Hero Happenings!
Hellstern Middle School Newsletter, Springdale, AR
LOCKER DAY - August 8, 2021
Thank you teachers and staff!!!
Please remember:
Students do not have to come in the building, but are very welcome to come in with one adult.
Students will enter through the East & West doors (where car-riders are dropped off). All guests will then EXIT through the front entrance.
All stations are optional - the ONE thing we ask that you do is visit a Chromebook station (under the front awning) to complete your student's Acceptable Use Agreement (AUA). This will allow us to give your student his/her Chromebook on the first day of school.
We will stagger arrival times based on the STUDENT's FIRST NAME (if you have more than one child, pick one of the times and come for both)
- First Name A-F: 1-1:30pm
- First Name G-L: 1:30-2pm
- First Name M-S: 2-2:30pm
- First Name T-Z: 2:30-3pm
Parents - you may park in the following places:
- the lot behind Hellstern, next to the HBHS tennis courts.
- the faculty parking lot on the East side of the building.
- the lot directly in front of the building
- the Storms Orthodontics parking lot
- in the circle turn around which is closest to the HBHS stadium
Please DO NOT park in our grassy areas
Across the front of the building you can visit the following tents that will be set up outside:
- Complete your child's AUA so he/she can get his/her Chromebook on the first day of school
- Buy your PE Shirt (optional) for $10
- Pay the PE lock fee ($5) OR you will provide a combination lock
- Ask your questions about band
- Buy some PTO gear AND purchase a PTO sponsorship
- Get bus route information (pending routes being complete)
- Pick up a Herobotic application - You can also access this application online by clicking here. It is due Wednesday, August 11.
- Find out your 6th grade team & advisor
- Find out your 7th grade team & advisor
- Visit with the Nurse about immunization records or medication (you can also drop medication off for your student)
- Ask any other questions you may have
- Get an application for student council
One adult may go in the building with your Hellstern student. You will enter through the team doors on the west & east side of the building. We do recommend you wear a mask when inside the building. Once inside you can:
- Get your locker number & combination
- Practice your combination (students will have PLENTY of time to do this during the first week of school also)
- Decorate your locker (no tape - magnetic or cling only)
- Walk the halls and familiarize yourself with the facility
***If you can't make it on Sunday - don't worry!!! Your student will have plenty of time to practice using his/her locker during the first week of school. You will also have every opportunity to purchase what you may need or ask questions. We will not be able to accept visitors the week before school starts as teachers will be VERY busy preparing for our Heroes arrival!
TEAM School Supply Lists
EVERY student at Hellstern will need the following:
- earbuds
- zipper binder w/strap ("Trapper-Keeper")
- backpack with laptop protection area built in
- paper & pencils
- water bottle (labeled with student name)
- PE shirt ($10 optional) OR provide a gray t-shirt for PE
- PE combination lock rental ($5) OR provide a combination lock
*All students are required to wear a lanyard w/an ID EVERY day. We provide the first one and you can buy extras for $5 (or if the first one is lost).
All other supplies needed will be on team lists. 7th grade students may have supplies needed for elective classes.
Car-Rider Arrival & Dismissal
Upcoming Dates
8th - HMS Locker Day (1-3pm)
9th - Teachers come back to prepare for a GREAT year!!
10th - School board meeting
12th - Hellstern Football Showcase (HMS introductions @ 5:40pm)
16th - Students first day!!
24th - Band meeting @ 6pm, Hellstern cafeteria
24th - Band rental night @ 6:30pm, Hellstern cafeteria
Dress Code....
A Student’s appearance and dress should reflect an acceptable common standard in the interest of decency, cleanliness, safety, and health.
The following guidelines should be followed:
All students are required to wear their team-specific (School ISSUED) lanyard and student ID at all times while on the HMS school campus.
Hats and hoodies pulled over head shall not be worn in the building.
All shirts must have a sleeve.
Tank tops are not permitted (for males or females).
Shorts, skirts, dresses, and holes in jeans must be fingertip length. (No holes above fingertips)
Clothing that reveals a bare midriff or cleavage will not be permitted.
Clothing which by color, design or symbol is deemed suggestive, racist, violent, vulgar, or is interpreted as promoting tobacco, drug, or alcohol use, are not to be worn to school.
No student is to wear, carry, or display apparel deemed gang-related (“sagging” pants, head rags, bandanas, chains, spiked or studded jewelry), or exhibit behavior or gestures which symbolize gang membership.
A student’s appearance and dress shall not disrupt or contribute to disruption of the educational process or interfere with rights or opportunities of others to learn or teach. This includes piercing, accessories, and hair styles/color which disrupt the learning environment.
Hellstern Middle School
Website: http://hellstern.sdale.org/
Location: 7771 Har-Ber Avenue, Springdale, AR, USA
Phone: 479-750-8725
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hellstern-Middle-School