The Heart of Hale'iwa
September 30, 2022 Volume III Issue IV
In this Issue...
- Principal Wetzel's Message
- Office Heroes
- Sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences
- EOEL: Measurements
- Fourth Grade Field Trip
- Literacy Corner: Parent Engagement Activities
- First Grade Parent Activity
- Sixth Grade Parent Activity
- Hale'iwa Elementary Past and Present
How Can I Help My Anxious Child? by Mrs. Nakamura
Save the Date: Community Resource Fair
October Menu
Free COVID Tests
Principal Wetzel's Message
Aloha Hale`iwa Families,
It is the official end to the first quarter of SY 2022-2023 and it has been a FANTASTIC two months! With the COVID restrictions lifted, we were finally able to return to school life that resembled our pre-COVID practices. Students are eating in the cafeteria again. Group work in classrooms has returned. We have even had two of our classes take field trips off campus! The fourth graders visited Manoa Stream and the second graders went to the zoo. All of our teachers are working hard to take more field trips throughout the year. We already have a few planned for the second quarter.
Being able to have our grade level parent activities has also been an absolute joy. We appreciate the overwhelming support of all of our families. EVERY grade level has had a fabulous turn out of parents or other family members at these learning activities. Even with all of this fun, we are very excited about what is yet to come during the second quarter.
Here is a brief preview of some of the events that will be happening from October through December. First, and most importantly, Hale`iwa will have its WASC accreditation visit from October 24 to October 27. The accreditation visit is an extremely important process that validates the work that is being done at our school. When we return from the October break, we will share even more information about our visit.
SAVE THE DATES…because you do not want to miss these fun-filled activities coming up!
Monday, October 31, 2022: Hale`iwa Halloween March
We are thrilled to welcome back our families to watch our students march in our small parade on campus.
We are also inviting the younger siblings (non-school aged) of our current Hale`iwa students to join in the fun. If they have a costume, they can march with their older brother or sister.
The time of the Halloween March is still to be determined.
November 2 to November 10: Parent-Teacher Conferences
School will end at 12:30 on all of these days.
To sign up for a conference slot, please complete the survey at this link. If you are unable to access the link or just prefer to not complete an electronic form, please call the school office at 808-637-8237 and Ode or Lisa can help you complete the form.
Hale`iwa will offer virtual conferences only on Wednesday, November 2 and Wednesday, November 9. On all other days, conferences will be in person. We hope these options help to accommodate the differing needs of our families.
Tuesday, November 22, 2022: Tsunami Walk
Hale`iwa will conduct its annual Tsunami Walk drill that will require all students to practice evacuating to the area under the bypass of the Joseph Leong Highway.
More information will be forthcoming
Wednesday, November 30, 2022: Happy “Holi`iwa-Days” Winter Fest
Santa Claus will be there for picture taking
There will be games for kids, craft activities for families and snacks and drinks for sale.
The Scholastic Book Fair is also happening during this week and will be open during this event.
The time of the event is still to be determined.
As you can see, there will be a lot happening during the second quarter! We hope that everyone has a very safe and fun-filled October break. We look forward to seeing all of our students back on campus on Monday, October 10, 2022.
Malaea Wetzel
Office Heroes
The Hale`iwa office is a popular place for lizards and geckos to hang out. Unfortunately, Mrs. Wetzel is extremely afraid of these creatures. Luckily, Trustyn and Chalyce Ching are expert lizard catchers. Their persistence and agility have led to two successful captures of a lizard and a gecko in the school office. They are also so skilled that they do not hurt the lizards when they capture them. So both the lizard and gecko were safely released far, far, far away from the office to hopefully live wonderful lives outdoors. Thank you to Trustyn and Chalyce for coming to our rescue!
EOEL: Measurements
by Mrs. Angelica
We have been learning all about measurement! We discussed what measurement is and why we might need to measure something. We decided to partner up with a friend and use blocks to measure how tall we were! They each took turns measuring their friend, and then recorded their answers on their paper along with a drawing of themselves! We will be turning their recordings into a book to keep in our classroom library!
Fourth Grade Field Trip
by Ms. Yonekura
The 4th Graders went on their 1st field trip of the school year to the Manoa Stream. We helped Uncle Cory, and Aunty Andi remove invasive fishes from the streams. The 4th Graders learned a native fishing technique which is to “pa’ē pa’ē” or to “make noise”. Students worked together in teams, to chase the fishes down stream into nets. After the activity, we learned that we removed 34 invasive fishes, and we were able to save one native fish, the Oʻopu Nakea. It was so much fun to help our ʻāina!
Literacy Corner: Parent Engagement Activities
During the month of September, we welcomed our parents back to campus for various grade level activities. Mahalo families for taking time out from your busy schedules to learn alongside or from your child.
Preschoolers created an art collage using the first letter of their names. They also talked to their parents about how they got their name.
Kindergartners learned about sequencing with the book, If You Give a Dog a Donut. Then, they took pictures and created a donut frame keepsake.
Grade 2
Second graders engaged in a literacy escape room with their parents.
Third Graders
Parents and their 3rd graders worked together through four challenges of Merlin's Magical Wizarding School Escape Room.
Fourth Graders
Some may find spiders creepy; others think spiders are fascinating! The 4th graders worked together with their parents to build a spider climber using paper and string.
5th Graders
Parents and students decorated "Literacy Treasure Boxes" for monthly literacy games and reading materials.
6th Grade Parent Activity
by Mrs. Villalpando
During the sixth grade parent activity students were able to showcase their metabolism model and video. Parents were able to participate in a Aina lesson by planting a seed with their child. Then enjoy a refreshing poi smoothie.
Hale'iwa Elementary Past and Present
How Can I Help My Anxious Child?
Community Resource Fair
October Menu
Mahalo to our Sponsors!
Contact our "THOH" Team
Phone: (808)637-8237
Twitter: @HaleiwaElement1