Hero Happenings!
Hellstern Middle School Newsletter, Springdale, AR
Special Edition: Last Day of School 2021
May 27th was a GREAT day to be a Hero!
Upcoming Dates:
July 13 - School Board meeting (5pm)
Aug 8 - Locker Day, find out your team & advisor (1-3pm)
There will NOT be a make-up day for this. If you can't make it - NO PROBLEM! We will be ready to help you on August 16th.
Aug 9 - Teachers are back on contract - we will be preparing for our Heroes!
Aug 16 - Students first day!
Central Junior High Information below
- find his/her locker and practice the combination
- purchase Hellstern gear
- find out what team he/she is on
- meet some staff
- walk the building and familiarize yourself with it
We will have more info on this event published in July. Please mark your calendars now and be sure to sign up for next year's newsletter using the below link. This is CRITICAL to stay informed.
Also, here is a printable version of the district calendar if you need one.
Summer Opportunities - See Below
Young Writer's Camp (Grades 4-6)
The University of Arkansas's National Writing Project is offering a FREE 2-Week Writers Camp for current 4th-6th graders in Springdale Public Schools that will be held at Southwest Junior High June 7th-18th from 8:30-2:30 each day.
We will write, play games, make new friends, and participate in a variety of camp activities (competitions, making fun snacks, etc..). To sign up, complete this form or email Karen.Johnson@sdale.org. LIMITED spots available. Sign up by 5/17 to guarantee a spot.
Young Writer's Camp (Grades 7-10)
Young Writers Camp for 7th- 10th graders at Lakeside.
The camp is tuition free. It begins June 7 and lasts until June 18 from 8:30-2:30 Monday- Friday. There is also free transportation provided by the district to and from the camp.
There will be competitions, snacks, and tons of exciting games both inside and outside.
Attached is a flyer/registration form for the camp. Parents can either register their students online through the Google Form or email jmcgee@sdale.org. Registration forms are due by May 17 at the latest.
About Us
Sign up to receive text notifications
Email: abyford@sdale.org
Website: http://springdalear.apptegy.us/o/hellstern-middle-school
Location: 7771 Har-Ber Avenue, Springdale, AR, USA
Phone: (479)750-8725
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hellstern-Middle-School-243986482329649/
Twitter: @HellsternHeroes