At the Creek....
October 10, 2019
Principal's Message
Our final numbers are in and, once again, our school community ROCKED with support of our school at this year's Jog A Thon. It was wet and wild, but smiles were everywhere and fun was had through the puddles and cheers. The PTA has information below about the total amount raised, however I get to share with you here that the students BEAT THE AMOUNT FROM LAST YEAR BY $68. This means I get to start next week by being duct taped to the wall!!!! We will start at 2:00 on Monday afternoon, with the top 10 fundraisers getting to participate and also a group of others chosen in a rando~m drawing. Whether a student brought one dollar or lots, everyone's name is in the drawing. I must say, I'm actually super excited! I hope our kids have some great taping skills so I don't end up in a pile on the floor!
On a serious note, we are seeing an increase in behavior to date this year, both in classrooms and outside on the playground. While words like "I'll kill you" and "I'll get you" were often stated by kids as a joke 10-15 years ago, these words are taken much differently now. We are hearing kids talk about such topics and have to take everything serious and follow appropriate steps in the building. At school we are reminding students about not using words that might scare or upset others at the primary levels and are discussing the actual statements used in the intermediate grades. We are teaching Social Emotional Learning weekly on Monday mornings with focuses on handling emotions, working through conflicts and much more. I add this information here to ask for your assistance in talking to your chidren at home about how to solve problems with peers and about appropriateness at school. I appreciate any time you can spend on this subject at home.
Parent Teacher conferences are upon us! If you've signed up for your meeting, THANK YOU! If not, please head to the ASD website to do so. During these meetings the teachers will speak to you about your child's progress on our Fall Universal screeners-Fastbridge and MAP. These were done in the first weeks of school and give you a starting point for your child's learning this year. I've asked that every child set a personal goal for growth and hope you'll hear about these as well. The ultimate goal for every child is that they will make a year's growth every school year. I know we can do this with our amazing teaching team.
I want to say a thank you to all of you who joined us at Texas Roadhouse this week. I loved seeing kids faces when they noticed a teacher or friend also there with family. They always look with amazement when they see the principal out of the school and I'm certain they think I live in my office! We will find out soon about the funds raised that evening and will earmark hem to support classroom supplies and materials.
Not a day goes by that I'm not thankful I'm the principal at Rabbit Creek due to our incredible staff, students and families. Thank you for making everyday special for me!
Ms. Peterson
Coming soon!!!
10/17-10/25-Fall Book Fair in the Library-See the schedule
10/18-End of 1st Quarter-no school for students
10/21-10/24-Red Ribbon Week
10/23 and 10/24-Parent Teacher conferences-school dismissal at 12:30 daily
10/25-InService day-no school for students
10/29-Picture Retakes
11/2-Christmas Towne Bazaar and 6th grade Cookie Caper at South High 10-4
Take Your Parent to Lunch Day!
Red Ribbon Week at Rabbit Creek!!!!
“Our future is SO BRIGHT without DRUGS!” Wear Neon attire.
“No disguising a HEALTHY lifestyle!” Wear camo attire.
“Sock it to DRUGS.”
Wear crazy or mismatched socks.
“Rally in Red.”
Wear red to support drug-free lifestyle
Important Parent Teacher Conference Information
The Parent Teacher Conference Scheduler is online and ready for you to set up a time that works best for your family. These will be set up in 20 minute time slots to allow our teachers the chance to meet with all parents during the two days. It is important that everyone works to arrive on time for meetings to keep the schedule flowing. With many having more than one child, a late meeting in one classroom can have a ripple effect on many other teachers and families. If your children are spread out into the different halls and/or portables, please consider having an open spot between your meetings to allow for travel time!.
All students need to be picked up or get on the bus right at 12:30. Please do not have your children wait at the school for you until your scheduled time as there is not supervision around the building or in the office due to conferences. If your child typically rides a bus home, please consider the amount of time it takes for the bus to get home into consideration before setting a time with teachers. You'll want to be sure to meet the bus before heading to school if no one is home. Thank you for making these important plans ahead of time.
Student Council Elections
The first meeting of our new Student Council will be November 5th from 8:00-8:45am in Mrs. Gardeline's classroom.
PTA Information
From Your PTA President:
Dear Rabbit Creek families,
It’s hard to believe we are nearing the end of the 1st Quarter already! If you haven't already checked out our PTA website, it's a really helpful place to find all sorts of information, from the PTA/school calendar to past meeting minutes and newsletters, useful PTA forms, online payment for afterschool programs and more! Thank you to our new web Administrator and Student Council co-leader, Erika Jones,for updating our site this year! We also have an active presence on Facebook and encourage you all to join our closed PTA Facebook pageto keep up with current events. Just search "Rabbit Creek School PTA" and request to join!
All PTA members are welcome to attend our monthly PTA meetings which typically occur the 2nd Tuesday of each month. In an effort to better accommodate staff and parent schedules, meetings will alternate between after-school at 3:45 pm and evenings at 7 pm in the Library. For example, our November meeting will be Tues. Nov. 12th at 3:45 pm and our December meeting will be Tues. Dec. 10th at 7pm.
Upcoming Events: October is a busy month with our Fall Book Fair (17th-25th)and Fall Dance,the Monster Mash, on Thursday, October 17th from 7-9 pm. There will be a teacher inservice on Friday the 18th (No School) and again on Friday the 25th, the week of Parent/Teacher conferences. Speaking of which, Parent/Teacher conferenceswill occur on Wednesday the 23rd and Thursday the 24th, with half days scheduled those days. Parents can sign up to provide food for teachers during conference days. More information will be coming soon or email Jessica Riedel at Conference week coincides with Red Ribbon Week (Oct. 21-24), with daily anti-drug themed Spirit Days sponsored by our Rabbit Creek Student Council. School Picture Retakes are scheduled for October 29th and we end October with a "Book Character" spirit day on October 31st (Halloween)-- students are encouraged to come to school dressed as their favorite book character! It’s going to be a spook-tacular month!
See you soon at Rabbit Creek,
Heather Birch
Yearbook Cover Design contest
Attention 5th& 6thGraders!
2019-2020 Rabbit Creek Memory Book Cover Contest
- Must includearabbit or abunnyand incorporate this year’s theme of “Ohana,”family.
- Include the school name and year in your design. Rabbit Creek Elementary School 2019-2020
- Must be no largerthan 7.5 inches wide by 10 inches tall. This is a normal size piece of paper with a one inch margin. If do you fill the entire paper, keep in mind that drawings on the edge may be cut off in formatting.
- Please use a heavy-weight cardstock.
- May not contain derogatory, obscene, violent or otherwise inappropriate content.
- Do not fold or crumple the submitted entry.
- Write your NAME, GRADE, and TEACHERon a separate index card attached to your artwork.
· Rich Colors:The more color depth and contrast in your artwork, the better your cover will reproduce. Subtle colors may lose some detail in the printing process. Certain solid ink colors, such as navy, black and forest green, do not work well when placed next to each other.
· Thick Lines:For best results, be sure that outlines are thick. Thin outlines created with pencil will not reproduce completely. DO NOT use pencil to design your artwork.
· Careful with Crayons: If using crayons, be sure the color is crisp and not too subtle. Light shading with crayons may not reproduce—this is especially true with light blues, greens, and yellows.
· Metallic and Fluorescent: Glitter and metallic foils do not reproduce well when printed. These materials often appear black with little hint of color. Fluorescent inks will not reproduce well and should be avoided.
- Turn your entry in to your teacher by the DEADLINE, Tuesday, October 29th at 3:30 pm.
- A panel of teachers and parents will narrow the entries to 3 each from 5thand 6thgrade.
- Eligible 6thgrade entries will be judged by the 5thgraders and 5thgrade entries by the 6thgraders.
- Please do not let others know if you recognize a particular student’s entry. Let’s keep the judging anonymous!
- Prizes for 6thgrade: Your art published on the cover of this year’s memory book, a $25 gift card to some place cool, and recognition in the school newsletter. Most importantly, however, your legend will live on long after you have departed the sweet halls of Rabbit Creek Elementary!
- Prizes for 5thgrade: Your art published on the back cover of this year’s memory book, a $25 gift card, and recognition in the school newsletter.
- Runners-up from both grades will be featured on an interior page of the memory book and receive a $10 gift card.
- If you have questions email Jennifer Wagner at
- Good luck and have fun!
Monster Mash!!!
Monster Mash
Thursday, October 17 from 7-9PM
Put on your costumes and bring your family for a night of dancing at the Rabbit Creek Monster Mash!
Admission is just $5 per student or $10 per family and a light snack will be provided.
Bring some extra cash for glow items available to purchase at the dance!
*This is NOT a drop off event, students must be accompanied by parents at all times.
**Costumes must be school appropriate. No masks or weapons (not even fake) please!
Jog A Thon Totals!!!
Total raised $36,120, just beating last years total by $68!
K-3: Ms. Black's class raised the most money with a total of $2,917 and Ms. Runge's students a close second at $2866.
4-6: Ms. Rinehart's class raised the most money with a total of $2,077. Ms. Willis' sixth graders were second in fundraising with a total of $1,999.
Tucker Libal and Gracie Pride tied for individual winners, each raising $500.
What an Awesome School!!!!!
Conference Lunch Sign Up!!!
Sign Up to Bring in Food for Teacher Conference Luncheons Oct 23 & 24!
Please help our PTA provide a nice luncheon for our teaching staff during Parent Teacher Conference Week, October 23rd and 24th. Sign up online to bring in food or drink items and get more information. Wednesday’s theme will be soups, salads and sandwiches and Thursday’s theme is Taco Thursday! Thank you for supporting our teachers!!/showSignUp/10c094ea5ae2ca2ff2-fall1/29809546
Update your Directory Profile by October 14th
If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute today to update your online school directory information. This a great way to get the contact you need to send birthday invites, plan playdates, set up a carpool and more. You have complete control over what information appears in the directory. If your record is not updated by Monday, October 14, 2019 your profile will become inactive and you will lose access to the RCPTA directory.Please follow the directions below to update your information.
Go to
● Click on the Login
● Enter your email address and password
1. Complete the Parent/Family and Student Information
2. Complete the Directory/Publish Preferences.
Questions? - Please don't hesitate to contact Jill Boyd at
More info here:
Thank you Business Partners!!!
Rabbit Creek Elementary
Location: 13650 Lake Otis Parkway, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: 907-742-5700