Bobcat News
May Update 2020-2021
May 7, 2021
Greetings Bobcat Families,
I wanted to take the time to say thank you for celebrating Teacher Appreciation with us all week! Our teachers were showered with gifts of gratitude all week long. BES PTO Board, Kantrelle Burkland, Starlet Sattler, Mary Friesenhahn, Rani Sabban, Haley Ashcroft , Yolanda Ferguson, and Kandice Friestman praises to you all for helping us put it all together for our BES teaching staff and making it memorable. See pictures below.
P.S. Happy Mother’s Day weekend to all of our Bobcat moms. Enjoy your special day!
Mrs. Harris
Don't Ask for Donuts! You're a muffin short of amazing!
Awesome to the Core!
Connect Four Gift Card Challenge
Ms. Hughes and Ms. Fisher Won!
You can always use a snack by the afternoon!
You're the whole enchilada lunch!
5th Grade Parents/Guardian Only...Science STAAR May 12, 2021
Good afternoon Parents!
May 12th, your child will come to Brookhollow to take the STAAR test. Here are some important details for this day – they will be taking the 5th Grade Science test:
• Please enter on the side door of the building – this is in the big parking lot and we will let your student in through those doors. They will need to wear a mask. Upon entering they will get hand sanitizer and a temperature check. Doors will open at 7:45 and testing will begin at 8:15 so please ensure your child is here in plenty of time to get started.
• Please check your child for symptoms before sending them to school – if you have any questions, please call the school.
• The testing room will be gym or music room
• Please have your child bring a charged chromebook (if you don’t have one, we will have an extra to borrow that day), headphones and a mouse if they want one. Please also bring a book from home to read when done while waiting.
• We will have a small snack and water bottle – they can bring a snack, but it needs to be a non-residue snack.
• There is free breakfast and lunch on site
• When your child is finished, we will be calling for them to get picked up – please have your cell phone on and available.
• Cell phones will be picked up and returned after testing for test security reasons.
• All students will be spaced 6 feet apart for the testing rooms.
Thank you and if you have any questions, please let me know.
Bobcats - Continual Improvement!
PTO - Yearbooks 2020-2021
We are continuing to work on the yearbook and we are getting some fun photos! We are wanting to include both on-site and virtual students in a Zoom screen photo with their classes. The teacher's could easily take these during a class. Our email address for yearbook photos is We want to include everything that has happened at Brookhollow this year and show what a robust and fun school year we've had, even with all of the challenges! Please use the link above to send any photos you have for the yearbook as well.
Secretary: Kantrelle Burkland
Co-Treasurers: Starlet Sattler and Mary Friesenhahn
Vice President: Rani Sabban
President: Haley Ashcroft
Our hospitality team consists of Yolanda Ferguson, Kandice Friestman and Kantrelle Burkland
We highly encourage you to reach out to your child's teacher as the primary for learning assistance. Our teachers are including celebrations like birthdays, learning rewards, and affirmations for social and emotional participation.
Please let your child's teacher know if you haven't been getting the emails from BES messenger or PfISD Communications. Our office staff will be happy to check your email and update any new emails for you in Skyward.
Below is a list of ways to reach out and stay informed with up-to-date information.
BES Facebook:
PTO Remind 101: 81010 and text this message@BESPTO18
- Grades: access to your child(ren)’s grades and attendance through the Skyward district software student information system.Parents - Family Access Instructions (download PDF)
Need your Skyward Family Access User Name?
Send an Email to:
Subject Line = Skyward Family Access Account