February 5, 2023
In this Spartan Scoop:
- National School Counseling Week Highlight
- Upcoming Science Curriculum Open House
- Modeling Eclipses: Students in Action
- Interventionist Highlight
- ILearn System Readiness Test: 2/8
- Upcoming Job Fair
- PTO Excellence + Newsletter
- Continued Focus on Indiana Academic Standards + Letter from Dr. Jenner
National School Counseling Week
Science Open House
Modeling Eclipses
Academic Interventionists
ILearn System Readiness Test
Job Fair
PTO Excellence
Continued Focus on the Indiana Academic Standards
Water Cycle Manipulatives
It's Our Time to...
Make a Difference
Set the Bar High
Brain Breaks
Information From Previous SMORES
Opportunities for Students
Science Academic Team
Kindness Club
The SMS Kindness Club will meet on Wednesdays after school. Kindness Club was started by current SMS students who want to have a positive impact within our school and the surrounding community. Kindness Club meets in room 307 on Wednesdays until 5:15 p.m. Please email Mrs. Lightcap at jlightcap@phm.k12.in.us for more information.
Novels Club
Cell Phone Reminder
22. Possession of electronic equipment and cell phones; the school supplies most electronic equipment necessary in school. While students may possess cell phones and electronic devices on school property, students are prohibited from turning on their personal devices or allowing them to be visible during the school day without permission of a staff member
Community Fitness Opportunities
As the weather quickly shifts from fall to winter, the school district is happy to pilot free fitness opportunities for the P-H-M community. This will take place four (4) days per week at the sites listed below.
Who is eligible to participate: The P-H-M Adult Community and Staff (no students). This includes residents of the school district and non-resident parents/guardians of attending students.
What: Access to walking/jogging tracks, open gym/basketball courts, and weight room.
When: Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays at the sites listed below. Note: The fitness centers will be closed during designated school recess dates.
Weekly Schedule:
Order Your Yearbook Now
COVID Home Tests
Parent Involvement Opportunities & Employment
PTO Members & Volunteers:
Please see the PTO Newsletter for the month of February.
Educational Assistant: If you or someone you know has a passion for helping students succeed and feel yourself to be a life-long learner, problem solver and collaborative team member, then this is the position for you! Please reach out to me (KMartin3@phm.k12.in.us) if you would like to talk about the details regarding this position.
Universal Substitute: If you or someone you know loves being in the classroom, and collaborating with teachers and students, then please reach out with interest or questions to me at (KMartin3@phm.k12.in.us). The daily rate for this position is $115 and there is flexibility within the schedule.
Give Back with Amazon Smile
Box Tops for SMS
Approved PE Shirts
Pay School Fees Online
Safety Update: How Can Parents Monitor On-Line Activity
Families have the option of receiving weekly emails outlining your students online activity while using Chromebooks. This online service is free and it gives parents an opportunity to maintain a safe learning environment at school and at home. Please click on the attached links to learn more about how Securly can help you.
Click to read and download a copy of the parent letter that provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up your Securly Parent Portal.
If you see something, hear something, say something! The Safe School Helpline is a convenient, confidential way for anyone to report information about situations that might affect safety at any P-H-M school or building. You can call the number any time of the day or night to report concerns about unsafe or potentially disruptive activities or situations including drug or alcohol abuse, weapons, harassment, bullying or threats. All calls are completely confidential.
800-418-6423 (800-4-1-VOICE, ext. 359)
TEXT: 66746, TIPS
Helpful Contacts
Chromebooks- Lee Riley (lriley@phm.k12.in.us )
Attendance- Linda Brown (lbrown2@phm.k12.in.us)
Textbooks and Fees- Ashley Kirkpatrick (akirkpatrick@phm.k12.in.us)
Special Education Teachers
6th grade- Courtney Heck (check@phm.k12.in.us )
7th grade- Meaghan Donahue (mdonahue@phm.k12.in.us )
8th grade- Allie Chrise (achrise2@phm.k12.in.us )
Multiple Grades-
School Counselors
Jenny Shaw (Last Names A-G) (jshaw@phm.k12.in.us)
Cara Watt (Last Names H-N) (cwatt@phm.k12.in.us)
Andrea Hoover (Last Names O-Z) (ahoover@phm.k12.in.us )
Athletics- Jim Modlin (jmodlin@phm.k12.in.us )
Enrollments/Withdrawals/Address Changes- Aly Abel (aabel@phm.k12.in.us)
PTO- (schmuckerpto@phm.k12.in.us)
Mrs. Kristyn Martin
Email: kmartin3@phm.k12.in.us
Website: http://schmucker.phmschools.org/
Location: Schmucker Middle School, Bittersweet Road, Mishawaka, IN, United States
Phone: 574-259-5661
Twitter: @SMSSpartanPride