Google Café
Cooked up by your SDPC Media Specialists
Today's Specials:
Docs, Sheets & Slides Smorgasbord
Flavorful Photos
Fresh Forms
Savory Sites
Tasty Translations
Enticing Extensions
Docs, Sheets & Slides Smorgasbord
Sample These Tasty Treats:
- Top Tips and Add-ons for Google
- The More button
- Revision History
- Forcing a copy
- Headings
- Adding Google fonts to My Fonts
- Creating a table of contents
- How to find and install add-ons to Docs:
- Doc Tools
- EasyBib
- Speech Recognition
- Styles
- Change Case
Full recipes at http://drive.google.com
Docs tutorials and tips: Google Docs Help
Sheets tutorials and tips: Google Sheets Help
Slides tutorials and tips: Google Slides Help
Chef: Leanne Broome, Clemson Elementary School
Flavorful Photos
Cook up some visual excitement by mixing pictures, apps, and more to capture and share unique moments with diverse audiences! Never lose a photo again, thanks to Google Photos:
- Learn the correct settings
- Work with photos and albums
- Discover sharing options
- See the search feature in action
- Meet the Assistant
- Create animations, collages or movies
Full recipes at http://photos.google.com
Tutorials and tips at Google Photos Help
Chef: Paige Cochrane, Easley High School
Fresh Forms
- Wish you could keep track of who’s entering/leaving your classroom?
- Need to give and grade a quick quiz?
- Want students to participate in an opinion poll?
- Need to collect and compile information?
Google Forms is a quick and easy way to accomplish these tasks and more. The Fresh Forms station in the Google Café will focus on designing a form that you can use as a sign in/sign out method. We’ll look at how to create the form, then we’ll look at the data collected and analyze responses.
Full recipes at http://forms.google.com
Tutorials and tips at Google Forms Help
Chef: Karen Williamson, Pickens High School
Savory Sites
The new Google Sites: creating a website has never been this easy! Just use these simple ingredients!
- Begin with a clean page
- Add generous helpings of text, images, URLS, or uploads
- Spice it up with Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, or Charts
- Garnish with videos, maps, or calendars
- Share, preview and publish so everyone can enjoy your creation!
Full recipes at http://sites.google.com (Be sure to follow the link to the NEW Sites)
Tutorials and tips at: Google Sites Help
Chef: Christina Connell, Gettys Middle School
Tasty Translations
How do you say . . . ? Learn the basics of Google Translate online and on the app so you can keep the conversation going! Translate documents, websites and common phrases, and learn to use the listening feature to test your skills in a new language.
- Learn about Google Translate
- Turn instant translation on/off
- Text
- Speech input
- English International and Spanish keyboards
- Handwritten and Spanish handwritten input
- Translate a website
- Saving, copying, listening and sharing
Full recipes at https://translate.google.com/
Tutorials and tips at Google Translate Help
Chef: Sarah Wajda, Dacusville Elementary School
Enticing Extensions
Sample a tasty variety of extensions which will increase teacher and/or student productivity. Bet you can't install just one!
- Extensity
- Destiny Discover
- Mercury Reader
- Crafty Text, Crafty Cursor, and Crafty Zoom
- Screencastify
- Clipboard History
- AdBlock
- Sticky Notes
- ColorZilla
- Grammarly
- Diigo
Full supply of extensions available at https://chrome.google.com/webstore
Tutorials and tips at How to Install and Manage Extensions
Chef: Carla Simpson, Liberty Middle School