Clock Hours and Credits
~ Salary Placement ~
Did you know...
To submit WSD clock hours to Human Resources:
1) Visit your WSD Professional Development account.
2) Print off your WSD Clock Hours Official Transcript.
3) Fill out the Credit Approval Form.
4) Submit your Clock Hours Official Transcript along with a completed Credit Approval Form to Human Resources/Payroll for processing.
*Clock hours are earned by completing the following steps: 1) sign up for courses through your WSD Professional Development account 2) sign the sign-in sheet for every day of the professional development course and 3) complete the course evaluation.
Links to your Professional Development Account and forms are provided below.
Other Clock Hours and Credits
To submit other OSPI Approved Provider clock hours/credits earned to Human Resources:
1) Completely fill out the Credit Approval Form.
2) Submit your official transcript or in-service registration form that awards the clock hours or credits with a completed Credit Approval Form to HR/Payroll for processing.
Salary Movement Deadlines
Clock hours earned after 9/30 and/or submitted after 11/30 count towards possible salary movement for the next school year.
- Earned by 9/30 and submitted to HR by 11/30 = count towards possible salary movement for the current school year.
- Earned and submitted after the above deadlines = count towards possible movement for the following school year.
What have I submitted already?
Log into your Skyward Employee Access account and navigate to Professional Development.
Navigation Path:
Employee Access > Employee Information > Personal Information > Personnel > Prof Development
In this tab, you should see a record of everything you have submitted to HR for processing.
For Questions on Clock Hours/Credits Submission Contact
Kami Fidler (L-Z) fidler.kami@wenatcheeschools.org
Phone: (509) 663-8161