Building Blocks - Belonging
Music Activities - Jill Friend's Classroom
Check Ins - The M&M Game
In small groups, singers take 2-3 M&Ms from a bag or bowl. Singers share something about themselves using the key below (the key can be adapted for any class/topic). For every M&M:
- Green - a favorite song
- Red - a favorite warm-up
- Blue - memorable choral/instrumental event they've attended
- Yellow - favorite musical
- Brown - a favorite singer
- Orange - a challenging song/piece you've sung/played
Greetings - Name Game Concentration
This is a great activity for the beginning of the choir year as everyone is getting to
know each other. Have children sit in a circle and pat their knees twice, clap hands twice, and snap twice. Everyone does these body movements together all the way through the activity. No one talks on the first four beats of the game, then on the snaps each person say his first name and last name. Two beats are allowed for the first name and two beats are allowed for the last name. The children take turns doing this activity and they go around the room never losing the rhythm.
Greetings - Jammin' Name Game
In a circle, singers choose 1)an adjective that describes their personality and begins with the same letter or sound as their first name, and 2)a corresponding motion. Start the game by introducing yourself with your adjective and motion. Move the game to the person to the right. As the game progresses around the circle, the names are cumulative. The second person in the circle repeats the first person's adjective, name, and motion then follows with his/her own. The third person in the circle repeats the information from the previous two and then adds his/her own.
Activity - Contour Drawing
Divide students into groups of four to six by like instrument. Each group needs a large piece of paper and each person in the group needs a crayon of a different color. Without talking, the first student begins the drawing of the instrument by making a line no longer than 12 inches. Progress clockwise around the group, each student adding a new line to the instrument. Continue to take turns until everyone is satisfied that the drawing is finished. Post the drawings around the room and have the students vote on which drawing they think would sell for the highest price, and be able to explain their answer.
Sharing - Commonalities and Uniquities
In small groups, singers find something that they all have in common. Groups share their results with the entire choir. In small groups, singers find something about themselves that no other group member shares.