Mills Elementary School
Principal Update- August 14, 2023
HAPPY 1st Day of School!
We Take Safety Seriously At Mills! Please view the safety video.
Want to Treat Your Teacher(s) & Other Staff? See their favorites here!
New Mills Attendance Email
1. State student name (first and last) and grade level
2. Include a brief reason for absence
Attention All Volunteers
Thank you for supporting our campus! We love our volunteers and cannot do it without your support.
Looking for ways to volunteer? Contact:
May Martin may@millspta.com
Deric Dartez-Santos deric.dartez-santos@austinisd.org
Your child's classroom teacher!
Monday, August 14-
First Day of School (Doors open at 7:30am)
Tears & Cheers PreK & Kinder Parents/Caregivers, 7:40am in Library
Thursday, August 31-
Back to School Night (Parents/Caregivers Only)
- Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade- 5:30pm-6:30pm
- 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade- 6:45pm-7:45pm
Monday, Sept 4-
Labor Day/No School
Tuesday, Sept 5-
PTA General Meeting/Principal Coffee, 7:30am-8:30am, Cafeteria (Breakfast tacos and coffee served). ALL are welcome!!
Monday, Sept 11-
Campus Advisory Council (CAC) Meeting, via Zoom 3:30pm
Tuesday, Sept 12-
PTA Spirit Night at Phil's Ice House/Amy's Ice Cream, South Lamar Location, Time TBD