Sioux County Newsletter
January 2020
Calendar of Events
Jan. 1 – Office Closed
Jan. 12 – Livestock Judging at 4 pm
Jan. 18 – Office Closed
Jan. 18 – Sewing Class starts
Jan. 26 - 4-H Council Meeting at 6 pm
Jan. 29 – Crayon Art workshop at 4 pm
Updated COVID Guidance
On Monday, December 21st, the Panhandle Health District moved back into orange on the risk dial.
4-H clubs and events may start to meet in person with masks required but are still encouraged to meet virtually. Workshops and practices need to be at 25% capacity for indoor spaces. If the risk dial were to move back into Red, 4-H programs would have to go back to completely virtual again.
4-H Enrollment
4HOnline is ready to take enrollments for the 2021 4-H year. Each member and leader must re-enroll in 4-H each year online at:
Returning 4-H members DO NOT set up a profile. You already have an account. Your login is your email address. If you have forgotten or do not know your password, please select “I forgot my password.” A temporary password will be sent via email or contact the Extension Office for help.
Leaders without family member involvement – if your have previously enrolled, you will need to login to your account to update the information. If you are a new leader, you will need to set up a family account.
Profile information may have changed, so it is important that everyone (youth & volunteers) update their profile before submitting. Please be sure to double check your address, phone number, and email address and update if needed. Remember that there should be only one 4HOnline profile per family.
If you are new to 4-H and have never logged on to 4HOnline before, you will need to build your family profile. Each family should have one profile that lists all family members involved in 4-H. Please use the following steps to setup your profile:
1. Click on the “I need to setup a profile” option.
2. Fill in the information asked.
Remember that the email address that you entered is the email that you will log on with. You may change/update your profile info at any time after the initial enrollment. If you need any help enrolling, please reach out to the Extension Office for assistance!
Enrollment Fees will be taken online with a credit/debit card or can be taken to the Sioux County Extension Office in the form of cash or check, ASAP. Your enrollment will not be complete until payment is submitted. There is no fee for Clover kids! Do not make a payment for those members, but please sign them up on 4HOnline!!! The enrollment fee for other members is $5. Youth must enroll prior to June 15th in order to participate in the county fair. While enrolling, youth have the opportunity to sign up for potential projects. They should select any of the projects they may potentially take to the 2021 Fair, as well as shooting sports. Families also have the opportunity to order 4-H manuals for the upcoming year, by contacting any 4H leader or the Extension Office. If you need any help enrolling, please reach out to the Extension Office for assistance!
2021 Pick Your Project
The Pick Your Project, available at, has been updated for the 2021 program year.
To assist 4-H members, volunteers, and parents with locating curriculum to support 4-H projects. There are two resources are available:
1) A new 4-H Projects page at
2) A Printable Project Listing at
Both resources can be publicly accessed at
Using the searchable, web-based 2021 Pick Your Project, users will be able to search for projects by keywords, curriculum areas, knowledge levels, and geographic levels. It is the intent that this feature will assist 4-H youth, volunteers, and families with learning about the project opportunities using the Pick Your Project and then locating the same project in 4HOnline. This curriculum should be directly linked to the Nebraska State Fair 4-H Fair book.
Crochet Basics Class
Grow your skills and confidence in the art of crochet! Bring your yarn and crochet hook and join in Via Zoom on Tuesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. All ages and experience are welcome to join and the class is FREE. Register at
The workshop will start again on Tuesday, January 5th, as our offices will be closed until after new year’s for the holidays!
Livestock Judging Clinic
Get in some extra livestock judging practice before the Black Hills Stock Show judging contest. Youth will have the opportunity to learn from Cindy Mansfield on January 12th from 4 to 5:30 pm at the Courthouse Meeting Room. To abide by the COVID regulations, masks will be required. For more information contact Laura Button at the Nebraska Extension Sioux County Office at (308) 668-2428 or Melissa Mracek at
4-H Sewing Workshop Series to Kick-Off the New Year
Beginning sewers, at least 8 years old, are welcome to attend this series of sewing classes starting on Monday, January 18th from 3:30 to 5:00 pm at the Security First Bank Basement. These classes will be held on the first and third Mondays of the month and run through the month of April. The classes are limited to 8 youth, but older experienced sewers are welcome to attend to help as Junior Leaders. The fee is $5 per session to help cover the cost of supplies. Youth will need to bring their own sewing machines. To abide by the COVID regulations, masks will be required. To sign up for a spot or for questions contact Laura Button at the Nebraska Extension Sioux County office (308) 668-2428.
Crayon Art Workshop
4-H Project Day is on January 29th, which is a school early out day! This session will allow youth ages 8 and up to create a piece of art utilizing melting crayons. Clover Kids - ages 5 to 8, will create a variety of projects utilizing different color mediums. The workshop will be held from 2 to 4 pm at the Bank Basement. The fee for this workshop is $5. Please register by contacting the Nebraska Extension Sioux County Office by January 15th. To abide by the COVID regulations, masks will be required.
State Level Achievement Applications
State Level Achievement Applications for youth ages 15 to 18 are due on January 15th. Youth will utilize this application form to be eligible for selection for National 4-H Congress and National 4-H Conference. To apply to be a delegate, youth must make that designation on their application form as well as complete the “Representing Nebraska 4-H.” section of the Application. Youth can utilize the Achievement Applications they turned in for County level awards and update it to be eligible to complete on the state level or submit a new one if they have not completed one before. For more information visit:
Winter Break Virtual Camp
Nebraska 4-H Camp staff are hosting a virtual Winter Break session on December 29th from 8:00 to 11:30 am. Participants will create an art project, complete a cooking, and STEM activity! This camp is for youth ages 5 to 14. The fee to participant in the winter break camp is $15.
Camp staff are also offering a winter camp at the Halsey National Forest from Saturday, January 16th to Monday, January 18th. Youth will get to enjoy the beauty of the National Forest at wintertime while experience the great camp opportunities. Youth will enjoy sledding, snow-people, hot chocolate, and more! Youth between the ages of 8 to 14 are welcome to attend. The fee for this camp is $150.
For more information about these camp opportunities along with the registration forms visit:
Black Hills Stock Show Youth Day
Black Hills 4-H Youth Day is February 1st from 8 am until 1 pm. Black Hills Stock Show 4-H events include Beef Cook-Off, Livestock Judging, Livestockology, Horse Quiz Bowl, Hippology, and the Dog Show. Youth must turn 8 by January 1, 2021 and not turn 19 before January 1, 2021. Individuals may enter a maximum of two events. Participants should wear a button-down shirt, polo, or team shirt. Boots for Livestock Judging and Livestockology, otherwise closed toed shoes and denim dress pants. Entries are due January 8th. More information can be found at:
Horse Stampede
This year the Horse Stampede Contest will be held at the Animal Science Building in Lincoln, NE on March 27th. The Horse Stampede offers multiple horse related contests that do not require live horses! Youth, between the ages of 10 and 18, can give a demonstration, a speech, participate on a team for Horse Bowl, submit a photography or art exhibit. The entry forms, Photography, and Art exhibits are due to the Nebraska Extension Sioux County Office on March 5th. Depending on health restrictions in March, virtual options may be available. For more information visit:
Companion Animal Contest
This year the Companion Animal Contest will be held virtually. Participants between the ages 10 to 18 should submit their online entry form by April 2nd as well as mail the entry fees. Art, Photography, Essay, and Demonstration entries and exhibits will be uploaded onto the online entry form. For more information visit:
Nebraska Cattlemen's Classic Livestock Judging Contest
The Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic Livestock Judging Contest will be held on Saturday, February 13th in Kearney, Nebraska. Participants will compete in one of three age divisions, Senior (16-18), Intermediate (12-15), and Junior (8-11). Youth will judge a total of 12 classes. Youth will be required to wear official dress. Entry forms are due on February 5th. For more information visit:
District and State Horse Show
This year the Panhandle District Horse Show will be held on June 14th at the Scottsbluff County Fairgrounds, in Mitchell, NE. The State Horse Show will be held July 10th through the 14th at Fonner Park in Grand Island, NE. You must complete the Horse Level 2 testing as well as turn in the entry forms and Horse ID sheets to the Nebraska Extension Sioux County Office by May 7th.
Need help studying for your Horse Level tests? Visit for study materials, games to play, and videos to help youth prepare to pass their horse level tests. Youth can visit the Extension Office to complete the written test, a future date for the riding test will be shared later.
Nebraska Extension Sioux County Office
Location: PO Box 277 Harrison, NE 69346
Phone: (308) 668-2428