Edgemere International Counseling
From your Counselors: Ms. Martinez & Mrs. Serrano
Edgemere International Counseling:
Parents and families play an integral role in their child's education. Both experience and research tell us that a child’s education succeeds best when there is good communication, and a strong partnership between home and school. As counselors, we are here to support your involvement in your child's education. This website is a tool to help you find different resources to support you in this endeavor.
Mission & Philosophical Statement
Mission Statement: The mission of Edgemere International School Counseling Program is to enhance, support and maintain growth and development in the areas of personal, social, academic, and career domains by providing a positive and safe environment through a partnership of educators, parents, guardians, students and the community which will empower student's lives.
Philosophical Statement: Edgemere International adheres to the philosophy that the school counseling program is an essential and integral part of the overall education process. All students possess the right of equal access to all counseling programs to promote all skills necessary to be productive citizens in our community. Academic growth will be addressed by the counselor based on specified goals and competencies such as; personal, social, academic and career domains that are developmentally appropriate for the individualized student's needs.All About Me: Maggie Martinez
Email: mmartinez9@yisd.net
Phone: (915) 434- 4714
Facebook: facebook.com/EdgemereRoadrunners/
All About Me: Michelle Serrano
Hello Edgemere families! My name is Michelle Serrano, and I have been in education since 2010. I have a Bachelor in Interdisciplinary Studies and a Master of Education in Guidance and Counseling. I have taught 3rd-6th grade for 10 years and absolutely love working with children. I became a school counselor to advocate for students and help them become successful members of our community. My goal is to make a difference in my school by touching lives I encounter in a positive and effective way while promoting kindness.
Email: mnserrano@yisd.net
Phone: (915) 434-4703
Facebook: facebook.com/EdgemereRoadrunners/
YISD Kindness in the Classroom Calendar
Our Counseling Program
- Classroom Counselor Lessons will be conducted by Ms. Martinez and Mrs. Serrano once a month.
- Following the American School Counselor Association model, YISD counselors provide for the academic, social/emotional, and career needs of each student through classroom counselor lessons, individual services, responsive services, and system support. Additionally, counselors serve as part of the leadership team at each campus, collaborating with parents, faculty and staff
Counseling Services:
Counselors provide counseling services to students based on individual needs. Counseling services are delivered through individual or small group settings. Examples of services:
Coping skills
Peer relationships Grief/loss
Social skills
Anger management
Crisis intervention
Coping with stress
Academic concerns
Conflict resolution
Attendance concerns
Confidentiality will be kept as much as possible except when there is information about child abuse or harm to self or others. In the event that the School Counselor is made aware of harm to self or others he or she will notify the parent as soon as possible.
As a district, we are committed to the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) of all our students and teachers. To continue supporting the social and emotional learning of our students through explicit instruction, PK-12 campuses will implement an explicit SEL lesson at a minimum of 1x a month. However, campuses may choose to increase the amount of instructional time for SEL lessons especially if the course already indicates that SEL will be addressed as part of the course description. In addition,
The explicit SEL lesson will be implemented through the following classes:
Elementary: Teachers will support SEL instruction by providing Kindness in the Classroom lessons once a week. P.E. Coaches and Counselors will also support SEL instruction.Resources
El Paso Counseling Resources:
El Paso Behavioral Health System- 1900 Denver Ave (79902) 521-2450 www
Emergence Health Network - 1600 Montana St. (79902) 887-3410
El Paso Child Guidance Center- 2701 East Yandell (79903) 562-1999 OR 9001 Cashew Suite 300 (79907) 860-2644
El Paso Center for Children-2200 North Stevens Street (79930) 565-8361
Family Services of El paso- 6040 Surety Dr. (79905) 781-9900