Whaling News
Message from Principal Hernandez
Dear Lido Family,
We kickoff this month with a Olympic Read-a-Thon sponsored by our PTA. Our goal is to continue to encourage our students to read daily for 20 minutes each night. If our students read for 75,000 reading minutes a class will cover Mr. Webel in toilet paper. If our students read for 100,000 reading minutes a class will cover Dr. Hernandez in silly string.
March is Women History Month. Our students will learn about various women in our history. World Down Syndrome Day is on March 21st. In honor of World Down Syndrome Day we are asking students to wear mixed matched socks. For more information about World Down Syndrome Day visit the following link: https://www.worlddownsyndromeday.org/lots-of-socks-campaign.
This month our Lido PTA and Pre-K PTA will host a scholastic book fair. Our Pre-K students will host the MOLA (Museum Of Learning Activities) this month. The students have created exhibits as the culminating activity of our museum unit. At the end of this month our elementary enrichment students will showcase the Willy Wonka Kids musical.
We will also have our virtual Parent Teacher Conferences on March 23rd (evening) and March 29th (afternoon). We will send additional information to parents this month.
Thank you for your continued support. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher and/or Mr. Webel or myself (Dr. Hernandez) if you have any questions and/or concerns.
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou
We are Lido Strong and Lido Proud!!
Virtual Parent Teacher Conference - Evening
Thursday, Mar 23, 2023, 06:00 PM
Learning Waves
Dr. Hernandez Favorite Books
Use the links below to listen to a read-aloud of some of Dr. Hernandez's favorite books.
She Persisted
This book features: Harriet Tubman, Helen Keller, Clara Lemlich, Nellie Bly, Virginia Apgar, Maria Tallchief, Claudette Colvin, Ruby Bridges, Margaret Chase Smith, Sally Ride, Florence Griffith Joyner, Oprah Winfrey, Sonia Sotomayor—and one special cameo.
Click here to access the read aloud.
Happy Pi Day to You!
Written in simple rhyme, Happy Pi Day is a natural choice for celebrating Pi Day (held annually on March 14), and for nurturing a child's interest in math. Fans of the hit PBS show The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! will be delighted at this new addition to the Learning Library series. Click here to access the read aloud.
How to Catch a Leprechaun
Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences - Afternoon
Wednesday, Mar 29, 2023, 12:30 PM
Lido Stem Newsletter
Lido Safe Zone
While daily attendance is vital for students’ success, students who are ill should remain home and recuperate so they can perform their best at school. Students who have fever symptoms must not come to school for 24 hours since the onset of the fever. State law requires an explanation for all absences. Please send an absence note on the day your child returns to school, no matter how brief the absence. If your child is going to be absent, or if your contact information changes, please notify the Health Office at 897-2148 (Pre-K-5).
Please be advised that with the new schedule, students in Kindergarten – Fifth grade will be marked late if they arrive past 8:55 am. Instruction begins promptly at 8:45am for K – 5 students. Pre-Kindergarten students will be marked late if they arrive past 8:20am (AM session) and 11:30am (PM session). Instruction for our Pre-Kindergarten AM session begins promptly at 8:20am and instruction for our Pre-Kindergarten PM session begins promptly at 11:30am.
Drop Off Lane:
When you come to the drop off lane, be sure to let your child/children exit your car on the curb side (right side). You cannot park and leave your car in the drop off lane. Please do not double park or create two drop lanes, near the drop off lane for the safety of students and staff. If you would like to walk your child/children to school please park your car in the parking lot.
As a friendly reminder, please be sure to stand in the walker zone during dismissal. Students will not be allowed to walk to the parking lot area without an adult. We also ask that students are not taken off their line without notifying their teacher first for the safety of all students.
Visiting Lido:
Whether you are visiting our school, heading to the nurses office, or need to do an early pick-up, please be sure to go to our security in our main entrances and bring photo ID.
Spirit Day - Friday, March 3rd
Lido Loves
On the first Friday of each month, we celebrate Spirit Day by wearing our Lido gear or Lido color (blue) to show our school pride. Please visit https://lidospiritwear.com/ to purchase your Lido gear!
Our students participate in our Social Emotional program Choose Love each week. This month we will focus on courage. Please visit https://chooselovemovement.org/ for additional information
Pre-KIndergarten month at a glance:
Unit: Exploring Museums
Letters: a, g, d, s, e, r, p, j
Math: Counting and Cardinality and Numbers 16-20
Nursery Rhyme: Hey Diddle Diddle
Choose Love: Forgiveness
Save the Dates:
March 2nd: Read Across America Day
March 8-10: Pre-K Book Fair
March 9th: Night at the Museum
March 13th: LICM assembly
March 23: Parent-Teacher Evening Conferences 6-9 pm
March 29: Parent-Teacher Day conferences - NO SCHOOL for Pre-K students
Prekindergarten PTA News
PreK PTA Meeting
Thursday, Mar 9, 2023, 05:30 PM
Lido Elementary School, Lido Boulevard, Lido Beach, NY, USA
Global Play Day
PS I Love You Day
100th Day of School - 100 Days Smarter!
Lido PTA News
Lido PTA Meeting
Wednesday, Mar 1, 2023, 06:00 PM
Lido Elementary School, Lido Boulevard, Lido Beach, NY, USA
Contact Us
Email: ihernandez@lbeach.org
Website: www.lbeach.org
Location: Lido Elementary School, 237 Lido Boulevard, Lido Beach, NY, USA
Phone: (516) 897-2141
Twitter: @LbnyLido