Tiger News
October 2023
In this months addition:
Message from Mrs. Perez & CKH parent newsletter
Calendar of events
Anti-Bullying Awareness Month
Homecoming Mums & Garter
Homecoming Parade
Anonymous Alert Information
Library Information
Social Media
Hi, BRMS Families!
Wow, it is already October. We have had a great solid month of school. The kids are all adapting to their schedules and getting in routine. We have lots of good things happening at BRMS. One highlight is our trust cards. Students who have kept their trust cards have enjoyed many rewards and we have our big 9 week incentive coming up soon. The purpose of trust cards are to reward positive behavior and academic success.
Our character word for Capturing Kids Hearts this month is Self-Direct. Self-directed learners have choice, voice and autonomy. They design, manage, and lead their own learning experiences based on personal needs and interests. We want them to be able to lead themselves to who they want to be in the future. We are challenging students to partner with you this month to grow and develop their ability to self-direct. Please have conversations with your child to help guide them to who they want to be. The newsletter attached has some great information and resources for this month's word.
We are BETTER Together,
Mrs. Perez
Campus Grading Policy
Great news parents, students have access to check their own grades in the Student Portal. They will be able to see all their assignments and grades once they are posted in the portal by the teacher.
We want to clarify a few things according to District Policy. Students have 5 days to retake a failed assignment. That 5 day timeline begins when the grade is communicated to the student. Teachers are expected to put in grades weekly, however the student might have had the grade communicated to them prior to the teacher inputting them in Parent Portal. Teachers can communicate grades in various ways such as handing the assignment back, verbally, or through another platform such as goggle classroom. It is the students responsibility to ensure the retake or alternate assignment occurs within the 5 day timeline. Please reach out to Mr. Bunting if you have any questions (brayden.bunting@brisd.net)
Note from the Nurses
Just a friendly reminder that students should not be carrying medication including over the counter medication in their backpacks/purses. All medication can be kept and dispensed from the nurse clinic. There is a short form that must be filled out for all prescriptions or over the counter medications that your student may need. Inhalers and Epi-pens are the exception to this and may be carried by the student and a form must be filled out for those as well.
If you have received a letter regarding immunizations, those are due October 11th. You may email me a copy of any immunizations to Melissa.miels@brisd.net or drop off a copy to the office. All exemption letters must be the original notarized form.
Calendar of Upcoming Events
2 BRMS VB Pink Out Night at the High School
4 BETA Induction
4 District Cross Country Meet
5 BRMS Pink Out Pep Rally
5 BRMS Football vs Lone Oak
5 End of the grading period
6 Student Holiday
9 Student Holiday
10 Student Holiday
12 BRMS FB @ Bells
13 Report cards sent home
16 BRMS VB @ Pottsboro
19 BRMS Blackout Pep Rally
19 BRMS FB vs Leonard
21 BRMS Jr. High District Tournament
23-27 Red Ribbon Week
25 City Wide Homecoming Parade & Pep Rally
26 BRMS FB @ Howe
29 End of 3rd week grading period
Homecoming Mums & Garters
Get your mums and garters for homecoming on October 27
Save the date for Homecoming Parade & Community Pep Rally
October is Bullying Prevention Month
Please join us in dressing up the week of October 16-20. Our whole District will celebrate Unity Day on October 18 by encouraging all staff and students to wear orange.
Anonymous Alert
Anonymous Alert is a system that allows students, parents, or anyone in the school community to anonymously submit any suspicious activity, bullying, or other student-related issues such as self-harm/drug use to school administration. Submitters can upload pictures to their posts and anonymously message back and forth with the school if more information is needed
You can also report anonymously through the district anonymous reporting system at this link https://www.anonymousalerts.com/blueridgeisd/
Library Information
Check out our Library and website.
Check out your BRISD Libraries website for the library catalog, online resources, book recommendations and more!