Dyllis Springs Elementary News
September 2017
Open House
Thank you to all the parents and guardians that attended our Open House event. We look forward to working closely with you this year to maximize your child's learning potential.
D.S.E.S. Book Blitz
We are excited to begin our year with a special reading event. We will be reading Charlotte's Webb as a school in the coming weeks. We will be doing activities that will incorporate themes in the book across the curriculum.
We are thrilled to have the opportunity to share this book with all of our students. Our focus will be the central themes of friendship and love.
Book Blitz
Book Blitz
There will be no school Monday, September 4th. Happy Labor Day!
Scholastic Book Fair
We will begin our Fall scholastic Book Fair on Wednesday, September 6th. Our fair will last for 1 week and end on Wednesday, September 13th. Come support our library by shopping at the Scholastic Book Fair.
Grandparent's Day Luncheon
In September we will celebrate the gift of Grandparents. We have a special lunch scheduled to celebrate Grand Parent's Day. Thursday, September 7th we invite our 1st grade and our Kindergarten grandparents to lunch. Friday, September 8th we invite our 2nd-grade and 3rd-grade parents to lunch. Monday, September 11th we invite our Pre- K, 5th grade, and 4th-grade grandparents to lunch. No need to pay in advance, just return the RSVP sheet no later than Friday, September 1st.
Box Tops
We are collecting box tops this school year. The class that collects the most Box Tops in grades Pre-K-2 and 3-5 will get to have a special lunch with Mrs. Spakes on the patio. This is a wonderful opportunity for our school to purchase technology for classrooms.
Kroger Community Rewards
If you did not link your Kroger card rewards with our school you still have time to go on line and select Dyllis Springs Elementary. Our extra recess reward will be Tuesday, September 12th. Just remember to email Mrs. Armstrong at jharmstrong@roaneschools.com with the screen shot no later than September 11th.