Oley Valley School District
Digital Newsletter - OCTOBER 2022
Skip the cash! Pay school fees online
To help ensure the health and safety of all our students and staff, we ask that parents please consider paying for their student’s school fee online through MySchoolBucks. This will help minimize the amount of cash/check deposits that need to be handled throughout the day, which allows us to focus on keeping your student safe.
Create your free MySchoolBucks account to conveniently and securely pay for your student’s fees online or with the mobile app. With MySchoolBucks you’ll also be able to quickly browse school items in our School Store, be notified when fees are due, and make payments from anywhere!
Get Started Today:
- Go to myschoolbucks.com or download the mobile app
- Create your free account and add your students using their school name / student ID. There will be a 4.95% transaction fee applied.
- Add school items or invoices to your cart
- Check out using your credit / debit card or electronic check
A program fee may apply.
If you need assistance with your account, you can find helpful how-to videos and answers to commonly asked questions by visiting myschoolbucks.com. Or, you can contact MySchoolBucks directly by logging into your account to start a chat conversation or give them a call at (855) 832-5226.
Oley Valley School District has new items and fees available online in MySchoolBucks!
You can now pay for items such as Field Trips/Laptop Fees through your MySchoolBucks.com account. THERE IS A 4.95% TRANSACTION FEE APPLIED FOR ONLINE PAYMENTS.
· Log in to MySchoolBucks.com or create a free account
· Click School Store at the top of the page and select Browse All Items
· Choose the Store Item and add it to your cart
· Check out!
Visit MySchoolBucks.com
Oley Halloween Parade
Alumni Band at the Halloween Parade
Oley Valley Business Association
Members of the Oley Valley Business Association presented their careers to our 5th grade students. Presenters discussed entrepreneurship skills, character traits and education necessary for their jobs. Careers included: financial advisor, life health insurance agent, bank manager, sales marketing for WEEU and a business consultant. The students really enjoyed hearing about the different business careers and exploring new jobs.
Kindergarten students learned all about Community Helpers
Second grade students at OVES have recently been a part of presentations related to community helpers in our area. Presenters from the Truist Bank, Oley Fire Company-Paramedics, Reading Hospital-Nurse Manager and Oley Family Dentistry-Dental Hygienist focused their discussion on career exploration and each presenter spoke about their own experiences within the career field.
Thank you to the Ruscombmanor Fire Company and Oley Valley Fire Company for sharing life saving fire prevention strategies with our students. The students and staff enjoyed meeting with the fire men and women and seeing all the cool equipment and vehicles.
Oley FFA takes on the Oley Fair
Jay Houp and Eleana Arrowsmith, the FFA’s chapter President and Treasurer, had the opportunity to be on WEEU where they talked about the tent, line dancing, and animals raised at the school. The FFA entered the display board about Chronic Wasting Disease and the landscaping display about “Soaking Up the Sun”. It talks about Sun and shade plants. There are also many members that brought their livestock to show at the fair. Colby Templin, Rebecca Berger, and Lilly Hetrick showed dairy cattle. Matthew and Leah Walters showed goats. Members of the Animal Science Class participated in the Dairy Management Contest after learning about nutrition, breeds, and anatomy of different dairy breeds. Emma Xander, a Junior in the Animal Science Class brought home first place winning a cash prize! Cole Peifer, Wesley Hoffman, and John Prout participated in the tractor pulling competitions. The Oley Fair was filled with lots of fun and learning experiences for so many people! If you missed this year's fair, be sure to check out the 76th annual Oley Fair next year!
-Leah Walters
Matthew and Leah Walters getting their goats ready for the show
BCTC National Technical Honor Society
Congratulations to the following students for being inducted into the BCTC National Technical Honor Society. The ceremony was Wednesday, October 12, at 6:30 at Schuylkill Valley HS.
Grade 12
*Delaney Kegerise – Video Media
*Jacob Touti – Video Media
Dean Fisher – Protective Services Law Enforcement
Ethan Hack – Carpentry
Hannah Lanphear – Cosmetology
Grade 11
Austin Moyer – Automotive Collision Repair Technology
James Rothenberger – Sports Medicine and Rehabilitative Therapy
Jared Rothenberger – BME
Marley Kowolewski – Cosmetology
Paige Beaston – Electrical
*Second Year Member
NASA/IPAC Teacher Archive Research Program (NITARP) Astrophysical Research Update
This past summer, four high school students, Eliana Kopicki, Claire Robertson, Wyatt Ulsh, and Jeron Zimmerman, traveled with their teacher, Ms. Janine Bonham, to the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) to participate in a program called NITARP, which stands for NASA/IPAC Teacher Archive Research Program. The aim of this program is for teachers and students to participate in authentic astrophysical research using archived data from the Spitzer Space Telescope. Over the course of four days, the fIRes team came together with other teachers and students from various states (Tennessee, Minnesota, and Illinois) to work intensively on their data collection and processing. Students and teachers also had the opportunity to tour NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), which was one of the highlights of the trip. Research efforts will continue throughout the fall semester, which will culminate in all participants presenting their research at the 241st Meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Seattle, Washington. To learn more about the fIRes research team, visit this link: https://nitarp.ipac.caltech.edu/team/83-FIRes-Gorjian
This was truly an amazing opportunity for all participants. Here is what Oley Valley students had to say about this trip:
Eliana Kopicki - "The most important thing I learned was how to do research work with a team. It was a very important skill to learn because I will probably utilize it a lot in the future and it is good to know how to work efficiently with other people. The most surprising thing I learned was just how small we are in space. We were shown a picture with multiple galaxies, stars, and other objects in space. It was quite surprising to learn how small we are and how much undiscovered space there really is."
Claire Robertson - "The JPL tour was pretty interesting, as was talking about the James Webb photos when they were released. One of the most surprising things I learned was that the easiest way to see what might be interesting is just if it has a different color than the other stuff around it."
Wyatt Ulsh - "One important thing I learned was how to filter out bad images so that you don't have to search through every single image on the catalog. One very surprising thing I learned on this trip was how small the Explorer-1 satellite was. When the JPL tour guide said that the model of it was to scale, I thought he was joking. It is important to not be afraid about asking questions. This is why you are there."
Jeron Zimmerman - "The most interesting thing I learned was how images of the sky are taken; by measuring the amount of one wavelength of light coming through using a filter and then combining multiple different "images" to make an image with color. First of all, to be an astronomer, I think that it is important to be smart enough to understand the concepts you are researching. Secondly, I think you have to be able to do repetitive tasks in order to accomplish your goals. Thirdly, I think it is important to have good presentation skills so that you are able to present your findings and answer questions about them."
Health Career Expo on Tuesday, November 15th - 6:30-8:30pm
OVHS is excited to announce that we will host a Health Career Expo on Tuesday, November 15th from 6:30-8:30 pm in the Oley Valley High School Gym. There will be more than twenty (20) professionals from a wealth of backgrounds, including doctors, physicians’ assistants, medical writers, dental hygienists, paramedics, registered nurses, and radiological technologists available to share their career pathways. Students will have the opportunity to speak with these medical professionals, ask questions about their professions, and college and training experiences, and explore the career opportunities available to them in the healthcare field. In addition to medical professionals, Reading Area Community College will be present to share post-high school information and articulation opportunities.
It is strongly recommended that students in the Principles of Biomedical Science, Human Body Systems, Medical Interventions, and Anatomy and Physiology courses, attend this event; however, this is open to all Oley Valley students, parents/guardians, and community members. Oley Valley High School cordially extends this opportunity to students across Berks County and beyond to join us in this amazing event.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Jason Moll.
The Cast of Harvey
Show off your LYNX PRIDE by Leaving a Lasting Memory with a Legacy Brick
OVCEF is partnering with the Oley Valley School District in creating a “Lynx Courtyard” in front of the high school. Purchasing a personalized engraved Legacy Brick is the perfect way to show off your Lynx pride and leave a lasting memory.
We are inviting you to have one or more bricks engraved with your name, or in honor of a member of your family, an OV alumnus, a current or past school district staff or administration member, or a past or present community member. You can include the year of graduation, fond memory, or a statement of best wishes or thanks. We also encourage our community businesses to get involved. These OV Legacy Bricks will be permanently placed on the brick wall surrounding the courtyard in the spring of 2023. The Lynx Courtyard will become a memorable location to celebrate special occasions like homecoming and graduations, plus alumni visiting the school during class reunions will have the opportunity to use the courtyard as a gathering place.
This lasting memory can be purchased for $75.
Deadline to order is November 11, 2022.
Legacy bricks can be purchased online from our website at
or you can mail in an order form to OVCEF, PO Box 331, Oley, PA. 19547
The Oley Valley Community Education Foundation and Oley Valley School District honored five distinguished alumni during the 21st Alumni and Service Awards Assembly held at the high school on September 30. The program was part of the high school’s week-long homecoming events.
Receiving Distinguished Alumni Awards for achievement in their professions, humanitarian efforts, volunteerism, and/or service in their communities were Kirsten (Kratzer) Deysher, class of 1998, Valerie (Degler) Downing, class of 1990, Michael Reinert, class of 1993, Austin Schaeffer, class of 2014, and Linda (Prutzman) Schlegel, class of 1965.
Mrs. Deysher, Manager of Client Engagement at a Reading-based engineering firm, earned a Marketing Degree from York College. She is a key leader on industry and non-profit boards and helped manage volunteers from construction and home building fields plus coordinated the community volunteers in 2010 when Extreme Home Makeover came to Berks County.
Mrs. Downing, Vice President for Institutional Advancement at Cedar Crest College, is a very active volunteer and mentor in the Lehigh Valley. She is a 2022 Lehigh Valley Woman of Influence Award Recipient. Mrs. Downing majored in business at Elizabethtown College and completed her MBA at Cedar Crest College.
Mr. Reinert, a municipal engineer and Penn State alumnus, has spent countless hours as a volunteer youth baseball, soccer and softball coach and with the cub and boy scout organizations.
Mr. Schaeffer, a machine shop manager at a local machine and truck equipment company and graduate of PA College of Technology, serves on the BCTC Advisory Committee for the Machining Program and as mentor to younger machinists. He has spent innumerable hours of training and emergency response with Oley Fire Company and currently serves as the Captain.
Mrs. Schlegel is a tireless worker at her church, the local Woman’s Club, Oley Fire Company events, the Oley Valley Community Fair, and state farm show.
Dr. Gina Finnerty, OVHS Principal, opened the ceremony by welcoming everyone. Student leaders introduced the five honorees and Kevin Bieber, Alumni Awards Committee Chair gave a brief history of the Distinguished Alumni & Service Award and recognized past award recipients who were in attendance. Each recipient offered “words of wisdom” to the students and honored guests. Tom Kauffman, OVCEF President presented each recipient with a plaque and ended the ceremony with words of congratulations and some highlights of the Foundation.
The annual awards program is a collaborative effort between the Oley Valley School District and the Oley Valley Community Education Foundation. Founded in 1997, The Foundation is a non-profit organization that channels private contributions and fundraising to enhance educational opportunities for students, residents, employees and alumni of the school district.
Please visit OVCEF’s website for additional photos of the 2022 Distinguished Alumni and Service ceremony at www.oleyvalleycef.com/2022-distinguished-alumni-ceremony
2023 Distinguished Alumni & Service Nominations Wanted
The Oley Valley Community Education Foundation (OVCEF) is seeking nominations for the annual Oley Valley Distinguished Alumni Award and for the Distinguished Service to the Oley Valley School District Award.
In past years these awards have recognized alumni of Oley Valley High School for their efforts and achievements and other individuals who have provided outstanding service to the Oley Valley School District.
One or more awards are presented each fall to alumni for outstanding achievement in their professions, humanitarian efforts, volunteerism, or service in their communities, or a single exceptional achievement. One or more awards may also be presented to individuals who have provided unselfish service to the Oley Valley School District.
Deadline for applications is June 30, 2023.
To learn more about Distinguished Alumni & Service or for a nomination application, visit our website at https://www.oleyvalleycef.com/alumni-awards
New in 2022, this Earth & Space Table displays global data. Students can see data visualized in 3D graphics which allows them to make connections in the subjects of earth science, astronomy, meteorology, sociology, agriculture, oceanography, geography, plus much more. There are over 500 datasets that can be used across all K-12 grade levels and multiple subject areas, including clouds in real-time, the risk of drought, the rise of sea level, maps through the history, the surface of Mars, Jupiter's atmosphere, and the volcanoes on Jupiter's moon. NOAA continually updates their data sets as new data is collected.
The Earth and Space Science class has been identified as a high-level area of interest within the high school student body with 73 students enrolled in the class this first year. We look forward to watching the Earth and Space Program expand here at Oley Valley.
OVCEF is a proud sponsor of this Education Grant in Action.
Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness
For families and students who may experience homelessness, information on the McKinney-Vento Act is available on the Oley Valley School District Website or see below.
OVSD Homeless Liaison and Unaccompanied Youth Contact:
Mia K. Pietsch, M.Ed
Director of Student Services
Oley Valley School District
17 Jefferson Street Oley, PA 19547
610. 987.4100 ext. 1187 or ext. 1188
Please Visit the Sites below for information:
Oley Valley School District Board of Directors
David R. Pollock Jr., President
Robert A. Heckman, Vice President
Dawn Zackon, Treasurer
Maria Bogdanova-Peifer, Member
Zachary D. Fatkin, Member
Nancy Jackson, Member
Aaron Keller, Member
Darrell L. Markley, Ed.D., Member
Mary Lou Parry, Member
Benjamin Pratt, Esquire, Board Solicitor
Oley Valley School District
The Oley Valley School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Educator who fully and actively supports equal access for all people regardless of Race, Color, Religion, Gender, Age, National Origin, Veteran Status, Disability, Genetic Information or Testing, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity or Expression and prohibits Retaliation against individuals who bring forth any complaint, orally or in writing, to the employer or the government, or against any individuals who assist or practice in the investigation of any complaint, or otherwise oppose discrimination. Compliance issues/questions should be directed to the Office of the Superintendent.