St. Mary Catholic Schools News
Join us for Zephyrfest 2023
You're invited
A spectacular evening is planned for Saturday, April 29, 2023 at the Fox Cities Exhibition Center in Appleton. Will you be there? The time is now to secure your seats and build your table.
The funds raised at Zephyrfest allow SMCS to welcome families who might otherwise be unable to fit private school into their budget. With the support of generous donors and community members, we can continue to serve the Fox Valley as a best-in-class educational institution, forming the leaders and thinkers of tomorrow.
Click here for more information and to reserve your spot at this premier fundraising event.
Unable to attend? Click here to purchase your sweepstakes entries. Remember, you don't need to be present to win! This is a great way to support SMCS no matter where you are. Whether you're looking for a new car, or Packers tickets, you could be one of our big winners!
Summer at St. Mary Catholic Schools
Registration Now Open: The Camp Zephyr team is planning for the best summer ever! If you're ready to make your summer plans, click on the image above to register.
Summer Sports Camps Registration for Tennis, Girls Volleyball, Girls Basketball and Football summer camps is now open. Please register early. Camps are open to any student from any school. (Grade entering Fall of 2023 for all camps)
2023 SMCS Sports Camp Registrations
Registration for Fall ZFL Flag Football League (Grades 3-6, 2023-2024 School Year)
U9-U13 Zephyrs Football League
More information and registration will be coming in future for the SMCS Summer Strength and Conditioning Program – Middle and High School program will be out soon. This program is for SMC Students Only.
High School Strength and Conditioning (Entering Grades 9-12 Fall of 2023)
Starts June 12 – Ends August 3 (No Class July 3-6)
Monday thru Thursday – 7:30am - 9:00am
Middle School Strength and Conditioning (Entering Grades 6-8 Fall of 2023)
Starts June 12 – Ends August 3 (No Class July 3-6)
Monday thru Thursday – 9:00am – 10:00am
Camp Invention: SMCMS will once again be a host site for Camp Invention. Visit to sign up to attend July 31- August 4.
Calling All Dads!
The dads are gearing up for an exciting spring! All the men of SMCS are invited to attend these events and connect with other "dads" looking to support our great schools. Questions about Zephyr Dads can be directed to Director of Advancement (and six time Zephyr Dad) Chris Decker.
For Your Calendar
The Tempest
You’re invited to step into Shakespeare’s comedy of betrayal and revenge with our middle school students. The Tempest runs April 21 through the April 23 at the Jane Bergstrom Fine Arts Education Center on the campus of St. Mary Catholic High School. Click here for tickets.
Spring Sports
The snow is (almost) gone and spring sports are heating up at SMCS! Visit the Big East Calendar to see when you can come cheer for the Zephyrs.
Staff Recognition
SMCS Teacher and Staff Awards Nominations
Each year, St. Mary Catholic Schools (SMCS) recognizes the talent of outstanding SMCS teachers and staff members. It is important to show our teachers and staff how much their dedication and hard work is appreciated. Please take the time to nominate a deserving teacher/staff member/co-worker by clicking on the links below. Past recipients are listed here. The deadline for nominations for the 2023 awards is Friday, April 28.
Criteria for the Award: The Outstanding Teacher Award is presented to a current SMCS teacher who continually inspires and academically challenges his/her students. This award was established to recognize excellence in teaching, with a focus on creativity, rapport with students, positive attitude and high-quality instruction. The Outstanding Teacher Award recognizes a special teacher who has an exceptional relationship with students, parents, and peers, contributes constructively and positively to the school and SMCS, and lives his/her faith in and out of the classroom. The recipient of this award challenges his/her students to work to their highest potential and teaches them to set high self-expectations and standards. St. John Online Nomination
Criteria for the Award: The Positive Influence Award is presented to a current SMCS staff member who makes an exceptional difference in the lives of our students and their families. This person continually goes above and beyond to make sure that our students feel school is a haven for learning and growing. He or she promotes personal growth, spirituality and life-long learning as the path to future success. Award winners are recognized for going well beyond expectations for the good of SMCS students, their families and the entire SMCS system. St. Frances Online Nomination
Criteria for the Award: The SMCS Spirit Award is presented to a SMCS current staff member who consistently represents all SMCS schools in a positive and enthusiastic manner. This individual inspires others by actively engaging co-workers, students and families to support the SMCS mission and vision, and is committed to the concept of a P3-12 Catholic school system in our community. This person displays an upbeat attitude, promotes and participates in activities and events and encourages school spirit in others. He or she enthusiastically encourages students, parents, families, parishioners and the community to learn more about our schools and takes personal pride in and responsibility for the success of SMCS through their positive work. St. Anne Online Nomination
Criteria for the Award: Criteria for the Award: The SMCS Award for Innovation is presented to a current SMCS staff member who shows distinction in innovation. This award seeks to recognize an engaged employee who fully uses the resources provided by SMCS, seeks mentors within our community and freely shares his/her time, talent and ideas with other system employees and students to support the SMCS values and strategic goals. This employee demonstrates ingenuity and resourcefulness while inspiring creativity and critical thinking in others. St. Isidore Online Nomination
Planning for the 2023-2024 School Year
Existing students do not need to do anything to register for next year. Families will see to expect March bills to include $75 in 2023-24 registration fees for returning students.
New Students: If you have a new student entering the system in 2023-2024, you can begin the registration process here. Please feel free to share that link with anyone looking to learn whether SMCS is the right choice for their family.
Tuition rates for 2023-2024 have been announced. Click here to view the rate sheet. Tuition assistance is available. Click here for the application.
SMCS participates in the state of Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP). The state application period runs from February 1 to April 20. Please review eligibility requirements at: or contact Shelley Wautlet in the Business Office for more information. Being awarded the WPCP grant can mean free tuition for your child grades 4K-12 at SMCS!
Please see the PDF below for your planning purposes.
For Tax Purposes: Filing Year 2022
Parents may claim the tuition payments for 5-year-old kindergarten through grade 12 on the state of WI Schedule PS tax form.
To access payments made from 1/1/22 to 12/31/22, log in to Blackbaud/Tuition Management and select Family Year End Statement at the right. Please consult a tax professional to inquire about claiming payments on P3/4K tuition. For Part 1 on the PS Form you will enter: St. Mary Catholic Schools, 1050 Zephyr Drive, Neenah, WI 54956. The federal ID will print on your statement as the School Tax ID.
Contact Shelley Wautlet if you need help with logging in to your tuition account.
Parish Connection
Discipleship Digest
A message from Steve Pable, Director of Adult Discipleship Formation Catholic Parishes of Neenah & Menasha. Learn more about Steve's role here.
“They have taken the Lord from the tomb and we don’t know where they put him.”
Those first moments of Easter morning are almost literally unimaginable. Mary Magdalene’s distress and bewilderment as she runs to tell Peter and John… the frantic footrace back to the tomb… their dumbfounded expressions as they struggled to comprehend the empty tomb.
Here’s the thing: it was only when they encountered the Risen Jesus that they could put the pieces together. That’s worth repeating: nothing made sense to those closest disciples of Jesus until they met Him, risen and glorified in His victory over death.
The same is true for us! Discipleship truly begins when we consider the real Jesus, alive now, not an abstract figure from the distant past. “Being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction.” (Benedict XVI, from God Is Love) May you meet Jesus in a captivating way this Easter season, following Him to a life beyond what you could have imagined!
©Steve Pable, Director of Adult Discipleship Formation
Welcome – Worship – Witness
Join the Jesus Centered Marriage Movement
Looking to connect with your spouse in a new way, while also growing closer to God? St. Jude Parish Center in Oshkosh is hosting a monthly lecture and small group series beginning this month. Click here for more information, or email SMCHS teacher Sam Wood with questions.