New Tech News
Monthly School Newsletter - December 2022
In This Issue...
There is ALOT of information in this months newsletter! Be sure to scroll ALL THE WAY to the bottom so you don't miss anything!
- Student Leadership Activities and Fundraisers
- Winter Showcase Information
- Hour of Code Day & CSEd Week
- Finals/Mini-DOL Presentations - WE NEED VOLUNTEERS
- Spirit Week
- Students of the Week (November)
- Counselors Corner
- PTSA Fundraiser: Winter Showcase Raffle Prizes
- New Tech Hoodies for sale NOW!
- Winter Break: December 19 - Jan 16
Senior Class Fundraiser
Senior Class Fundraiser
"Pies" are $3 each or 2 for $5. All proceeds will go toward the senior class trip.
Students should bring cash to school on Friday, December 2nd to participate!
Multiple Class Fundraiser
Students can submit their works of art to be sold at the Winter Showcase. Proceeds will go to the artists class funds.
Bring some cash to the Winter Showcase and help support our students!
Bring Your Spare Change!
Winter Holiday Grams
Winter Showcase!!
Thursday, December 8th 5:30-7:00PM
Here is a list of some of the great things happening at the Winter Showcase this year:
- Humanities Department will have art displays, American Dream presentations, About Me Posters, and student video viewing stations
- Math Department will have Digital Jeopardy, and Math Art Designs
- Science Department will have Catapult displays and a Chemistry Magic Show
- Electives will have Student Made Newspaper display, and Skits
- CTE Pathways will have Pass the Video, Newtech Newz, Freedom Videos, Video Games created by students, student made Robots, and student made websites
In addition to our wonderful student work, we will also have a few different fundraisers going on!
- Food Sale - our senior class will be selling quesadillas, hotdogs, drinks and desserts - join us for dinner!
- Raffle - the PTSA will be hosting a raffle with great gifts/prizes - get some early holiday shopping done! (All prizes are pictured below in the PTSA Section of this newsletter). Raffle tickets are $1 each or 25 tickets for $20. You can purchase raffle tickets in the front office starting Monday, December 5th and they will also be available at the event.
- Art Sale - student art will be on display and can be purchased. Proceeds will go to the artists grade level class.
When you come to the Winter Showcase, please be sure to sign in so you can earn participation time towards your 30 hours.
We can't wait to see you all at the WINTER SHOWCASE!
Thursday, Dec 8, 2022, 05:30 PM
1400 Dickson Street, Sacramento, CA, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Hour of Code Day & Computer Science Education Week
Next week is Computer Science Education Week (CSEd Week). This is a national call to action to bring more computer science learning and activities to K-12 school. Sac New Tech is the ONLY school in SCUSD that has a Computer Science CTE Pathway and we are very proud to be able to provide this program to our students.
To celebrate CSEd Week each year, we participate in a fun event called Hour of Code. This year we are proudly partnering with Square Root Academy (SRA) to bring even more engaging activities for our students to interact with.
Here are the different workshops that students can choose from:
- Arduino Light Display Get into the holiday spirit! Learn the coding magic behind holiday light shows, and make your own mini light display using Arduino boards.
- Digital Animation Love anime and cartoons? Learn the basics of animation and create your own digitally animated cartoon using Adobe Fresco.
Machine Learning and AI Workshop (Rm 4) - Students will be teaching a machine how to "think"! By experimenting with modern machine learning tools, students will experience what it takes to teach a computer the difference between a cat vs. a dog, a hotdog vs. a hamburger, a car vs. a bike, etc.
Coding Activities on Code.org Coding activities for all levels of coders. Students will create programs and games on code.org. Code.org is ALWAYS available so parents, you can check it out too!
Be sure to ask your student about their experience at our Hour of Code Event!
In order to prepare our students for this very big event, we use our finals day project presentations as practice and we call them "Mini-DOL's". In order to get students ready to present in front of adults and people they do not know or see everyday, we want to authenticate our audiences for their final project presentations.
We are asking for parents to come to the school during finals and just be a part of the audience for these Mini-DOL's. You simply have to sit in the classroom and watch the students present. Very simple! Any parents who volunteer will earn participation time that will go towards the 30 hours that we ask of every family. Any adult family member can participate! If you are interested in helping us provide an authentic audience for our students, please complete the Sign-Up Genius to select the time(s) you are available. We LOVE when our parents come to our school and participate with our students! (If you have already connected with us via email, you do not need to complete the Sign-Up Genius. We already have you signed up!)
Finals Schedule
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
8:30-10:51 Per 7/8
10:51-11:16 Break
11:19-1:40 Per 5/6
Thursday, December 15, 2022
8:30-10:51 Per 3/4
10:51-11:16 Break
11:19-1:40 Per 1/2
SPIRIT WEEK - Dec 5 - 9
MONDAY - 12/5
TUESDAY - 12/6
FRIDAY - 12/9
Counselors Corner!
STUDENTS ENROLLED IN COLLEGE CLASSES: Your class will be ending the week of December 5th so make sure you are on top of your assignments and preparing for finals! When your final grade is posted for your college class, request your official Sacramento City College transcripts through your eServices account and have them sent to Mr. Hernandez at hhernandez@snths.org.
12th GRADE STUDENTS: All 12th grade students should apply for financial aid for college for next year, regardless of what you plan on doing after graduation. The financial aid applications (FASFA and CADAA) are open now and the deadline to complete them is March 2. SAVE THE DATE: We are hosting a FASFA/CADAA workshop at New Tech on Wednesday, January 25 from 6-8pm for 12th grade students and parents.
COUNSELOR APPOINTMENTS: If students or parents would like to make an appointment with Ms. Kim, please use this link to do so: https://doodle.com/bp/kimseyford/meeting-with-counselor.
FOLLOW Ms. Kim on Instagram: @counselor_kim_snths
PTSA - Parent Teacher Student Association
For $11 you will be a member of the New Tech PTSA and you will be supporting our students and staff in SO many ways.
This will take you less than 3 minutes. DO IT NOW! Click the BIG RED button below!
Purchase Raffle Tickets Starting Monday, Dec 5th
Tickets are $1 for 1 ticket or $20 for 25 tickets. You can pre-order your tickets in the front office starting on Monday, December 5 and collect your tickets when you come to the Winter Showcase on Thursday, December 8th. Raffle tickets will also be available the night of the event.
- Purchase your tickets (if you pre-order tickets, you will receive a receipt for your purchase. When you arrive at the Winter Showcase, take the receipt to the PTSA Raffle table to receive your tickets)
- Be sure to write you name and phone number on the back of each ticket
- Place as many tickets as you want in any or all of the bags in front of the prize or prizes you want to win. The more tickets you put in each bag, the higher your odds are of winning that prize.
- Tickets will be available for purchase starting Monday the 5th and can be purchased until 7pm during the Winter Showcase on December 8th.
- At 7pm - the PTSA will pull one winning ticket from each bag.
- YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE PRESENT TO WIN. All winners will be contacted by the phone number on the back of the winning tickets. Prizes can be picked up in the Front Office during regular school hours.
- We will announce the winners live on Instagram @principalmartin2020
Battery Daddy Gift Basket
Vic's Ice Cream Gift Certificate ($25)
California Flag Artwork
Lucky for us, Mr. Downey is also a Parent of a New Tech Student!
Aloe Vera Plants
Self Care Kit
Goodie Basket
Book Basket
Children's Craft Kits
Lego Sets
New Tech Hoodies
If you don't win a hoodie, but you still want one, they are available to order in the front office for $35 each (cash only please). You can order your hoodie until 12/16. Hoodies will be available for pick up when we return from winter break.
A Christmas Tree with ALL the trimmings!
Here's a list of other Prizes!
- $100 gas card
- $20 gift card for Freeport Bakery
- $20 gift card for Pete's Coffee
- $25 gift card for See's Candy
About Us
If you are interesting in visiting a school for a tour, please contact us, we would love to meet you!
Email: support@snths.org
Website: newtech.scusd.edu
Location: 1400 Dickson Street, Sacramento, CA, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SacNewTech