Skull & Crossbones
An Update from Cardington-Lincoln High School - 3/10/23
Piracy News and Reminders
March 30th is our final Parent-Teacher Conference Night for this school year, it will be held 3:00-6:30pm. This is a great opportunity to plan end of the year successes. Please call our office at 419-864-2691 to schedule a conference with your child's teachers or email Linda Brininger at We will also be providing an educational session on vaping prevention and resources for all who are interested.
Spring End-of-Course Test Information- The Cardington High School spring testing parent letter including testing information and testing schedule can be found at this link. Please follow this link for details on the state requirements for graduation. Students not taking the test on the date indicated will report on a 2-Hour Delay schedule.
Cardington PNN YouTube - Check PNN's 12th episode: Turning the Corner to Spring
Well... we seem to be ready for Spring...or at least Spring Sports! This episode of PNN features stories about PBIS, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, our Spring sports, our Spring musical, and a new topic from our resident Pigeon Master.The Searchlight''s 13th Edition features articles highlighting student articles, academic classroom news, Arts & Entertainment, and Pirate sports. Click here for the website.
OhioMeansJobs-Morrow County Center are the one-stop resource for both job seekers and employers. Please visit their website for helpful information.
- If you didn't see the previous edition of the Skull & Crossbones follow this link for news and information from the 2/21/23 edition.
- Communication is important for a successful school year. Please make sure to update your contact information through the PowerSchool Parent Portal if there have been changes this school year. Contact the high school office if you are having trouble with your account. Fees may hinder your ability to access PowerSchool.
Important Dates and Actions
3/14/23 ACT & ASVAB testing day for 10th & 11th. Remote day for 9th & 12th
3/14/23 Winter Sports' Awards Night
3/15/23 Two-Hour Delay for PD
3/20/23 High School Band and Choir concert, 7pm
3/22/23 8th-Grade Parent-Student Information Night, 6pm
3/27/23 Tri-Rivers acceptance reception
3/30/23 Parent & Teacher Conferences (PK-12) - One-Hour Early Release
3/31/23 End of the 3rd 9 weeks
4/3-4/7 Spring Break - No School
The FFA Student Section!
The FFA Score Table Personnel rivaled ESPN!
The Ag Ball Team Composite!
ACT & ASVAB Testing - March 14th
Spring Musical Frozen
TRIO Career Based Field Trip to Nationwide Arena.
Blue Jackets!
Blue Jackets Cannon!
Art Club at the Art Extravaganza
Members of the Art Club displayed their talents at the recent Art Extravaganza on 2/24/23. Members include L-R, Mr. Josh Groves, Advisor; Kaelyn Burton; Catryna Shaw-Potter; Samantha Walters; Alayna Thomas; Makayla Crockett; Ariana Sexton; Gabriella Coffman; Liz Ramey; Evelyn Aguirre; Veronika Garcia; Caleb Watkins.
Guidance News
Local Scholarships will available very soon. Pay attention to your Google classrooms, and announcements, and stop by guidance for the scholarship packet when available. You will need to follow the instructions of each scholarship as each one will have its own rules, requirements, and documents needed. Additionally, deadlines will vary for each scholarship. The Cardington Lincoln Local Scholarship Application, which is a common application for many of the scholarships, will be due sometime in mid-April. We will have the exact date ready, once the packets are available. Guidance will also have the letter of recommendation request form as many scholarships require at least two LORs. Be sure to get these done as soon as possible as there will likely be many scholarship applicants and teachers' availability to write these may be limited. Spring break also takes away some of the time that teachers are around to ask them and you definitely don't want to ask for a recommendation the day before it's due!
The ACT & ASVAB will be administered on Tuesday, March 14th. For 11th graders taking the ACT, they should have already created an account with
If they have not, they can create one within two days of completing the test so that their scores are available to them. ACT will no longer be sending hard copies of the score report home and students can pick one up (when available) through guidance. Students have the ability to send their official score reports to up to 4 colleges/organizations for free through their account. If they choose to send those scores later, it will cost $16 (for the 2022-23 school year) directly through ACT.
ASVAB staff will be coming back to Cardington on Wednesday, March 29th during their English classes. Students will learn about potential career options based on their scores and hopefully, will learn more about their abilities that are not always visible through core academics. To learn more about the ASVAB, please visit their site at:
The WritePlacer Exam will be conducted at CLHS on Friday, March 24th for those students that have applied to MTC by March 10th and have their CCP Intent to Participate form submitted by the 24th. This exam will be administered for students needing a score for either admissions to MTC or for specific courses either taught at CLHS, online or on campus by one of MTC's professors. If you did not apply by March 10th, you can still apply and submit the Intent to Participate, however, if you need a placement exam for admission, you will have to go to MTC's campus and test through their testing department.
FFA Students visit Hoffman Meats
Cameron Sherman advances to the state tournament!
Athletic Campaign
Our Spring athletes are preparing for the beginning of their seasons.
- The baseball team will open their season with scrimmages against Mount Vernon, Marion Harding, and Utica before kicking off the regular season at Hilliard Davidson on March 27.
- The softball team will scrimmage Marysville, Ashland Crestview and Hilliard Darby before opening their season at Granville on March 28.
- The track team will open their season at the Seneca East Invitational on March 25.
Come out and support all our Spring athletes as they wrap up their season.
Congradulations Wyatt Denney!
Great Work Chris Kinsey!
Pirate Wrestling!
FFA Public Speaking Contest
Aaron Howard and Sarah Perry competed at the State Public Speaking Competition. Aaron placed 5th in the Beginning Prepared Preliminary round and Sarah placed 3rd in the Extemporaneous Speaking Preliminary Round. The top 2 individuals in each prelim advance to the state finals. Congratulations on a job well done!
Autumn Holt competed in the Advanced Prepared Public Speaking Competition. This contest mimics the beginning prepared while requiring a 6-8 minute speech on the agricultural topic of their choice, presenting it, and answering questions. Autumn's speech, entitled "Urbanization in Agriculture" addressed growing concerns in central Ohio about the overdevelopment of agricultural land and how to combat urban sprawl. Autumn placed 7th in the district.
Ashlyn Troyer represented our chapter in the Creed Speaking Competition. In this contest, students memorize the five paragraph FFA Creed as written by E.M. Tiffany and adopted in 1933. The creed has been revised twice since then. Students must memorize and present this creed in front of a panel of judges and answer questions. Ashlyn placed ninth in the district contest.
Character Spotlight: SELF-CONTROL!
Pirate Expectation: Strive for Excellence!
March Character Spotlights: SELF-CONTROL
Self-Control is being disciplined, manages feelings, and actions.
From the Quarterdeck
Check out Parent Resources located on our district website by following this link.
Communication is important for a successful school year. Please make sure to update your contact information through the PowerSchool Parent Portal if there have been changes. Contact the high school office if you are having trouble with your account. Fees may hinder your ability to access PowerSchool.
- Did you know that parents can get access to each of their students' Google Classrooms? Please contact each teacher for this important information.
- The Ohio Department of Education website for graduation requirements is a great source of information for parents and students.
About us
Location: 349 Chesterville Avenue, Cardington, OH, USA
Phone: (419)864-3691
Twitter: @Cardington_High