CN Labels
and Product Formulation Statements

Region 5 Food Service Co-op
All awarded items on our 2023-2024 School year bid that require a CN Label or a product formulation statement are located on our Coop Drive. You can access it using the link below.
General Background
How does the Program work?
What products can be CN-labeled?
Main dish products which contribute to the meat/meat alternate component of the meal pattern requirements. Examples of these products include but are not limited to beef patties, cheese or meat pizzas, meat or cheese and bean burritos, egg rolls, and breaded fish portions.
Importance of the CN Label
What are the advantages of using CN labels?
- A CN label statement clearly identifies the contribution of a product toward the meal pattern requirements. It protects a school from exaggerated claims about a product.
- A CN label provides a warranty against audit claims, if used according to the manufacturer's directions.
How do I identify a CN label?
- In addition to required labeling features, a CN label will always contain the following:
- The CN logo (which is a distinct border) The meal pattern contribution statement
- A 6-digit product identification number
- USDA/FNS authorization statement
- The month and year of approval.
Contact Information
Delois Harris- Coop Coordinator
Lauren Bush- Program Facilitator
Email: lbush@esc5.net
Location: 350 Pine Street, Beaumont, TX, USA
Phone: 409-951-1873
Lauren Bush
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