Bobcat ROAR
Facutly/Staff Weekly Newsletter April 17, 2020
Bale Strong!
Three cheers and a round of applause to our Bale team for supporting and persevering through an unprecedented time of inconsistent change. Many of you have stepped up to the plate and gone above and beyond to assist colleagues, students, and parents. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to our Bobcats and to each other!
Changes occur from moment to moment and with that being said, all of our paraprofessionals (SPED included) have now been asked to serve at the UAMS Day Camp or at the Clinton Center. Therefore, the only paraprofessional that will be working at Bale is Mrs. Saulsberry. She has been at school everyday with Mrs. Richardson for the past two weeks and has been a tremendous help.
Please note that I am still learning the potentially new communication tool I mentioned in our Wednesday PLC...Stand by more to come. Also, the Specialist support list is below as a Google link. Select the link below to view. If there are any concerns, please speak with me.
Last, see the updated AMI information that I mentioned during our Wednesday PLC time. Open the document below.
Weekly Faculty/Staff PLC
Zoom Meeting: Wednesday's 2:30-3:30
Meeting ID: 809 606 7551
Password: 898339
AMI Phase II Curriculum Support
April 17, 2020
K5 Teachers,
I hope everyone is safe and well! The week 4 lessons are being pushed out now, you should receive them in the next hour. If you do not, contact Dr. Ericka McCarroll.
Below are a few important notes for this week.
Parent Overview – you can access the parent overview for next week here. Feel free to share as you see fit.
Myon – Remind students they have access to Myon via Classlink to access books. This is a great option for those who do not have books at home.
Math Answer Key – math answer keys for week 4 are embedded in Monday’s PDF. In the top right hand corner click on the grade and it will open the key. This makes them accessible for you and parents.
We have shortened the required lessons components on Fridays to allow time for students who need to make up work or catch up.
Grades – just a reminder that no student’s 4th nine-week grade will be negatively affected by their AMI work. No student will receive a 4th nine-week grade lower than their 3rd nine-week grade. Not all activities in the itsLearning lessons are appropriate to be graded. Teachers should provide feedback where they can, but remember this is a different learning environment for everyone and not everything will be turned in. The focus should be on feedback to students rather than grading.
Chat inside itsLearning – we will be turning the chat feature off inside of itsLearning until we can find a better way to monitor student interactions
Remind our parents to check-in for 20-21 SY
LRSD Human Resources Information
URGENT: Perhaps some of you forgot to complete the form. You may have received this information from Mr. Robinson in HR. Select one of the links below to comply with the expectation.
Please complete the google form below or you may complete the Employment Intent Form per guidelines previously indicated. Below you will find the previous memo and link. You are receiving this e-mail because you have not responded to the initial request confirming your employment intent for the 2020-21 school year. Your immediate attention is requested. LRSD received an 89% response rate from employees regarding this matter. Your reply will help LRSD receive a 100% response rate.
If you recently completed your employment intent form via one of the options below, please disregard this e-mail.
Option 1 Reply
Google Link Employment Intent Form:
Option 2 Reply
Follow guidelines provided in previous e-mail listed below:
From: Robinson, Robert
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 3:35 PM
Subject: Employment Intent Form 2020 - Immediate Attention Requested!
Importance: High
Instructions for completing the online Employment Intent Form are listed below:
The Human Resources Employment Intent Form is available at the following URL: http://cis.lrsd.org/HumanResources/EmploymentIntent/Default.aspx.
The form may also be located at http://cis.lrsd.org from the Menu by selecting the Human Resource ~ Employment Intent Form.
The user login information is the same as your network login or computer login.
10 Tips To Effectively Work From Home
Work-At-Home is a limited practice for LRSD! Justification must be substantiated by the Supervisor and subject to approval by the Superintendent or Superintendent’s designee. Work-At-Home Authorization is only a consideration during the time of emergency school closure in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, some jobs are not transportable to work at home. Working at home or alternate worksite is not an employee right or benefit and may be discontinued by the District for any reasons, at any time. All employees must satisfy telework accountability requirements respective to assigned position classification!
Robert Robinson, Executive Director of Human Resources
The two attachments below are for classified staff that work less than 12 months:
We Are The Bobcats...Hear Us ROAR
Email: roxie.browning@lrsd.org
Location: 6501 West 32nd Street, Little Rock, AR, USA
Phone: 501-447-3600
Twitter: @RHBrowning