Highlander Times
October 11, 2023

Highlander Times October 25, 2023
Hello. Welcome to the October 25, 2023 edition of the Highlander Times. You can access past editions on our website
As we near the end of first quarter (November 3), we want to express how proud we are of our students and how they have settled into the school year. Our attendance rates and club and sports participation rates continue to improve, further proof that we are recovering from the disruption of the pandemic. We continue to emphasize the importance of good attendance, and want to remind you all to call your student's community if they will be absent.
- Winter Sports Registration is now open. Register your athlete by clicking here. Winter Sports are basketball, swimming, indoor track and field, ice hockey, and competitive cheerleading. Reminder: students must have had a physical within the last 13 months. Need help registering? Call the SFLC or Welcome Center for assistance (we can help in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Haitian Creole)
- Students received their school pictures last week. If they would like a retake, they can stop by C205 on November 13 during their lunch block or after getting a pass from their teachers. If you would still like to order prints/packages go to my.lifetouch.com and enter code EVTTKH7HQ.
- Information for Seniors. Yearbook pictures are due November 22. Please see more information here: Google Slide Show with information for seniors. You can also click the Seniors “button” in the “For More Information” section below.
- Reminder: Somerville High School will host its Homecoming Dance on Friday, October 27 from 6:00-9:00 pm. The theme is “Great Homecoming,” ie Great Gatsby/Roaring Twenties theme.
- Tickets are $13 and will be available until we reach our maximum of 550 tickets sold. No tickets will be sold at the door
- ONLY SOMERVILLE HIGH SCHOOL students may attend. No exceptions
- All Somerville High School rules will be in effect, and all bags/pockets etc. will be searched before students can enter the dance
- Students needing financial assistance should reach out to their communities; students needing assistance with dresses/suits can reach out to the SFLC (see “button” below)
- This week is Spirit Week. The remaining Theme Days are: Thursday: Anything but a backpack (note - you cannot bring anything alive to school for this, ie pets or siblings); Friday: Year of Graduation Pride: Seniors-Blue, Juniors-Red, Sophomores-Purple, Freshmen-White.
- Senior Costume Day. Per our tradition, seniors at Somerville High School can dress up in costumes on October 31. Please read Senior Costume Day guidelines for more details. Seniors will be dismissed at 12 on this day.
- The City is hosting a dedication ceremony for Reavis Field this Thursday at 12:00. The construction in that area will be finished in the near future, allowing the high school to use the loading dock, the field, and the outdoor space in the area sometime soon!
- In the name of student and staff safety, Somerville High School will be conducting a Lockdown and a "Secure and Hold" drill on Thursday, November 16th around 1 pm. The entire drill should take 12-14 minutes and will be supported by the Somerville Police and Fire departments. We understand that this important safety initiative can be stressful for staff and students. Please reach out to your student’s community if you have any concerns.
From the PTSA
Thank you to Antoinette Delmonico, Aude Picard Wolff, and Matt Timmins for submitting your application to run for the School Improvement Council. Since only three applicants submitted forms before the deadline, no elections were held. Please note that while only elected/appointed members of the SIC can vote, the meetings are public and anyone can attend and participate. The first meeting will be Wednesday, November 8 at 6:30 pm in room C205 at the high school. A virtual link will also be posted closer to the date of the meeting.
Thank you,
Principal Kersten
- Want to donate food and/or drinks for the Homecoming Dance? While the $13 ticket fee includes food and drink, the whole event is a fundraiser for the senior class. Food and Drink donations help offset the cost of the event. If interested please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/q7wkDc8Ps6Kudbx58 And if you want to volunteer to serve food, please email Mr. Cooley at pcooley@k12.somerville.ma.us
- The PTSA, SHS Community staff, and SFLC are doing a gift card drive for Thanksgiving to help SHS families in need. If you’d like to donate you can drop gift cards off at the main office, or donate via venmo to @SHSPTSA1 Suggest Gift Cards: Market Basket, Stop and Shop, Dollar Store, Target, etc.
Upcoming Events
Oct 20-27 Spirit/Homecoming Week
Oct 25 CTE Advisory Night 5pm (General) 6pm (Program)
Oct 27 Homecoming Dance @SHS 6:00-9:00
Oct 31 Senior Halloween Dress-Up Contest - 12:00 Dismissal
Nov 3 Last Day of Q1 - Grades close
Nov 7 No School - Election Day
Nov 7 College Tours to Framingham State & Northeastern University by signup only
Nov 8 First meeting of SHS School Improvement Council 6:30-8:00pm
Nov 8-9 MCAS Retest - English Language Arts
Nov 10 First Quarter Report Cards posted
- Nov 10 No School-Veterans Day
- Nov 12 Diwali
- Nov 13 Picture Retake Day (no schedule change)
- Nov 14-15 MCAS Retest - Math
- Nov 16 Lockdown Drill
- Nov 30 Parent/Guardian/Teacher Conferences
Highlander Highlights
Scrapheap Showdown
Getting see the great Yo Yo Ma!
The Somerville High School Chorus, Orchestra and AP Music Theatre classes attended the open rehearsal of the Boston Symphony Orchestra with Yo Yo Ma.
Experiencing the great outdoors in our own backyard
Dress Like Adam Sandler Day
Dress Like Ken or Barbie Day
Somerville Crew at Head of the Charles
For More Information....
Career and College Corner
We invite all SHS parents, guardians, students, and staff to join the PTSA, and welcome your ideas for helping our school and community. For more information, please contact us by email at shsptsa1@yahoo.com. You can visit our website and fill out a membership form here: shsptsa1.wixsite.com/shsptsa Also, please join our SHS Friends and Family Facebook page at SHS Friends and Family Page | Facebook to stay informed about PTSA and SHS activities. PRESIDENT Caroline Rosas; CO-VICE-PRESIDENT: Laura Beretsky; CO-VICE-PRESIDENT: Lisa Tatterson; SECRETARY Nicole Hoxholli; TREASURER: Kim Doherty