. One of our main goals for our students is for them to be able to start reading. They love checking out their library books and any little bit of time they take to read or look through the pictures of their books will be beneficial for them. For math, we are adding two numbers for a sum of 10 or less.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call, email or send a TalkingPoints we are here to help your students be successful.
Thank you- 1st grade team
Second Grade News
Second grade has been working very hard building our reading and writing skills.
In math, we will be working on “Addition and Subtraction within 200 with Word Problems to 100”. Please support us at home by reading every night with your child and working on basic math facts.
As the weather starts to get chilly please send your student with a light jacket or a sweater.
Thank you!
Third Grade News
Hello 3rd-grade Families and Friends!
We are so excited to be working with you and your child this year! Expectations have been set, goals have been written, and we are off to a wonderful start of learning and growing.
Now that we shared data at conferences, our ELA learning time includes groups for specific learning goals. We are all excited to track our progress!
Keep reading and practicing math facts every night for homework to assist with student growth.
Third graders are keeping organized by using their binders in class. They are learning that everything has a “home” and that they are responsible for making sure items are put where they belong.
In math, we are currently in Module 2 learning about place value and problem solving with units of measure. This is a great unit to use scales at home and at the store or have your student help in the kitchen with a recipe. Don’t forget to have your student access ZEARN using their login information if you have an electronic device. 20 minutes a few times a week will keep skills fresh!
In ELA we are currently reading non-fiction books. By the end of our module, students will be writing a magazine article about something in the natural world. Their writing will have to include details, text features, and illustrations. Super cool! Keep helping your student to answer questions orally in complete sentences and write in complete sentences. This will make writing down thoughts easier.
Please keep in contact with Talking Points. Let us know if you have questions.
We look forward to the Fall weather and finishing up this 1st semester with fabulous learning.
The 3rd-Grade Team
Mrs. Hernandez
Mrs. Salmans
Mrs. Laskowsky
Fourth Grade News
Greetings Families!
This month, during our second reading module we will be working with informational text. Please make sure you are reading with your student each night to increase fluency skills. In math we are starting metric units and converting measurements. At home, please be practicing those multiplication facts, as our next math unit will focus on multiplication and division.
Thank you for all your support and of course, please reach out if you have any questions!
-4th Grade Team
Fifth Grade News
Our School year has been off to a great start!
In ELA we have read two interesting books, one about spadefoot toads and the other about a survival competition on a remote island. Our students have really enjoyed these books.
In Math we have been reviewing place value and number sense. As well as learning how to multiply and divide decimals. We will be sending unfinished math work home for students to work on, this is to help them improve their basic math skills and mental.
We got a new Science curriculum this year and the students are loving it. We have been learning about the environment, ecosystems, and cycle matter.
We will be starting our new Social Studies curriculum in the first week of October.
5th grade is hoping to go on our first field trip in October, more information to come.
Parents/guardians, please make sure your student is reading 20 minutes every day at home as well as working on their multiplication facts. This is very important!
Happy Fall!
Mrs. Garcia
Mrs. Harlan
Music News
In music,
4th and 5th grades are starting to work on program.
4th Grade Music Program Title is "All About Fall"
3rd grade has been looking at melody directions and pitch direction moving up and down as well as learning about and playing ostinatos which are short, repeated patterns.
2nd Grade is Singing Rounds and working on Half Note and Half Rest.
1st grade has been moving to the steady beat and learning about meter and strong and weak beats. Kinder has been learning about four types of voices we use and fast and slow tempos.
Music Teachers,
Jeff Adams
Cheryl Shuler
Counselor's Corner
We have been working on Listening, Respect, and Building our Career information online in the program the district purchased to continue following them up as they graduate. In October, we along with the state of Kansas work on an Anti-Bullying Campaign and Healthy Choices instead of Drugs with Red Ribbon Week.
I wanted to say thank you to those parents who have worked on bedtimes and limiting technology. It really shows in your students being awake in class and ready to learn. It also shows up in your student’s focus. Remember, no more than 30-60 minutes of screen time is recommended for K-5th grade. This is one place where you can help your child move ahead of the pack in learning and it costs nothing. Another way is to ensure they have 8-10 hours of sleep. I love hearing parents talking about 8 o’clock bedtime or a little later for the upper grades. This also will show up with you having a healthier student, less sick time, and no missing school.
Finally, as the weather changes, please remember we will be outside unless it is raining. It is Kansas which means it can be short weather one day and jacket weather the next. If you are having difficulty purchasing a jacket, please let us know. We have gently used jackets and access to help for anyone who qualifies. Please let us know how we can serve you. We love your children!