Coronavirus Update - March 27
Parent information regarding the coronavirus
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Greetings NPS Parents,
I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. I want you to know that your principals, teachers and curriculum coordinators have been working incredibly hard, virtually of course, over the past few days to put together guidance for you. Today, we held virtual faculty meetings for each of our schools. They are so excited to have the opportunity to interact with their students soon through a distance learning education plan.
There are several important updates to share with you today. To better serve our students and families, we will begin providing weekly meals instead of daily meals at our school sites. This approach will be more convenient for families as they will only need to go to the school one time and also will allow us to reduce contact and better protect our students, families and the child nutrition staff.
The weekly grab-and-go meals will be distributed on Mondays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the car lines at every NPS school site. Families who cannot pick up the weekly meals on Monday may pick them up from any school Tuesday, also from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Families who cannot pick up weekly meals on Monday or Tuesday are encouraged to contact our Child Nutrition office at 405-366-5908 to make alternative arrangements.
I also want to assure you that our educators are hard at work as we prepare to resume instruction through distance learning on Monday, April 6. By the end of next week, we will launch the NPS Distance Learning Dashboard, which will be found at www.normanpublicschools.org/distancelearning. Please keep in mind that teachers will reach out to provide instructional plans that are specific to your students and the webpage will include supplemental learning activities.
We understand many parents and guardians have a variety of responsibilities and every family will adjust to distance learning in their own way. This is an incredibly difficult time, and facilitating learning at home is a challenge that even our own teachers and staff face as they attend to their school responsibilities while watching their own children. While there is no simple answer to this, our advice is to do your best to create a structured, consistent schedule that works for your family. We have provided a sample daily schedule here as a suggestion.
We know it is not realistic for students to spend the same amount of time with distance learning as they would in a traditional school day. Rather, students should be encouraged to focus on the academic activities provided by their teacher and the supplemental learning opportunities that will be posted on the NPS Distance Learning Dashboard for about 1.5 to 2 hours each weekday.
Also, please remember that we do not expect you to be the teacher. We only ask that you help facilitate learning activities for your child to the best of your ability. This might include giving your child a choice of several activities and getting them started, then turning your attention to your own work. In reality, simply providing a daily structure of some kind that includes reading and academic time is ideal. Again, this is uncharted territory, and we are empathetic to the plight of many parents.
Finally, it is very important that your contact information is up-to-date in your Parent Portal account, as this is the information our educators use to contact you. You can click here to login to your account. If you do not have a Parent Portal account, please click here to register for one.
We continue to post regular updates regarding COVID-19 and school closures at www.normanpublicschools.org/health. I know many questions remain unanswered, but please know we are working around the clock to find answers and adjust to this new reality. Remember, this will not last forever. It will not be easy, but we will get through this one day at a time.
Dr. Nick Migliorino
Norman Public Schools
Current as of March 27, 2020
Norman Public Schools
Values: Integrity | Inclusiveness | Collaboration | Optimism
Email: normanpublicschools@norman.k12.ok.us
Website: normanpublicschools.org
Location: 131 South Flood Avenue, Norman, OK, United States
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Twitter: @NormanSchools