The Heart of Haleʻiwa
November 5, 2021 Volume II Issue VII
In this Issue...
- Spirit Week
- Robotics Competition by Mr. Haiola
- Welcome Ms. Leslie
- Halloween March
- Literacy Corner: World Kindness Day books
- Kindergarten Gardens by Ms. Brooks
- Third Grade Writing Club: Mehana Peer & Jude Souza
- SEL: November Calendar
- A Thanksgiving Challenge: Win a $25 Gift Card
- "Living From the Heart" by Mrs. Sumbad
- Kākou Connection by Mrs. Nakamura
Robotics Competition
by Mr. Haiola
I was proud to see both teams execute their plans on the big stage, despite the anxiety and nervousness that naturally comes when you know others are watching. Congratulations to both teams finishing in the top 4 (of 16 teams).
Welcome Ms. Leslie
by Ms. Yonting
We are so fortunate to welcome and have Ms. Leslie as our new part-time counselor. She is an amazing addition to our Hale’iwa Ohana. She will help assist our teachers and students with direct in class support. Ms. Leslie has such a positive attitude and approaches challenges with such grace. If you see her on campus please welcome her and let’s show Ms. Leslie our Hale’iwa ESSENCE.
Now, let’s get to know Ms. Leslie…
Tell us a little bit about your Ohana?
I am blessed to have a loving husband-Mark, two amazing daughters
(Shelby - 26 and Madison -8) and my mellow, chill doggy- Haneul.
What do you like to do in your free time? Any hobbies?
I absolutely LOVE baseball! I watch my nephews play and love the College World Series! I also like paper crafting! Oh did I forget, BTS is my favorite Kpop group!
How long have you been servicing students?
Wow! I have been working with kiddos for 25+ years! It's definitely been my life's work!
What do you enjoy about your job?
I enjoy sharing smiles and laughter! Smiles are contagious even under masks!
What might you be looking forward to this school year?
I am looking forward to seeing the butterfly life cycle in Mrs. Lee's class. Thats sooo cool!
Halloween March
Literacy Corner
World Kindness Day, November 13
Below, you can watch a read aloud for the book Kindness is my Superpower. What are your favorite books about being kind? Email Ms. Santos with your book title and win a free ice pop. You can also click on the link for some fun coloring pages.
Kindergarten Gardens
by Ms. Brooks
Third Grade Writing Club
NOTE: Check out the information on our THANKSGIVING FAMILY ACTIVITY in this issue of THOH. And you too may win a $25.00 gift card!
Photo to the right: Titan and his mom, Natasha.
A Thanksgiving Challenge: Win a $25 Gift Card
Part Four: "Living From the Heart" - Compassion in Action
"I don't care what anyone else says. These are awful times. There is hardness in people's faces. Children wear bruises and forget to laugh. Everyone shrugs. People sleep under black plastic garbage bags and carry their world in a shopping cart. Despair and cynicism swirl around in our minds like discarded newspapers with headlines that say 'compassion fatigue.' "
Sound familiar? Although her words were published in 1993, it truly describes how many of us feel TODAY. We all have our share of daily stress and anxiety but the changes brought on by COVID 19 have taken us to a breaking point in unexpected ways. Our struggles range from a lack of finances, to finding a safe and adequate home, to having enough to eat. Some simply need to be heard without being judged.
We have recognized a few well-deserved "heroes" amongst us. Their jobs and skills enable them to provide some much needed relief during this pandemic. BUT you don't have to be a healthcare provider, teacher, nor police officer to make a difference. WE CAN ALL MAKE A DIFFERENCE BY CHOOSING LOVE. The fourth component, Compassion in Action, encourages us to live life with heart. That means using the CHOOSE LOVE formula: Courage + Gratitude + Forgiveness + Compassion in Action, brings about the healing and care needed to make a difference.
It takes courage to help someone who's being bullied. An attitude of gratitude, goes a long way in seeing that we have more than enough to share. Forgiveness helps us deal with the pain and anger we're experiencing. Compassion in Action enables us to lend a helping hand without the expectation of getting anything back.
Kākou Connection by Mrs. Nakamura
Contact our "THOH" Team
Email: haleiwaschool@haleiwa.k12.hi.us
Website: haleiwaelementary.com
Phone: (808)637-8237
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/haleiwaelementary
Twitter: @HaleiwaElement1