Monthly School Newsletter
Sacramento New Technology High School's News You Can Use!
In This Issue....
- Black History Month Events
- SCUSD Board Meeting - Thursday, Feb 15th
- February School Holidays
- Student Leadership Updates
- Progressive Game Jam w/ Sacramento Developers Collective
- Pathways to Success Field Trip
- College Class Schedules (11th & 12th Graders)
- Club Lunch Days & Pajama Pants Day
Students and staff at New Tech will be uplifting and celebrating Black History and Culture all month long. Take a look at some of the events taking place.
On February 2nd, all of our students gathered in the High Media Room for a kick off event for the month. Kamorah A., 11th grader shared some very inspiring words about why the acknowledgement and celebration of this month and of Black History and Culture are so important. After that, several students and staff met at the flag pole as we flew our Black History Month flag.
On February 20th, we want to invite and encourage all of our Black Families to participate in Black Parent Involvement Day. This is a district-wide event that is sponsored by the Black Parallel School Board and SCUSD. While all of our parents are always welcome to visit our campus, we will hold this day specifically for our Black Families. Please come and visit and observe classes, eat lunch with your student, and visit with teachers during their prep times. The Black Parallel School Board will be hosting a special training workshop for any families interested. Please see the flyer below for the details. We will welcome our families with coffee and pastries when you arrive on campus. Parents who attend this event will receive 5 hours of Parent Participation time. We really hope you can join us!
On February 21st, we will have a special assembly for our students, with guest speakers who will share their artistry and experiences as Black contributors to our society.
Students will be able to explore the History and works of Black Americans through classroom activities, school-wide announcements and posters around the campus.
Come to the SCUSD Board Meeting - Feb 15th! - We need your voice!
Thursday, February 15th
On February 15th, we are on the SCUSD Board Agenda to ask the Board to approve our request to change our school name from Sacramento New Technology High School to Sacramento New Technology Early College High School.
We would like to ask all of our parents and students who support this change and who support our school, to please come to the Board Meeting and make a public comment. We need the Board to hear from you, our parents and students. We have heard from so many of you about how attending New Tech has been a positive experience for your child. Now we are asking that you share those stories with the Board while also sharing your thoughts about our name change and our Early College Program.
Please plan to attend the SCUSD Board Meeting on February 15th. The meeting starts at 6pm and once we know what time we are set to present we will let everyone one. We will also have someone there to show you how to sign up for public comment. If you have New Tech shirts or hoodies, please wear them. Parents who attend and speak will get parent participation hours and students who attend and Speak will get community service hours.
Let's come together as a school community and share all of the wonderful things we do at New Tech and also how this Early College Program will give your students an opportunity to experience college with all of the services and support that comes with being a student at New Tech.
Student Leadership Updates
Club Lunch Days & Pajama Pants Day
Two Friday's a month we allow our students to participate in an extended lunch period that we call club lunch. This is time for students to participate in clubs and other culture building activities throughout the school.
This month's club lunch dates are:
Friday, February 2nd
Friday, February 16th
The LAST Friday every month is Pajama Pants Fridays. We do not allow our students to wear pajama pants to school any other day except pajama pants day or a Scheduled Spirit Days.
Pajama Pants day this month is:
Friday, February 23rd.
Students who decide to wear pajama pants on other school days, may be sent home to change. Please help us keep everyone in school by reminding your students to only wear pajama pants on designated days.
Register NOW!
We are excited to partner with the Sacramento Developers Collective to provide our students with an opportunity to collaborate with peers and design a video game from start to finish!
This 10-week program is free to join. All we ask is that students commit to attending all 10 classes. Classes will be held on Thursdays from 2:30-4:30pm at New Tech.
Students who are interested in this exciting opportunity need to REGISTER on this website TODAY!
Classes start this week on February 8th.
Register Here!
February Field Trip
Pathways to Paychecks at Sacramento City College
On Friday, February 23rd, students who are in our Computer Science classes this school year will be invited to attend this full day field trip at Sacramento City College. Students are would like to attend will need to have their parents sign a field trip form and turn it in by Thursday, February 22nd. This is a great opportunity for our CS students to learn about the CIS Program at SCC and to meet many of the Professors in the program.
Here is the Agenda for the Field Trip
8:45 AM - Depart Sac New Tech HS
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM - Welcome Session
9:30 AM - 11:40 AM - Workshop Sessions
11:40 AM - 12:40 PM - Lunch
12:40 PM - 1:00 PM - Student Center - CIS Programs Talk - Professor Little
1:10 PM - 2:10 PM - - Maker Space Tour
2:30 PM - Depart Sac City College
2:45 PM - Arrive back at Sac New Tech HS
Networking/Security - Professor A. Kaina
Programming, Professor Cantillo
Web Development - Coding HTML/CSS, Professor M. Little
Data Science, Professor Xu & Professor Marsh
College Class Schedules for 11th & 12th Graders
All 11th graders who are scheduled to be in a college class during period 7/8 do not need to remain on campus on Monday's, Wednesday's, or Friday's. They ARE REQUIRED to attend per 7/8 on Tuesday's and Thursdays. This means, that these 11th graders can leave campus after period 5/6 on Monday/Wednesday/Friday, but must remain on Campus on Tuesday/Thursday through the end of the school day. They will be using their classtome on campus to work in groups and complete their college courses with staff support.
If you have questions about either of these policies, please do not hesitate to contact Principal Martin via email or phone.