#PointerNation News
December 6, 2021
Agriculture Grants
MPHS 1st Quarter Honor Roll
MPMS 1st Quarter Honor Roll
2021 Basketball Hall of Fame
Congrats, Young Authors!
Gallery Night
New friends!
Champion Overseas!
State Ranked!
Chicago fieldtrip!
Thank you!
Business Connection Night
FBLA Giving Tree
The Mineral Point Chapter of Future Business Leaders of America is sponsoring the Holiday Giving Tree asking students, staff, and community members to share holiday blessings with area families.
Here’s how you can help:
1. Click on the FBLA Holiday Giving Tree link
2. “Pick a tag from the digital tree” by reviewing available slots and clicking on the button to sign up.
3. Purchase the gift item.
4. Drop off the UNWRAPPED gift item in the High School office/main entrance gift collection box by Friday, December 10th.
Donated gift items will be delivered to Southwest Wisconsin Community Action Program. SWCAP has holiday programs in place and seeks assistance from area organizations and individuals in our communities to help share in the joy of the holiday season through donations. Please help us to help area children and share in the joy of the holiday season! Thank you for your generosity.
2020-21 Wrestling Hall of Fame
Middle/High Winter Concert
School Board Candidate Info Night
2021-22 Wrestling Hall of Fame
Wrestle for a Cause
Elementary Winter Concert
Tuesday, December 21st - High School Gym
10:00 am - Morning 4K & Grades K-2
1:30 pm - Afternoon 4K & Grades 3-5
Here are some of the steps we are taking to keep this a safe, joyful, concert:
- We are limiting the audience to 4 adults per student household. If a family has more than one child performing, they are asked to still limit their attendance to 4 adults. If a child has parents at different addresses, each may bring up to 4 adults. Any children that need to accompany parents/caregivers are not included in the 4 person count. We are asking to limit the audience to these guests- it is not open to community members who are not part of the 4 person/household count.
- We will be offering a live stream option for folks who cannot attend. Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkK8qbOedyJlHnN89x527nw
- With a reduced audience size, we encourage social distancing. We ask that families sit together and try to offer social distancing between other families.
- Masks will be required for the event. If you are unable to abide by the mask requirements, you do have the option to watch the concert via live stream.
FFA Apparel
Student-Run MP Store
Week of 12/6/21
#PointerNation events coming up this week: (Please note these schedules are always subject to change)
Monday, December 6
-- Boys Basketball at Cambridge (JV 6 pm/Varsity to follow). Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeezGPnvsSc-eAwFWrDRs_A
Tuesday, December 7
-- Girls Basketball at Platteville (JV 6 pm/Varsity to follow). Possible livestream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChxmZr8u23DKJZhLUiE5e3Q
-- MS Boys Basketball vs. River Valley 4 pm
Wednesday, December 8
-- Early release 2 pm (every Wednesday)
-- MPHS Business Connection Night 6:30 pm
Thursday, December 9
-- Girls Basketball at Darlington (JV 6 pm/Varsity to follow). Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/c/DarlingtonRedbirds
-- Girls Basketball at River Ridge (JV2 6 pm)
-- MS Boys Basketball vs. Cuba City 4 pm
Friday, December 10
-- Wrestling vs. Boscobel (JV 6:30 pm/Varsity to follow -- 2020-21 Hall of Fame induction). Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkK8qbOedyJlHnN89x527nw
-- (POSTPONED TBA) Boys Basketball at Iowa-Grant.
Saturday, December 11
-- Varsity Wrestling at Wisconsin Dells Woodside Dome 8 am
-- Boys Basketball JV2 at Cuba City 9 am
Notes from Nurse Lindsey
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services and the CDC recommend that anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19 or who has had close contact with someone with COVID-19 be tested. The test for COVID-19 involves a quick swab of the inside of the nose. The school is working with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services on providing rapid antigen and PCR tests in school. If you would like to have the option for your child to get a PCR or antigen test at school, they must bring the attached consent form signed by a parent/guardian if they are under 18 years old. You would be contacted before any testing would occur and only if indicated per school policy. This form is being distributed now, to be collected in advance so that in the event your child needs to be tested, we would not have to wait for the form to be returned during the middle of a work or school day.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Nurse Lindsey at jayne.lindsey@mp.k12.wi.us.
Mineral Point Unified School District
"Grounded by our history as one of the oldest publicly supported schools in Wisconsin, Mineral Point Unified School District is the heart of a small community that educates and inspires our students for a bright future in a big world."
Email: joelle.doye@mp.k12.wi.us
Website: mineralpointschools.org
Location: 705 Ross Street, Mineral Point, WI, USA
Phone: (608) 987-0740
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MineralPointSchoolDistrict