Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 invites all aspiring educators and support staff to its upcoming Job Fair on Tuesday, May 30th. The event, which will run from 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM, will take place at the District Office at 4201 W. 93rd St., Oak Lawn, IL 60453.
The Kolmar PTA sure knows how to make someone feel appreciated! For teacher appreciation week the Kolmar PTA organized volunteers to stock the staff room with all sorts of yummy and healthy treats for the teachers. They provided breakfast one morning, cookies, and a special Cinco de Mayo lunch.
On Monday, May 15th, Sward School celebrated their 2nd Annual World Day of Cultural Diversity. Students learned about their own family's culture, heritage and traditions. Across grade levels, students proudly shared about their cultures. It was such an amazing experience learning how diverse our Sward community is!
Every year, students all across the nation participate in the D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program. This highly acclaimed program gives kids the skills they need to avoid involvement in drugs, gangs, and violence. D.A.R.E. began in 1983 and has proven so successful that it has been implemented in thousands of schools throughout the United States and many other countries.
This Wednesday Covington families joined us for a Family PJ Reading Night. Families enjoyed being able to enjoy a variety of reading stations. The stations consisted of Cookies and Drink with a book where students got to enjoy a sweet snack and also choose a book to take home.
The OLHMS Soccer teams have had a rollercoaster of a season! The girls soccer team, coached by Ms. Amber Brodko, started the season with many challenges on the field. Between Mother Nature, injuries, and limited field time, the girls still prevailed and worked through each challenge that was put in front of them.
"Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another." - Alfred Adler Last week, Hannum Elementary, as well as the other schools in District 123, celebrated Empathy Week. Throughout the school year, students discuss empathy through our Second Step curriculum.