Panther Press

For the Week of December 17, 2023
Upcoming Events
December 19: Fire Drill
December 21: All School Pajama Day!
December 22 - January 1: Winter Holiday (NO SCHOOL)
January 11th - 5/6 Grade Holiday Lights Concert (NEW DATE) at 6 pm
We Filled Our Paw Bank!
Pajama Day!
To celebrate filling our paw bank as a school, we will be having an all school pajama day on Thursday, December 21st!
5/6 Concert Rescheduled
The 5th & 6th grade Holiday Lights concert has been rescheduled for Thursday, January 11th at 6 pm.
Lothrop Chorus Sings at the Killington Grand Hotel
Holidays Around the World
All School Morning Meeting
On Friday, December 8th, Mrs. Kay's 3rd class hosted our all school morning meeting. Students shared what they have learned in their class about holidays and traditions around the world through their illustrations and artwork.
Spartans Visit Lothrop!
The hockey team from the Vermont State University at Castleton visited Lothrop on Tuesday, December 5th. Many students and staff wore green and white in honor of their visit. They spent time with every grade, reading books to students and answering lots of questions about hockey and college. They even played tag with 3rd & 4th grade during recess! It was a fun day!
Lothrop Caller ID
Our Caller ID is Albany, VT
When someone from Lothrop is trying to call you,
your caller ID may say Albany, VT.
Please answer the call.
It's Cold Outside!
We have outdoor recess each morning and after lunch unless:
the playground is icy
it is raining
the temperature is less than 10°F
Children should come to school with jackets, hats, and mittens or gloves. When there is snow, please send snow pants and boots. Children in grades K-4, without boots and snow pants stay on the blacktop for recess.
If your child needs winter wear, please contact Melanie Parker.
Integrated Arts News
What is Happening in P.E.?
These past couple of weeks in PE we have been working on our basketball skills. Focusing on ball handling and adding in some passing and shooting. We use activities from the Jr NBA basketball curriculum. How I am teaching the students to work on these skills is the way that players work on them at all levels including the NBA. When we have sports units in PE I like to remind students, especially ones that participate in these sports outside of school, that no player is better than working on a basic skill; however, those that keep practicing the basic skills become better players.
Next week we are starting our dance unit. Grades K-2 and 5&6 will be learning a variety of different dances from different cultures. For grades 3&4 we will be starting our choreography for their musical. I know they are all very excited for that. No matter what part they play in the show each class will be featured performing a routine for a song. This is one of my favorite parts of my job as a PE teacher here at Lothrop is the opportunity to take from my background in dance and performance.
Mrs. Bruce is looking for volunteers, with building experience, who would be willing to help build sets for this year's 3/4 musical, James and the Giant Peach. We are also looking for donations of materials (lumber, hardware, paint, etc) to help build the set. Please contact her if interested at cbruce@rnesu.org. Thank you!
Sora: Audiobooks & Ebooks for All Students
Sora is an online shared digital library that provides audiobooks and ebooks. RNESU subscribes to this resource and every student can access it with their school email account. The Sora app can be downloaded to almost every type of device (unfortunately not Kindle tablets). To access this resource;
- Download app or go to https://soraapp.com/welcome
- Use location finder or search for Vermont Schools Shared Digital Collection
- After clicking on the button for Vermont Schools Shared Digital Collection. Scroll through the list of schools and locate "Rutland Northeast SU 36"-click on that button.
- Click on the button "Sign in using Rutland Northeast SU 36"
- Sign-in with Google using your student's RNESU email address.
Caverly News
Thank You, Pittsford Christmas for Kids!
Caverly Preschool wants to give a HUGE thank you to the Pittsford Christmas for Kids non-profit group. This group provides Christmas gifts for children living in Pittsford and Florence, as well as
provides children with clothing and other necessary items throughout the year. They very
generously purchased many books for the preschool library. We are so excited to read our
news books!
News from the PTO
Items in the Lost and Found Area
Girls on the Run 2024 Information
Volunteer to be a Girls on the Run coach for Lothrop School this spring! The impact of a Girls on the Run volunteer coach is as boundless as it is beautiful. Girls on the Run is an after-school program that uses a research-based curriculum to empower, increase self-worth, and spark joy in its participants.
Not a runner? Haven’t coached before? No problem! Girls on the Run VT (GOTRVT) provides training, easy to follow lesson plans, supplies and support for a transformational season. Our season begins the week of March 18th, and ends with a celebratory 5K on Saturday June 8th in Manchester. The team will meet twice weekly for 90 minute sessions to connect, move, learn and have FUN! Fun fact, this is GOTRVT’s 25th anniversary season!
We do require 2 coaches to be present at each practice, and highly encourage having 3 coaches registered for when life happens, whether one coach gets sick or has plans to be out on a practice day.
Registration fee:
For the registration fee, we do not want finances to be a barrier to girls getting the benefit of participating in our program. Caregivers have the option to utilize a payment plan and a sliding scale within the registration form. Coach teams can also seek out funds to lower the registration fee equally for all participants, in which case the sliding scale and payment plan are still available to caregivers.
Key Dates:
Coach registration opens: November 7, 2023
In-person Coach Training: early February 2024
Participant Registration opens: February 28, 2024
Season begins: Week of March 18, 2024
5K Celebration in Manchester: June 8, 2024
Coach registration is now open. Visit gotrvt.org/coach to learn more or sign up to volunteer. Questions? Contact GOTRVT at anne@girlsontherunvermont.org or 802-871-5664.
Other Community Events & Info
Website: https://lothrop.rnesu.org/
Location: US Route 7, Pittsford, VT, 05763
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LothropSchool/