News From Kings Preschool
January 2024
Childcare Closures for Holidays
December 22, 23, 29, 30 & January 2
Childcare will be open Dec.19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28
Many of our childcare staff do not work over holiday break. Substitutes come from the Before and After Kings Kids, as well as some summer camp staff home on their college break. Students may be combined into different childcare rooms over the break.
The office and nurse's office is closed over winter break.
Notes From the Nurse
We would like to wish you a Happy Holiday Season! We are fortunate that we live in an area that offers many safe, COVID friendly activities. See below for some fun activities:
The Purple People Bridge is decorated with holiday lights. Walk across and enjoy the illuminated cities.
Christmas Light Shows- drive through light shows are at Coney Island, Sharon Woods and of course your own neighborhood.
Cincinnati Nature Center has an easy mile walk through the woods with a display of lights and illuminated trees.
39th Annual Festival of Lights- go to the zoo early and see the animals as well as the 4 million lights
Check out the ice rinks at Fountain Square or Summit Park
If we are lucky enough to have snow, grab a sled, make a snowman or go for a winter walk through your neighborhood or a local park
We wish you a safe and happy break. We look forward to a safe return to the Preschool after the Winter break and an awesome 2022!
Food Drive for Kings Local Food Pantry- Still Collecting Items!
Kings Preschool & Childcare will be collecting items for the Kings Area Community Service and Food Pantry during the month of December. Please help our community by donating food and other needs. The following is a list of the most urgent supplies needed:
Paper Towels & Tissue Paper
Deodorant & Bath Soap
Toothpaste & Toothbrushes
Shampoo & Conditioner
Bar Soap & Body Wash
Liquid Hand Soap
Hand Sanitizer
Diapers & Baby Wipes
Feminine Hygiene Products
Dish Soap & Laundry Detergent
Cleaning Supplies
Thank you for all of the donations we've received so far!
Upcoming Events
December 20-January 3: Winter Break, NO PRESCHOOL
December 23, 24, 30, 31- Childcare closed for the holidays
January 10- Preschool Registration opens to currently enrolled families.
January 17- Childcare and Preschool is closed to observe and honor Martin Luther King Jr.
Cold Weather Reminder...because it is coming!
As colder weather returns, please have your children dress for outside play in coats, hats and gloves. We do go outside if the temperature is 32 degrees or above and dry. Also, be sure to label your child’s coat/jacket with his or her name.
Inclement Weather
In case of inclement weather, Kings Preschool will be closed whenever Kings Schools District is closed. The district utilizes a school messenger phone system to notify you of delays or closings. The Kings Preschool Childcare will open at 7:30 unless it is determined that it is necessary to issue a longer delay. You will be notified through the school messenger system.
In the event of a delay, the preschool classes operate on the following schedule:
AM 2 day & 5 day classes will begin at 10:30 and end at 12:00. PM 2 & 5 day classes remain on their usual schedule
AM 4 day classes will begin at 10:55 and end at 12:35 PM 4 day classes will begin at 1:30 and end at 3:10
Holiday Gift Ideas
Lists for Learning!
Make a teacher's wish come true! Visit www.listsforlearning.com to see what materials and re-sources your child's teacher wishes to have in their classroom. At Lists for Learning, we believe that resources can greatly impact the classroom environment and make your child's learning experience the best it can be! Ask your child's teacher for details.
We are on Instagram!
Ohio's Bold Beginnings
November Pictures
-Mary Beth