Cedar Reader
Cedar Park Middle School - May 2, 2018
From the Principal's Desk:
Instead of spreading testing over a 6 week period, we are able to complete all the required testing within 5 days, resulting in much less loss of instructional time. I am very proud of our students coming to school prepared with their Chromebooks charged and staying focused throughout the tests. The change in schedule has allowed us to create a quiet, focused testing environment, that we anticipate will be reflected in student achievement scores.
I appreciate all the parent and family support of our students and school. Our school is held accountable for how our students perform, so we take these assessments very seriously.
Thank you Cedar Park parents!
- SRC classroom mural painting project
- Sound equipment rental for Annie production
- Support for OSU Field Trip for 8th graders (early June)
- Support for 7th grade robotics/engineering projects
- Mulch and bark for outdoor gardens
- iPad stands and Apple TVs to replace old document cameras
- Soccer balls and four-square balls
Dates to Remember:
May 1, 3 & 4 - SBAC - English Language Arts
May 8 & 10 - SBAC - Math
May 18 Talent Show @ 2:45PM
May 22 @ 8:15 am- Coffee with the Principal (Bonny Slope, Ridgeview, West TV)
May 24 @ 8:15 am -Coffee with the Principal (Cedar Mill, William Walker, Terra Linda, Raleigh Park)
May 21-23 Outdoor School 6th Grade Only
May 28 Memorial Day No School
MYP Update
Inquiry: What are inquiry questions?
Inquiry Questions are drawn from and inspired a unit’s Statement of Inquiry. These questions give shape and scope to the unit of study. Inquiry questions provide scaffolding for students to explore and understand the Statement of Inquiry and drive the learning experiences.
Each unit should have at least one Factual, Conceptual, and Debatable Inquiry Question. As the unit progresses, both teachers and students can develop additional questions to explore. All inquiry questions should lead towards understanding the Statement of Inquiry. Factual. Conceptual. Debatable. Factual inquiry questions are usually knowledge and fact- based questions that are content-driven and can be used to explore terminology in the Statement of Inquiry. Factual Questions usually begin with “What.” Conceptual inquiry questions lead to deeper disciplinary and interdisciplinary understanding. These questions promote transfer and encourages analysis and application. Conceptual questions usually begin with “Why” or “How.” Debatable inquiry questions enable the use of facts and concepts to debate a position, promote discussion, form an opinion, and provoke thought. Debatable questions usually begin with “Do,” “Is,” “Would,” “Could,” “Should,” or “To what extent.”
Month Specific Trait
Learner Profile Attribute of the Month, May: Principled. Principled learners demonstrate honesty, a sense of fairness and respect towards others. They take responsibility for their own actions.
School-Home Connection
Cedar Park students are aware of expected behavior and are great about meeting expectations when an adult is present. This month relate student behavior to being principled. The old adage, “Integrity means doing the right thing even when no one is watching.” still applies. How does your student perceive his or her actions and to what extent are they demonstrating principled action? This a great opportunity to revisit bullying and the way students respond to incidences. You can use the I am a witness site anytime for resources and activities and some other sites that may be helpful are listed: http://www.pacer.org/bullying/, http://www.thebullyproject.com/, https://www.thetrevorproject.org/, https://www.glsen.org/
Middle School Student Survey
Student Survey
Each year the District surveys students, staff, and parents to gather information for planning, program evaluation, and assessment of progress on the District's Strategic Plan.
The student survey takes about 20 minutes during the regular school day. The data gathered from the survey are anonymous; your child will not put his/her name or other identifying information on the survey. Like other surveys, results will be presented only about groups.. No individual data will be reported.
Student surveys of middle and high schools include three optional questions for students to identify their gender, ethnicity / race, and sexual orientation. These questions allow for additional levels of analysis of questions on inclusion, safety and bullying.
Your child may skip questions or stop filling out the survey at any time. Refusing to participate or withdrawing from the survey does not affect your child's grades or class standing in any way. If you or your child does not want to participate, your child can read or do some other activity while his or her classmates complete the survey.
A copy of the survey is available from your child's school and is posted at
After reviewing the survey, if you do not want your child to participate, please notify <insert school contact information>.
Spanish version:
Encuesta Anual de Estudiantes
Cada año, el distrito lleva a cabo encuestas para los estudiantes y el personal con el fin de obtener información para la planificación y la evaluación del programa así como del progreso del Plan Estratégico del Distrito.
La encuesta de estudiantes toma aproximadamente 20 minutos durante el día escolar. La información que obtengamos de la encuesta es anónima; su hijo no incluirá su nombre o cualquier información de identificación en la encuesta. Al igual que otras encuestas, los resultados que se presentan son sólo acerca de los grupos. No se proporcionará información de su estudiante.
Las encuestas del estudiante de las escuelas de secundaria y preparatoria incluyeron tres preguntas opcionales para los estudiantes identificar su género, grupo étnico/raza, e inclinación sexual. Estas preguntas permiten niveles de análisis adicionales en cuanto a la inclusión, la seguridad y la intimidación.
Su hijo puede no contestar las preguntas o dejar de contestar la encuesta en cualquier momento. El negarse a participar en la encuesta o no terminar de contestarla, no afecta las calificaciones o rango de su hijo. Si usted o su hijo no quieren participar, su hijo puede leer o hacer alguna otra actividad, mientras que sus compañeros de clase completan la encuesta.
Una copia en blanco de la encuesta, está disponible en la escuela de su hijo y se encuentra publicada en
Después de revisar la encuesta, si usted no quiere que su hijo participe, por favor notifique a <insert school contact information>
Parent Survey: Safe Routes to School
As you may know, Beaverton School District received a two year Safe Routes to School grant. The purpose of program is to make walking and biking to school safe, convenient and fun.
One of the requirements of the grant is to get some information about how your students are now traveling to school and what their parents/ guardians think about the routes to school. This survey will come to you one more time after this, next May.
Please click on the appropriate document below to access the link to the survey.
6th Grade Outdoor School is Coming Up!
Attention all 6th grade families: mark these important dates!
Drop off times for packed belongings
Since students leave EARLY Monday morning, we need all supplies dropped off BEFORE the Monday students leave for camp. Please drop off your child’s belongings at one of these two times ONLY, in a specially designated area for your child’s team (you’ll be directed to the location once you are at school). All items need to be clearly marked with your child’s name (first, last, and team name) in marker or on masking tape.
Friday, May 18th between 4:00-4:30 pm
Sunday, May 20th between 3:00-4:30 pm
Outdoor School
May 21-23- 6th grade outdoor school
May 24-Non-student/Teacher day for students and teachers attending outdoor school
We are excited to announce the locations for this year's 6th Grade Outdoor School:
Team Yukon-(link to camp info) Magruder
Team Limerick-(link to camp info) Trickle Creek
Team Amazon-(link to camp info)Cedar Ridge
We encourage all families to visit the NW Outdoor School Science Website (www.nwoutdoorschool.org). Check out answers to Frequently Asked Questions, preview important forms that you will be filling out (we will send you these forms in a packet except for the handbook...don't print them out), and learn (link) how to send your children mail while they at camp!
ODS registration packets will be sent home with students within the next two weeks. If you do not have internet access and need a paper copy of documents provided to you, please contact your child’s teacher and notify them, as follows:
Yukon/SCC- Contact Mary DeLong
Amazon-Contact Bianca McGrew
Limerick/EGC- Contact Darla McClelland
Thank you Rite Aid
Cedar Mill Community Library
"Libraries Rock!" at the Library this summer!
The Cedar Mill Community Library and the Cedar Mill Community Library @ Bethany are hosting a Summer Reading Program and all children and teenagers are welcome to join, beginning on Friday, June 1, 2018. Every reader and pre-reader who participates will be able to earn some great prizes, including a free paperback book!
During the summer, both Cedar Mill Libraries will also be hosting special performances by musicians, magicians, and other creative performers. All programs are free of charge and a calendar of events will be available on June 1.
The Cedar Mill Community Library is located at 12505 NW Cornell Road, Suite 13, at the intersection of Cornell Road and Saltzman Road, behind Sunset Bingo.
The Cedar Mill Community Library @ Bethany can be found on at 15325 NW Central Drive, Suite J-8 in the Bethany Village Shopping Center off of NW Bethany Boulevard.
For more information, contact the Cedar Mill Community Library Youth Services Department at
(503) 644-0043 ext 112.
Check the library website http://library.cedarmill.org for our calendar of events, beginning
June 1st.
Cedar Mill Community Library Association - 12505 NW Cornell Rd, Suite 13, Portland, OR 97229
Telephone: (503) 644-0043 Fax: (503) 644-3964 http://library.cedarmill.org/
This Association is a 501(c)3, tax exempt corporation dedicated to providing free public library services. The Cedar Mill and Cedar Mill Community Library @ Bethany Libraries are part of the twelve member Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS).
District seeks applicants for Physical Education Project Team
Teachers, students, parents, and community members are encouraged to apply to serve on the Beaverton School District’s Physical Education (P.E.) Project Team. The Project Team’s work will begin in September, 2018 and will conclude by June, 2019. The team will meet one weekday evening per month from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
8th Grade PE Survey
In addition to data collection for the Carol White PE PEP grant, for the next two years all 8th graders will complete an online nutrition and PE survey. The student survey on the website Welnet will be open May 9th - June 8th. All students K - 8 can login to Welnet. It should be completed
by all 8th graders. PE teachers may administer the survey starting May 9th and after parents have been notified.
PDF previews are available on the Research & Reports webpage.
The live link is available on the student bookmark page on
the Welnet link.
District seeks applicants for Science Project Team
Teachers, students, parents, and community members are encouraged to apply to serve on the Beaverton School District’s Science Project Team. The Project Team’s work will begin in September, 2018 and will conclude by June, 2019. The team will meet one weekday evening per month from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
School Breakfast is Cool!
Everyday is a perfect day for school breakfast!
As the summer approaches, kids often become more restless and distracted at school. You can help to make sure that their last weeks of school are productive by ensuring that they begin the day with a nutritious breakfast. Studies show a good breakfast makes kids more alert, less distractible, and better behaved in school; it can even improve their test scores!
Let’s keep our students focused by making sure they begin every school day with a balanced meal at home or at the School Breakfast Program.
SafeOregon Tipline
Creating a safe learning environment is a critical part of helping each child achieve academic success. SafeOregon is a statewide school safety tip line that gives kids, parents, schools and their communities a way to report safety threats or potential acts of violence. SafeOregon will give students another path for communicating with school administration when school safety incidents occur.
How does SafeOregon work?
Students, parents, and school staff can access SafeOregon through the web form on the SafeOregon website, or by text, email, live call and mobile app.
Why is there a need for a tip line system?
The number one reason why students do not report is the fear of retaliation from their peers. SafeOregon can be accessed from the privacy of a phone, home computer or other Internet equipped device, eliminating the possibility of being identified by another student and thus, decreasing the likelihood that a school safety threat would go unreported.
For more information, please visit the District’s SafeOregon Tipline webpage.
A Look Ahead...
June 8-9 - School Musical - Annie!
June 15 - 8th Grade Honors Breakfast and Ceremony
June 19 - Last day for students