Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ August 28, 2017
Puzzle Club
Informational meeting will be held Tuesday, August 29th at 12:05 pm in room 101.
Please contact Mrs. Riley or Mrs. Grambo with any questions.
Computer Club
Calling all 5th-8th graders…
Come by and grab a permission slip from Mrs. Pusateri’s room 207, before our first meeting. You must bring the permission slip to our first meeting September 7th!
Meeting Day and Times: Every other Thursday after school beginning September 8th- 3:30pm - 4:15pm.
Meeting Place: Dr. Meltzer's computer lab
Activities: Educational Games (first 10 minutes of every meeting), All about Google Docs, Presentation and Sheets, Book Creator, Smore, Kahn Academy Coding and Animation, EV3 Robots in the Spring, Glogster, iBook, and Scratch.
2017-18 Meeting Dates: Every other Thursday, September 7th & 21st, October 5th & 16th, November 2nd, 16th,and 30th, December 1st & 14th, January 11th & 25th, February 8th & 22nd, March 15th, April 5th & 19th, and May 3rd will be our last meeting.
Robotics Club
Come by and grab a permission slip from Mrs. Pusateri’s room 207, before our first meeting. You must bring the permission slip to the first meeting on October 24th.
Meeting Place: Mrs. Pusateri’s classroom #207
Activities: Club members will build the NXT or EV3 robot and learn the basic functions, create challenges, and navigate the robot through the Lego challenge board. Prepares students for advanced grouping in 8th grade Robotics rotation.
2017-18 Meeting Dates: Tuesdays (2nd and 3rd quarter only): October 24th, November 7th & 28th, December 5th & 19th, January 16th & 30th, February 13th & 27th, March 6th will be our last meeting.
Join Cub Scouts!
Oak Grove Cub Scout Pack 194 invites you and your son to our fall informational rally. Join over two million families around the world involved in scouting and learn how it can make a difference in your child’s life. Discover fun, adventure and learning through scouting in our year-round program.
Pack 194 offers fun and challenging activities that promote character development and physical fitness. Scouting is a family oriented organization. Family involvement is an essential part of the program as we learn and enjoy outdoor activities, STEM experiments, camping, teamwork, and family values while earning personal achievements and peer recognition. Scouting develops leadership, communication skills and good citizenship.
If you would like to learn more about Cub Scouts, come to our scout rally:
Who: Boys in grades K-5 as of September 2017
Where: Oak Grove Junior High Cafeteria
When: September 6th, 2017
Time: 6:30-8:00 pm
For information about Cub Scout Pack 194 visit pack194.com or contact one of our leaders below for more information:
Homer Benavides, Cubmaster
847-561-7524 - homerbenavides@gmail.com
Kevin Fitzpatrick, Committee Chair
847-927-2840 - fitzpakm@hotmail.com
Oak Grove School Education Foundation
Our biennial Spring Gala will take place on February 24th, 2018 at Independence Grove. The Gala is OGSEF’s biggest fundraising initiative and we need the support of our community, parents, faculty and students to make it a great success. Plus, it is a great opportunity to network and socialize with your community…not to mention a ton of fun! The event features food, drinks, entertainment, auctions and more. This is an event you will not want to miss!
February 24, 2018
6:30 PM to 12:30 AM
Please look for more information on tickets, donations, sponsorships and volunteer opportunities soon. Thank you for your support!
Join the OGS Choir!
Guess what? Choir begins THIS week!
Rehearsals are from 3:30-4:30
Junior High rehearses on Tuesdays.
4th and 5th grade rehearse on Thursdays.
The Junior High Choir will start the year participating in the LHS JH Choir Festival on October 12th. Oak Grove students will leave school to combine with students from Rondout, Highland, and LHS to perform together. Join choir and get the opportunity to see how high school choir works! The JH choir also sings at Mall in the Hall and possibly an exciting competition!
The 4th and 5th grade choir will put on a December show called ‘Holiday Road Trip’, a fun, 40-minute holiday musical. It will be a great show!
And then, on March 10th, both choirs will sing together at a Chicago Wolves Hockey game. THIS YEAR WE’RE SINGING DURING THE GAME!!! It’s always a very memorable night.
I can work around most sport conflicts; so don’t let that stop you!
- Mr. Farris
PTO News
Oak Grove School Family Fest – August 20, 2017
Sponsored by the PTO, Family Fest brought the Oak Grove Community together to kick off the 2017- 2018 school year with fun activities for the whole family. Over 500 people are estimated to have attended! The DJ kept it energetic while students and their families enjoyed inflatables, a home run challenge, crafts, face painting, kiddie carnival, yoga from Heather’s Gym, photo booth, and more. The Teacher Dunk Tank, Soda Ring Toss, Cupcake Walk, and Meltdown Inflatable were extremely popular as families enjoyed a fun way to support the PTO. The Oak Grove School Education Foundation partnered with Lake County Engineering for Kids to bring STEM related activities, and it was great having the OGEA out sharing their ongoing activities. Students also got a taste of the 2017-2018 food vendors – Ganello’s and Jersey Mike’s. Thank you to everyone that made Family Fest possible!
Check out these amazing photos from Family Fest 2017 courtesy of Darcy Dawson -
A huge thank you to Julie Kovach for pulling everything together! Thank you to our Planning Committee – Kathy Bailor, Shannon Bilcox, Kate Byers, Darcy Dawson, Erin Ecton, Jamie Evans, Monica Goldberg, Ashleigh Grambo, Liz Howard, Courtney Johnston, Melody Lyon, Christine Merrild, Raabia Mohammed, Elizabeth O’Neill, Alyssa Osterman, Sarah Roe, Jen Sahagian, Carrie Siebert, Crushaunna Tayfel, Katrina Treutelaar, Melissa Thoune, Lynsey Wolfe, and Beth Zender.
Our Oak Grove staff that braved the dunk tank – Lori Colclasure, Ashley Evans, Logan Farris, Tim Nee, Matt Oesch, Jenny Passalaqua, Jenny Pittam, Daniel Russert, Danielle Sonshine, Katie Yarc, and Principal Andrew Fenton... plus teacher volunteers, Cathie Saia and Jean Hattendorf.
Generous donations were received from: Bagels by the Book, Card My Yard – Libertyville, Culver’s, Domino’s Pizza, Jewel Osco – Libertyville, Sparkle & Twine Party Designs, and Yarc Farms
To all the moms, dads, students, teachers and staff that volunteered their time making this event such a big success, it was great to see our OGS community showing their Oak Grove pride!
Fall Spiritwear Sale
Remember to get online and order your Oak Grove spiritwear! To order, go to https://www.headsupapparel.com/collections/Oak-Grove-2017. The last day for ordering is Sunday, September 3. Please see the flyer in the virtual backpack for more information.
Hot Lunch Information
Are you already tired of making lunch everyday? Go to www.marlaslunchordering.com and order hot lunch! Orders must be placed by Monday at 9 am for the following week. Please see the flyers in the virtual backpack for more details.
Would you like to volunteer during the lunch hour in your children’s cafeteria? The PTO and Marla’s team are looking for 2 volunteers each day, in both the Elementary and Jr. High cafeterias, to distribute lunches and help with recycling. Hours are from 11:00 - 1 in the Elementary cafeteria and 11:00 - 1:10 in the Jr. High cafeteria. If you would like to help out, please sign up using the Sign Up links below.
Elementary hot lunch/recycling volunteer signup (click the link below)
Jr. High hot lunch/recycling volunteer signup (click the link below)
Girls Volleyball Tryouts
Thank you to all of the girls who are trying out this season. There will be no tryouts on Monday, 8/28 due to a staff meeting. Tryouts will conclude on Tuesday, 8/29 from 3:30-5:00 in the Patt Gym. Athletes will find out if they made the team during one-on-one meetings with the coaches from 5:00-5:30. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Izenstark (7th) or Coach Edelson (8th).
Curriculum Corner
Hello Oak Grove Community,
Two years ago, we launched our work with Thinking Maps as a way for students to organize their thinking. The Thinking Maps, developed by Dr. David Hyerle, are visual, brain-friendly tools that foster and encourage lifelong learning. Based on thorough study and research, these visual maps provide students with patterns for using the eight fundamental thinking processes. These patterns help students obtain higher levels of creative as well as critical thinking. The eight Thinking Maps developed from the thinking processes are:
The Circle Map: Defining in Context
The Bubble Map: Describing with Adjectives
The Double Bubble Map: Comparing and Contrasting
The Tree Map: Classifying
The Flow Map: Sequencing
The Multi-Flow Map: Cause and Effect
The Brace Map: Identifying Part/Whole Relationships
The Bridge Map: Seeing Analogies
For those students new to the district, we are looking forward to having them learn their many uses since we will continue to use these Maps in many content areas to expand their thinking skills. Through our school wide implementation, Thinking Maps establish a consistent Language for Learning. In addition, this set of tools allows teachers to differentiate and meet the needs of all learners.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
The vocabulary word for the week is Focus!
What does it mean? Eyes watching, ears listening, voice quiet and body still! Grades 4 & 5 are in the process of making music videos to help our learners focus. Try to use the word focus when asking your child to pay attention. Ask them to tell you what it means.
Have a wonderful week! Don't forget to check your class dojo for pictures and more details on your child's lesson!
Mrs. Kiefer
Social Emotional Learning Teacher K-5
Student Council
Interested in joining student council this year? Any sixth, seventh, or eighth grader is welcome! Our first informational meetings will be next week. Please check the schedule below to see when your grade will meet next week:
6th grade : Tuesday, September 5 12:10:-12:25 (during your recess)
In regards to the terrible flooding in Texas due to Hurricane Harvey, please remember there are some good places to donate:
houstonspca.org (animal-related services)
http://www.redcross.org (providing medical help and shelter)
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120