Windom School District
Home of the Eagles - (February 17-21 Issue #13)
Superintendent's Notes
Back to Work - Weekly Updates Resume
You will be seeing me more often as I return to work more until I back to full days. I want to thank the entire staff for their support and prayers. It means a lot to be part of a community that supports families when in need. Thank you!
Board Update
The board has put considerable resources towards staffing for next year. With our growing enrollment and needs of our students this investment will support more students. In the past month they have approved the following positions to be added:
- 1.0 Special Education SLD
- 1.0 Special Education EBD
- 1.0 AD/Teaching
- 0.6 Art
- 0.25 Ag/Ind Tech (automotive)
- 0.125 Business (computer programming/applications)
- 1.0 Business Office (non-union)
- 1.0 Maintenance/Custodian
- 1.0 Windom Elementary Building Head/Lead (closes on February 28th)
Plannning for next year
We have some big moves coming for next year. While there will be quite a bit of inconvenience it will be short lived. End of the year there will be one day for just packing classrooms. Next August (date TBD) will be one day just for unpacking and setting up your classroom. We will be finalizing room assignments over the next month or so to allow for plenty of time for transitioning. In the mean time look at what must move and what needs to be cleaned out and tossed.
Eagle Shout Out! Board Appreciation Week February 17-21
This past week was Board Appreciation Week. These people are your neighbors, friends and people who care about our children and school system. They put in a lot of time and unfortunately tend to get very little credit for how well our school system works. If you have a moment drop them an email thanking them for what they do for all of us.
- Don Brugman dbrugman@isd177.com
- Joel Bordewyk jbordewyk@isd177.com
- Barb Jones bjones@isd177.com
- Angie Klassen aklassen@isd177.com
- Bruce Mews bmews@isd177.com
- Dustin Stevens dstevens@isd177.com
- Joe LaCanne jlacanne@isd177.com
State Gymnastic Participant is Brooklyn Paulson
Please send me any student shout outs that we all should be aware of (include a picture if possible).
Do you really want to know what is going on? rSchool has you daily activities - AKA- Big South Calendar
Big South Calendar for Daily activity information and down load an activity schedule on your school calendar.