Week of: November 5, 2023
Nov. 5: “Fall” Back - Daylight Savings Time ends
Nov. 8: Trimester 1 ends
Nov. 9-10: No School: Teacher Report Card Prep Day/Veteran’s Day
Nov. 15: PTA Dine Out
Nov. 16: Report Cards Go Home
Nov. 17: Minimum Day - Parent Conferences
Nov. 20-24: Thanksgiving Break
- Roof work is currently being worked on
- Electricians are working on the interior of the building
- Retaining wall work is being completed
- Inspection of the building was completed by a hygienist and the minor issues that were found are currently being addressed
When emailing your child’s teacher the reason for your child’s absence, please remember to include Stephanie Allen on the email. Her email is sallen@gusd.net.
The annual student council Food Drive with the La Canada Community Center will begin next week. Student Council members will be coming to the primary grade classrooms on Wednesday to give a short presentation about the food drive. We are accepting donations of dried foods and canned goods between November 6 and 16. Please donate if you are able.
- As part of our safety plan, we have been counting the safety violations in Monte Lane over the last week.
- One of our biggest areas of concern is jaywalking in front of the school. It is very dangerous to cross the street and pass through Monty Lane. Please go to the corner at Rosemont or west of the school to use the crosswalks where we have crossing guards stationed for safety.
- Our other concern is u-turns in front of the school. We have many close call accidents and have had some fender benders due to people making u-turns in front of the school during drop off and pick up times. It is also very dangerous to pull into our neighbor’s driveways to turn around during these busy traffic times.
- Please share these reminders with everyone who drops off or picks up your child
This year, we will be offering a reading incentive for all of our students in a different way. Previously, we used Accelerated Reader and challenged students to meet a grade-level specific amount of points in order to be able to attend an end-of-the-year assembly. This year, primary and upper grade students will need to completely cover a reading Bingo card and record the books read in order to meet the challenge. Primary students will have two to complete, one for the first and last half of the year. The first one was sent in Thursday folders last week. For Upper grades, they were given a Bingo card by Mrs. Edwards, our librarian, at the beginning of the year. Since 4th-6th graders have longer books to read, they will be required to complete one Bingo card for the year.
Join us on Tuesday, November 7 at 2:15 PM, at Crescenta Commons. Girls on the Run will be selling Donuts for $2.00. All proceeds will go to plants for the Crescenta Commons.
Interested in joining Cub Scouts? Join Pack 302 on Wednesday, November 15th 7PM at the Monte Vista Elementary Auditorium to learn more about scouting and the fun adventures we have. All boys and girls K-5th Grade are welcome! Flier
If you know of families interested in our Korean DLI program, please encourage them to sign up for the tour. The tours are for new prospective families. Click here to sign up for the tour. The application for 2024-25 school year will be available on November 1, 2023. Please encourage those who may be interested in our Korean DLI program to sign up for the tour.
Do you have a child who will be joining us at Monte Vista Korean DLI classes next year? How about a neighbor or friend who is excited about our Korean Dual Language Immersion program? Korean DLI online application becomes available on November 1st.
If your child has been eating meals from the cafeteria, please complete the Meal Application so that our school can receive funding and so much more. Families that qualify for free/reduced meals, may also qualify for other benefits like discounted utilities and test fees, and more recently seed money for college savings accounts. Here is a link to fliers about other benefits.
KECLA is holding the 2024 Korean American Day Art Contest to commemorate the 120th anniversary of Korean American history. Please encourage your child(ren) to participate in the art contest. Use the QR code in the flyer to apply!
What a fun Association meeting on Thursday! A big shout to Ann and Ellory Edwards for leading us in B-I-N-G-O night and for all the families that joined us!
As promised, we are announcing the classes with the biggest participation and engagement to date at 3 of our past Association meetings. We have extended this fun contest through our next Association meeting, which is scheduled for Thursday, January 11th. The winning class gets their chance to vote on the type of class party they want!
As of November 3rd, the following are the current class standings:
- Lee
- Tahk & Widholm (tied for second place)
- Nelson, Stephan & Nakano (tied for third place)
Want a class party or the bragging rights to be #1? Attend the next Association meeting and increase your class’ chances of winning!
GUSD FALL FOOD DRIVE | Donations through November 13th
GUSD PTAs are partnering together to provide meal baskets for families in need. Monte Vista is tasked with collecting Cookie/Brownie Dry Mix. Donations can be dropped off at the table across the front desk through Monday, November 13th.
DINE OUT | India’s Flavor
Our next Dine Out is scheduled for Wednesday, November 15th at India’s Flavor! Dine-in, delivery, pick-up, or take-out are during 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM and 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM. They will donate 10% of ALL proceeds to our school. Can't make it? Don't worry. It will be an ONGOING, year-round fundraiser program! Write Monte Vista Elementary School PTA on India’s Flavor receipt (or type in the comment box for online orders).
Did you know that our PTA can earn money when you grocery shop at Ralphs? Learn more HERE. Fliers will be available in this week’s Thursday folder!
~ Emily Geller, Grocery & Label Programs Chair
Follow our PTA on Instagram @monte_vista_pta and get updates on what is happening with our PTA in real time! #instagram #pta #weloveMV
Resources: Click on any of the buttons below to find out more information
About Us
Monte Vista Elementary serves students in grades K-6. We are a National Blue Ribbon School offering one of GUSD's DLI programs in Korean. Recently, Monte Vista has been selected as a 2022 California Pivotal Practice (CAPP) Award Program winner!
Website: https://www.gusd.net/montevista
Location: 2620 Orange Avenue, La Crescenta, CA, 91214
Phone: (818) 248-2617
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/montevistagusd
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/montevistagusd